
09/11/02  mitsuzono


09/11/02 tacchi




たとえばunemployed pplのアーギュメントなら、まず、派遣を廃止したら職を失う人がたくさん出ます!これはいかん!って言って、次にデータもってきて、現在こんなに派遣労働者がいるんだから廃止されたらほとんどの人が無職になちゃいますよね、って言って、最後に再び、派遣廃止で職を失って困る人がたくさん出てきますよ!国家にとっても失業率増加は重大問題ですよ!ってしめるとか。この場合RとEを逆にしたほうがいいかな。





09/11/02  haruKa



これはacademicなので、よくわかりませんがteam line(team stance)を言ったほうがいいかなと思います。いきなりargumentにはいっちゃった感があるので。






あと、最後の文が労働力失うって言うと、sign postから微妙にはずれるかもと思ったので、パートとかアルバイトもあるしあくまでも効率的ってところを押した方がいいかなと思いました。









一応原稿書いてみましたが、形式とかよくわからないので何かアドバイスを頂けたら幸いです。文法とかも変なとこあると思うので…       written by mitsuzono


Today we strongly believe that Japan shouldn't prohibit worker dispatching for employees and companies.In my spaech, we have three argument to support our opinion.First point is about increasing the number of unemployed people.Second point is about effeciency of getting labor force.Third point is about increacing the choice for job.

Then,I will explain our first point.Our first point is about increasing the number of unemployed people.If we take this plan, there will be many unempolyrd people.Today, there are so many dispatched workers in Japan.And the number of dispatched worker is increasing year by year.There was about 9 hundred thousands dispatched workers in 1998, about a million and 7 hundred thousands in 2002,  about 3millions and 8 hundred thousands in 2007.In other words, The number of dispatched worker in 2007 is larger than that in 2002 by 1.8 times, and larger than that in 1998 by 4 times.Moreover there are research about prohibition the manufacturing industry  dispatching.this research have shown that 67.0% dispathed workers object to the plan. This research made in 2009 and got 3405 answers.It is clear that if govornment take this plan, many people lost their works.These people will have difficulty to get new works more and more.After all, prohibition worker dispatching is bad for these people.

Next,let me explain our second argument.Our second point is about efficiency of getting labor force.As I said before, many people are working as dispatched worker in Japan now. The rate of company accepting dispatched worker is 36.7% in all. And the bigger the company's scale is, the more actively they adopt dispatched workers. This is shown by Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in 2006.That is because a company can get qualified people by using worker dispatching as dispatching broker have already researched workers' abilities. In adittion, a company can employ dispatched worker with low wages and don't have to pay insurance.So campanies can decrease labor cost and can expand thier scale.The research about manufacturing industry dispatching has also shown that 86.2% companies accepting dispatched worker insisted government shouldn't prohibit worker dispatchingThe research made in 2009 and got 1206 answers..In conclusion, if these workers can't work,many companies won't get their labor force efficiently.

Lastly,I'll explain our thied point,Our third point is about increasing the choice for job.Today, many kinds of company is accepting dispatched workers.For example, according to Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, manufacturing industry, service industry, office work, nursing care, education work, and many other kinds of companies accepting dispatched worker.And the perod of employment is defferent from each companies.Some companies pay for one day's work, and other companies employ them by the year.Therefore, as dispatched worker, they can experience many kinds of work, and this experience increase their choice for job.

From these reason, we strongly oppose prohibition worker dispatching. 

That all.Thank you for listening. 


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