

文章の後にある番号(例:4-2とか)は教科書のComprehension Question 2の問題番号です。



## Unit 2 ##

1. What is going to become compulsory in primary schools in England ? 4-1

2. What foreign language do they have to study in primari school ?

3. Are they enthusically ?

4. What age do they stop studying languages in school in the present system ?

5. What issues will be concerning learning foreign languages ?

## Unit 3 ##

1. What were protesters demonstrating about ? 4-2

2. What did she ask him ?

3. What is the messerge of this news ? 4-5

## Unit 4 ##

1. What are jamaicans celebrated in ? 4-1

2. How many slaves were brought to the Caribbean from Africa ? 4-2

3. What do the slaves have to do ?  sugar plantationを含む答えで

4. How the death of thomething slaves called ?

## Unit 5 ##

1. What happend in China last year ?

2. What is the first thing noticed in Beichan? 4-2

3. What does the first trapped suvivor ask the reseacher for ? 4-3

4. A rescued woman put her hand over her eyes. Why did she do ?

## Unit 6 ##

1. faster before What do they do ? 4-1かな?

2. What is the reason people walking fast ?

3. What did the resarcher find in the city ?

4. Why is the ' rat race ' not always healthy ? 4-4

5. What is the overall messerge of this news clip ? 4-5


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