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Whether you want to play a passionate Orlanthi barbarian, a logic-driven Malkioni sorcerer, a haughty Dara Happan noble, or any other human character, this chapter is for you.
Use these culture write-ups to immerse yourself in your character’s myths, history, magic and reasons for adventure.

Remember that a person who adheres to all of the stereotypical qualities of his culture is just as much an oddball as the eccentric outsider.
Most people fit some of the traits commonly associated with their nations and faiths, while departing from that standard image in other ways.
Glorantha claims its full share of effete, urbanised Orlanthi, wildly emotional Malkioni spellcasters and touchingly humble Dara Happan nobles.
These cultural descriptions are written from the point of view of a so-called typical member of each culture.
Attitudes may vary by locality or be influenced by the proximity of other faiths.
For instance, a draconised Orlanthi will tell many of the same stories as the baseline Orlanthi narrator but will use them to illustrate the virtues of EWF mysticism.



We are the Kraloreli, heirs to a hundred thousand years of sublime tradition.
We dwell in the Kingdom of Splendour.
For most of our history, we have isolated ourselves from outsiders, pursuing our perfection without looking to backward foreigners.
Now we have been changed by the outside world, which has brought our ancient wisdom back to us, in a new form.
Some of us have embraced it.
Others ? your humble correspondent among them ? have fled in horror from this insane innovation, taking to the hills, to preserve our time-honoured traditions from outside taint.
.外の世界の者どもだと? 汝は恥知らずにも彼奴らとやり取りがあるというのか? 彼奴らの厭らしい愚劣な革新などというものから距離を置かねばならぬ。遠ざかれ。外の世界の汚濁から時に嘉されし吾らがしきたりを守るのだ。

My Myths


There is a time before our land existed but that is not interesting.
There were entities that were bigger than gods but without inner understanding, for they were too simple to have an outside and an inside.
They just were.

Wild Man
The first of these entities changed when she developed pity.
She was All Encompassing She of the Before, who the peasants call Empress Earth.
She saw the mortal being called Wild Man roaming across the rocky face of her then-infertile earth.
He had been created by the other gods, perhaps as a sort of jest, or as an ineffable expression of their collective nature.
It does not matter.

Wild Man’s nature was to pair with whatever he saw.
He mated with stone and metal, and made dwarfs.
He mated with plants and foliage, and produced elfs.
With animals, he made the hsunchen races.
With sea monsters, he sired the undersea races.
All of his couplings were unsuitable and brought him dissatisfaction and suffering.
So Empress earth took pity on him and made the serene goddess Allgiver.

  • 超訳2号、ということで、漢語っぽくクラロレラ人を描こうとして、途中で眠くなってみたり…。「光輝帝国」という語はどこかで、たぶん、RuneQuest コンパニオンで見たことがあります。クラロレラ人は変化を遠ざけるんじゃなくて、自分が遠ざかるんですね。ちょっと意外。具体的には、「いやいや結構なものですな」と受け入れるフリをして無視か。確かに洗練されてる気もする。 -- (Efendi) 2008-01-22 23:27:18


最終更新:2008年01月22日 23:22