
YOK ...

Yokota, Yumi. 2014. "Norse Impact on Closed Class Words in Middle English: Reexamination of Snow-Ball Effect for Clear Communication". 『英語英文学研究』(20): 6-18. (東京家政大学人文学部英語コミュニケーション学科)

Yokota, Yumi. 2006. "Form and Function of Demonstratives in the Middle English Southern Texts and Speculation on the Origin of Th- Type Third Person Plural Pronouns in the North and South". Notes and Queries n.s 53: 300-3.

Yokota, Yumi. 2006. "A Study of THESE and THOSE in Three Different Texts of Pricke of Conscience." English Studies 87.6: 631-643.

Yokoyama, Yoshiki. 1991. "Foreigner Talk as Audience Design". JACET Bulletin 22: 135-147.


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