
MAS ...

増渕佑亮. 2017. 「文法知識に橋を架ける」『〈不思議〉に満ちたことばの世界(上)』編:高見健一, 行田勇, 大野英樹, pp. 200-203. 東京: 開拓社.

Masui, Michio. 1951. "The Characteristics of Chaucer's Syntax As Observed from the Rime Words." The Hiroshima University studies, Literature Department 1: 35-81. Downloadable from <>

Masui, Michio. 1962. "A Joint Study of the Language of the Paston Letters : Preliminary Survey --Its Scope and Select Material--" The Hiroshima University studies, Literature Department 20: 223-304. Downloadable from <>

Masui, Michio. 1964. The Structure of Chaucer's Rime Words; An Exploration into the Poetic Language of Chaucer. Tokyo: Kenkyusha.

Masui, Michio. 1970. "Further Consideration of Chaucer's Rimes : Supplementary Observations and Notes to Michio Masui: The Structure of Chaucer's Rime Words (Kenkyusha, Tokyo. 1964)." T he Hiroshima University studies, Literature Department 29: 92-124. Downloadable from <>


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