
KRE ...

Kretzschmar, William A. 2014. "Emergence of “new varieties” in speech as a complex system", in The Evolution of Englishes: The Dynamic Model and Beyond, ed. Sarah Buschfeld, Thomas Hoffman, Magnus Huber & Alexander Kautzsch, pp. 142-159. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Kretzschmar, William A. Jr. 2015. "Complex systems and the history of the English language", in Studies in the History of the English Language VI: Evidence and Method in Histories of English, ed. Michael Adams, Laurel J. Brinton & R. D. Fulk, pp. 277-306. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Kreyer, Rolf. 2007. "Inversion in modern written English: syntactic complexity, information status and the creative writer", in Corpus Linguistics 25 Years on, ed. Roberta Facchinetti, pp. 187-203. Rodopi.


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