
KOO ...

Koopman, W. F. 1990. "The Double Object Construction in Old English". Papers from the 5th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, ed. S. Adamson, et al., pp. 225-43. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Koopman, Willem F. 1990. Word Order in Old English, with Special Reference to the Verb Phrase. Doctoral dissertation, University of Amsterdam.

Koopman, Willem F. 1992. "The Distribution of Verb Forms in Old English Subordinate Clauses", in History of Englishes: new Methods and Interpretations in Historical Linguistics, ed. M. Rissanen, et al., pp. 319-335. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Koopman, W. F. 1995. "Verb-Final Main Clauses in Old English Prose". Studia Neophilologica 67: 129-144.

Koopman, Willem F. 1997. "Another look at clitics in Old English". Transactions of the Philological Society 95: 73-93.

Koopman, Willem F. 1998. "Inversion after Single and Multiple Topics in Old English", in Advances in English Historical Linguistics, ed. J. Fisia & M. krygier, pp. 135-49. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Koopman, Willem. 2005. "Transitional Syntax: Postverbal Pronouns and Particles in Old English". English Language and Linguistics 9: 47-62.

Koopman, Willem & Wim van der Wurff. 2000. "Two Word Order Patterns in the History of English: Variation and Change of Word-Order Patters over Time, ed. Rosanna Sornicola, Erich Poppe, and Ariel Shisha-Halevy. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 213. Amsterdam & Philadelphia. Pp. 259-83.


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