Derrick:You're manning this yacht for us,Niko.My contact's at these coordinates.
指示:Go to Kim's boat.
Derrick:Escorting a Korean contact of mine into the country with a boat load of fake hundred dollar bills.
Niko:As long as the ones he's paying us with are real,it dosen't matter.
Derrick:I owe ya an apology,Niko.I was dosed when you told me you'd killed Bucky and his boys.
Niko:Yeah, you were out of it.
Derrick:I haven't felt safe since Aiden O'Malley went inside.
Niko:Who's Aiden?
Derrick:Me,Bucky and Aiden,we all cared about the same stuff.We came together for a cause we believed in.At least I thought I believed in it. I was young.
Niko:This was a while ago then?
Derrick:Yeah.So Aiden got caught with something when he was somewhere he wasn't meant to be.Needless to say,he'll be inside for a time.Him and Bucky think I talked.Coudn't see no other way how he got caught.From what I hear,Aiden still rants about me to anyone who'll listen.
Niko:I know how if feels to be betrayed.
Derrick:You got that look about you.

Derrick:You Park's boy?
Kim:Yes,I Kim.You Derrick?
Derrick:Yeah,welcome to America.We're meeting your friend in Bohan.I'll text ya the route you got take.Best way to avoid checks.We'll cover your rear.
指示:Follow Kim.
Derrick:Another immigrant,arriving in this city,trying to make something om himself.Bring a tear to my eye.When this is done I won't have to leech off my brothers no more.This deal should mean I can take care of me self.
Niko:Provideng it goes to plan.It's in the hands of the Lord now.(ここで戦闘が発生したため会話が途切れる)
Niko:What the fuck is this?
Derrick:Think I gotta clue?Use our boat to shield Kim from these fuckers.I don't give a shit if this thing sinks,we got to protect him.I'd rather swim home tonight than come back tomorrow to dive for those notes.
指示:Stay close to Kim's boat.Protect him from the attackers.
Derrick:You done this before,Niko?
Derrick:Shit.they're sending the fucking airbone cavalry after us as well.Good thing we got a rocket launcher with us.A rocket launcher.It's in the back.Get rid of chopper with it.I'll drive the boat.
指示:Use the rocket launcher to shoot down the chopper.
指示:Eliminate every attacker.
Derrick:Good shooting,kid.Take charge of her again,will ya?You got better things to be doing take a swim,Niko.
指示:Get back to the boat's controls.Follow Kim.
Niko:How'd they know we were here?
Derrick:I don't know.I told my dealer I was good for the money I owed him.Maybe a few people at the pub I borrowed money from,as well.You'll say anything for a fix.
Niko:I wouldn't know.
Derrick:Could be a coincindence anyway.
Niko:Or fate?
Derrick:You sound like my mother.

Derrick:Here we are.Got him here in one piece.That was the deal.Thank,Niko.
Kim:Thank you Mr.McReary.Not such smooth journey.
Derrick:Yeah,got a bit hairy out there.Good thing you have your sea legs.I hope the rest of your time here is more peaceful.That's all you can hope for in this God forsaken world.See you round,Niko.
Niko:Dont't put all the pay off up your arm,Derrick.
Derrick:Only place for it,me boy.Only place for it.See you soon.


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最終更新:2008年06月20日 12:31