

Jeff : Hey, this is Jeff. Yeah, you remember, that happy go lucky guy? The one you told about his two-faced, cheating slut of a wife.
Niko : I just took some photos. But, yeah. How you doing now, anyway? You leave that bitch?
Jeff : You could say I cut some ties. Meet me at the garage off Silicon Street at the north east corner of Silicon Street...


Jeff : Hey.
Niko : What's going on?
Jeff : Yeah... I got a bit of a problem. Bit of a big fucking problem.
Niko : What's going on?
Jeff : Yeah, Jeff really did it this time. Jeff went too far. Jeff's been a bad boy. A really bad boy.
Niko : What are you saying lunatic?
Jeff : Remenmer my wife Shirfey? She had an accident.. in the kitchen.
Niko : What kind of an accident?
Jeff : The kind of accident where you stab yourself fifty fuckin' times with a kitchen knife, you fucking where.
Jeff : Fuck my friend will you?
Jeff? : Huh?
Jeff : Well, who's laughing now? bitch! Huh? Not you. You're fucking dead where!
Niko : Hey, buddy! Whoa! Calm down!
Jeff : Hey! FUck you!
Niko : Don't be an idiot. Now, what do you want me to do?
Jeff : Get rid of her and get rid of the car. Hey?
Niko : Okay, but its going to cost you. Five grand.
Jeff : Sure. Whatever.
Niko : Give me the keys. Put the guns away.
Jeff : Yeah. Okay, thanks.
Jeff : Oh, Jeff really messed up this time, didn't he? Oh.
Niko : Get out of here.
Jeff : Yeah...yeah...

Take the car up to Walnut Way where it is quiet and dump it in the walter.

You have been spotted. Lose your wanted level.

When a car is traveling at high speed, press Y to jump from the vehicle.

The body has been disposed of successfully.


Niko : I got rid of that body for you. You should be clean. Now all you need to worry about is your conscience.
Jeff : The whore, she brought this on herself! Practically stabbed herself by letting him give it to her. Thanks.


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最終更新:2008年05月18日 21:13