Elizabeta : Hey. Man, this is getting out of control.
Elizabeta : The police are all over me. I can feel them.
Niko : So?
Elizabeta : So? So? So... so I'm going to go to prison, for a long time!
Elizabeta : So, my life is over!
Elizabeta : All this work...for nothing, man.
Elizabeta : Being tough in a man's world...
Elizabeta : I guess I wasn't so tough, huh?
Erizabeta : Jorge turned state's... everyone's a rat!
Niko : Not me.
Elizabeta : Whatever.
??: Open up, man.
Elizabeta : Who is it?
??: It's the streets, man.
Elizabeta : Okay. Hold on.
Manny : Alright, man. This is what Manny's all about, man.
Niko : Manny...Many, Many, Many.
Manny : Now, word up, bitch, you betta stop slinging that shit on my streets, yo.
Manny : We don't want it anymore.
Manny : Hey, yo, Jay, you catching this?
Cameraman : -Rolling, rolling.
Elizabeta : -What is this Manny? For fuck's sake.
Manny : The streets have spoken. Now leave my people alone!
Manny : Yo, Niko, what you doing here?

Elizabeta : I am not in the mood for this right now.
Niko : Well he said he was going to bust a dealer...
Elizabeta : Can you help me clean this mess up?
Elizabeta : There's a doctor in Broker who can help. Come on, let's put 'em in my car.

Get in the car.
Take the bodies to the doctor.
You may want to close the trunk, the police will be able to see its contents.

Niko : I can't believe I've got a genuine celebrity in the back of my car.

LJ : Wha'gwan me brother, it's me, Jacob.
LJ : Wanna get some food?
Niko : Shit, Jacob, I'm sorry. I'm already hanging out with two friends.
Niko : I've kind of got my hands full looking after them.
Niko : We should do something soon though.


Niko : I've got some boodies in here.
Niko : I've heard you'll take care of them?
Doctor : Natural causes?
Niko: Of course, seems like a bullet in the head is as natural as it gets in this town.
Doctor : They weren't sick, were they?
Niko : No.
Doctor : Had a few problems with sick bodies.
Doctor : No one wants a liver if it's riddled with tumors, huh?
Doctor : Know what I mean?
Niko : No.
Doctor : Shit,
Doctor : looks like the bullet went right through this one's eye.
Doctor : And the price of eyes is through the roof at the moment.
Niko : Fine. Can i leave you with these or what?
Doctor : Sure. I'll have these organs out on the street in no time.
Doctor : They're gonna help a lot a folks.
Niko : He'd been trying to help the streets his whole life...
Niko : maybe he'll actually be doing it now.

Niko : The doctor has that stuff.
Elizabeta : Good. one less thing to brother me.
Elizabeta : The heat is closing in, Niko. This particular party is ending,


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最終更新:2008年08月19日 22:33