「CATCH THE WAVE」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

CATCH THE WAVE」(2008/09/22 (月) 17:17:03) の最新版変更点



**CATCH THE WAVE ~ストリップクラブ~ Phil : Hey Tommy, check this out... Phil : seven horse, seven race, Joe Shmoe. Tommy : Hey Phil. Phil : What? Phil : Hey, Pal... what's going on? Niko : Not too much. How are you? Phil : I'm good. Wanna walk and talk? Niko : Sure. Phil : Tommy, gimme a call if my big buddy calls. Phil : Tell him I went out to get some fresh air. Tommy : No problem. ~外~ Phil : Ridiculous. Phil : I'm a grown man walking around like a chump. Phil : I'm sorry about this. Niko : Hey, no problem. Phil : So you're a friend of Ray's? Niko : A friend? Niko : No. I do some work for him. Phil : No, I mean a friend. Niko : I don't understand. Whatever you say. Niko : He's a slimeball, but he pays. Phil : Sure, pal, sure. Listen to me... Phil : the thing about Ray is he's a good earner. Phil : He talks a lot of shit, but he's a good earner, capiche? Niko : He's a rat, Niko : doing an impression of a man. Phil : That's pretty good. Tommy : Phil! Phil!(2人に駆け寄る) Phil : What, what, what do ya want? Tommy : It's the boss... said you gotta head down the docks... emergency... said you'd understand. Phil : Ah shit, it's three days early, Madonna mia, what am I gonna do? Niko : What's the problem? Phil : Niko... Phil : I'm gonna have to take a chance with you, pal. Niko : Okay... Phil : C'mon let's go. (車に乗り込む2人) Phil : Ok listen. There's a truck waiting for us. It's under the overpass off Catskill Avenue, drive us there. Got to the &color(green){truck.} ~車で移動中~ Phil : You scan this thing for bugs? Niko : No, but we can be pretty sure it's clean. Chill out. Phil : Alright, alright. It's just that if we get caught on this one, you and me is going down for a long time. Phil : And that means that certain people is gonna assume we'll rat. Phil : Which means we'll get whacked. Niko : You're working with the wrong people if you expect 'em to whack you if you go inside. Niko : Where's the trust, Phil? Phil : It's about survival. Phil : If someone who knew what I knew got flipped then the whole organization would go down. Phil : Whacking someone who catches some heavy time is just an insurance policy. Phil : And it don't help that not everyone in the organization is pulling in the same direction. Niko : You mean that someone in the family would see someone else going inside as an opportunity to get ahead? Phil : You're a smart guy. Phil : Anyways, excuse me if I wanna be absolutely sure that we got our asses covered. Niko : You're excused. What're we doing? Phil : We're taking a load of product off of some Russians the Ancelottis have been dealing with. Phil : You was helping those Irish idiots cause some beef between the Ancellotis and their Albanian muscle a while back. Phil : Since that little love affair ended, they been getting this Russian guy to supply them with C. Phil : We just got the heads up that a shipment has arrived in Liberty City by boat. Niko : That's what the talk about the docks was? Phil : Exactly. We're talking the C off the Russians so they can't deliver it to the Ancelottis. Niko : Sounds straightforward. We take the coke so that the Russians and the Ancelottis have a falling out. Niko : And we make some money in the process by selling the stuff. Easy. Phil : Shit, you sound like you're saying all this just so it's clear on the wire tap. Phil : For the record I don't know what this man is talking about. We're rehearsing a scene for an acting class. Phil : I work in waste management. Everything we're saying is fiction, it has no bearing in the real world. Watch it Niko. ~目的地に到着~ Phil : Alright, this is the truck. (トラックに乗り換え) Drive to the &color(yellow){boatyard} on Charge Island. ~トラックで移動中~ Niko : Why we need this truck? It must be a shit load of coke we're talking? Phil : If should be a lot of sugar, but that ain't the only reason why we're talking this truck. Phil : Some of my boys stole it from the Ancelottis this morning. Phil : It's the one the Russians is expecting to come pick up the C. Phil : We should be able to turn up and have 'em load it up for us. Phil : Then we drive away, no questions asked. Niko : I don't know if anyone would give away a load of coke without asking any questions. Niko ; Even Russian coke runners ain't that stupid. Phil : Yeah, sure, this is just plan A. It's the one Jimmy P worked out. Phil : You and me know it ain't gonna work. Phil : And that the only way we're gonna be able to leave that place with the sugar is if all the Russians in there are dead. Niko : So, why don't we use a more subtle approach, not just drive right into the middle of them? Phil : Because these is the orders and we gotta follow them. That's the way things work. Phil : You ain't gonna be happy about everything you get told to do, are ya? Niko : You're the boss, it ain't like I'm working for free. Phil : No, you ain't. I ain't either. That's why we gotta at least try what we're told to do. Phil : You're gonna learn that there ain't much in this life that you got control of. Phil : Whether you're putting yourself in harm's way because that's the way the Skipper wants it done, Phil : or you're staying away from your kids because of a stupid court order and a malicious bitch of an ex-wife. Phil : there ain't that much control in anything. Niko : I been around long enough to know that there is some things that we don't have a choice about, Niko : but there's other times where you got to look at something and make a decision for yourself. Niko : I can't follow every order I'm given. Phil : Yeah, well, maybe you're right. Maybe you ain't. I dunno. ~目的地に到着~ Phil : This is it, keep a cool head and everything should be fine. (状況説明) The Russian drug runners are using the boatyard to smuggle cocaine into the city. The coke is brought in on speedboats from Vice City and has not yet been unloaded. The boatyard is heavily guarded - the element of surprise will be crucial. (トラックに近づく男) Phil : Hey, buddy, we're here to pick up the shipment. Man : I don't speak English. Fuck off. Phil : Hey, amigo, let's make this easy. I just wanna give the stuff to my boss and go home. Man : I don't let anyone in here until I get the word. Man : There's something wrong about you. Get out of the truck real slow. Phil : Niko, it looks like we're gonna have to do this the old fashioned way. Phil : Shoot these commies. ~銃撃戦~ Get through the boatyard with &color(green){Bell.} (銃撃戦の状況により以下ランダム)※これ以外にもあるかもしれません Phil : The drug game's ours, boys. Phil : Watch my back. Phil : Cover me, Niko. Phil : Eat, fucking, this. Phil : You went too far this time. Phil : You shoulda stayed out of this. Phil : Niko, I need some help here Phil : Err, Niko. The stuff's still on those boats. We best get 'em outta here. Phil : I'll take the one on the right, you get the one on the left. C'mon move it, Niko! (敵を一掃) Go to the &color(green){coke boat.} (ボートに乗る) Phil : We're heading to the docks in North Holland. Move out. Follow &color(green){Bell} to the drop-off point. ~ボートで移動中~ (敵のボートが出現) Niko : Phil, there's more of there guys coming after us. Protect Bell from the &color(red){attacking boats.} (敵を一掃) The attackers have been killed. Follow &color(green){Bell} to the drop-off point. ~目的地に到着~ Disembark onto the &color(yellow){jelly.} Phil : You handled yourself real good back there. Kept your head. That's a valuable trait. Niko : Thank you. Phil : See you later.
**CATCH THE WAVE ~ストリップクラブ~ Phil : Hey Tommy, check this out... ・ほらTommy、見てくれよ…。 Phil : seven horse, seven race, Joe Shmoe. ・馬は7番で、第7レース、Joe Shmoeだぜ。 Tommy : Hey Phil. ・おい、Phil。 Phil : What?(Nikoがやって来る) ・なんだ? Phil : Hey, Pal... what's going on? ・よぉ、お前か…どうだ調子は? Niko : Not too much. How are you? ・まぁまぁだ。アンタは? Phil : I'm good. Wanna walk and talk? ・いいねぇ。歩きながら話すか? Niko : Sure. ・ああ。 Phil : Tommy, gimme a call if my big buddy calls. ・Tommy、俺の親友から連絡があったら教えてくれ。 Phil : Tell him I went out to get some fresh air. ・俺は新鮮な外の空気を吸いに出ているとでも言っておけ。 Tommy : No problem. ・了解。 ~外~ Phil : Ridiculous. ・馬鹿げてるぜ。 Phil : I'm a grown man walking around like a chump. ・この俺がマヌケ野郎に振り回されてる。 Phil : I'm sorry about this. ・すまないな。 Niko : Hey, no problem. ・いや、気にすんな。 Phil : So you're a friend of Ray's? ・んでお前さんはRayの友人か? Niko : A friend? ・友人? Niko : No. I do some work for him. ・違うぜ。俺はただ奴から仕事をもらってるだけだ。 Phil : No, I mean a friend. ・そうじゃない、奴の味方かどうかって聞いてんだ。 Niko : I don't understand. Whatever you say. ・わからねぇ。どうでもいいぜ。 Niko : He's a slimeball, but he pays. ・奴はクソったれだが、報酬はちゃんと払う。 Phil : Sure, pal, sure. Listen to me... ・そうだな、ああ、そうだ。聞いてくれ… Phil : the thing about Ray is he's a good earner. ・Rayは、奴はイイ稼ぎ手だ。 Phil : He talks a lot of shit, but he's a good earner, capiche? ・おしゃべりすぎる気もあるが、腕は良い、わかるよな? Niko : He's a rat, ・アイツは信用がおけねぇ、 Niko : doing an impression of a man. ・雰囲気がそう言ってるぜ。 Phil : That's pretty good. ・そいつぁ~めでたいな。 Tommy : Phil! Phil!(2人に駆け寄る) ・Phil!Phil! Phil : What, what, what do ya want? ・どうした、どうした、何か欲しいものでもあんのか? Tommy : It's the boss... said you gotta head down the docks... emergency... said you'd understand. ・ボスからだ…埠頭に行けだとよ…緊急事態…アンタにそう言えば分かるって…。 Phil : Ah shit, it's three days early, Madonna mia, what am I gonna do? ・あ~クソっ、まだ3日前だぞ、なんてこった、どうすりゃいい? Niko : What's the problem? ・何か問題か? Phil : Niko... ・Niko… Phil : I'm gonna have to take a chance with you, pal. ・俺たちでやらないといけない、なぁ。 Niko : Okay... ・わかった… Phil : C'mon, let's go. ・来い、行くぞ。 (車に乗り込む2人) Phil : Ok listen. There's a truck waiting for us. It's under the overpass off Catskill Avenue, drive us there. ・よし聞け。トラックが待ってる。Catskill Avenue沿いの高架下だ、そこまで行ってくれ。 Got to the &color(green){truck.} ・&color(green){トラック}の所まで行け ~車で移動中~ Phil : You scan this thing for bugs? ・盗聴器チェックはしただろうな? Niko : No, but we can be pretty sure it's clean. Chill out. ・いや、でも安全なのは確実だ。落ち着けよ。 Phil : Alright, alright. It's just that if we get caught on this one, you and me is going down for a long time. ・わかってる、わかってる。ただもし俺たちがこの一件で捕まったら、お前さんと俺は長い間臭い飯を食うハメになるぜ。 Phil : And that means that certain people is gonna assume we'll rat. ・それに一部の人間は俺たちを裏切り野郎だと思うだろう。 Phil : Which means we'll get whacked. ・つまり殺されるってことだ。 Niko : You're working with the wrong people if you expect 'em to whack you if you go inside. ・ムショに入ったら殺されるなんて思うってことは、そもそもそんな奴らとつるんでることが間違ってるってことになるぜ。 Niko : Where's the trust, Phil? ・信頼って言葉はどこに行った、Phil? Phil : It's about survival. ・これはいわばサバイバルなんだよ。 Phil : If someone who knew what I knew got flipped then the whole organization would go down. ・誰か一人でも俺の知っていることを他にタレこむ奴がいれば、その瞬間、組織ごと壊滅だ。 Phil : Whacking someone who catches some heavy time is just an insurance policy. ・修羅場をくぐり抜けた野郎をあえて殺すのも、もしもの時の保険の一つだ。 Phil : And it don't help that not everyone in the organization is pulling in the same direction. ・別に組織の全員が同じ志じゃなくても、どうってことはねぇんだぜ。 Niko : You mean that someone in the family would see someone else going inside as an opportunity to get ahead? ・つまり成功するためにはファミリーの中の誰かがムショ送りになるところを見なきゃいけなぇって事だな? Phil : You're a smart guy. ・賢いな。 Phil : Anyways, excuse me if I wanna be absolutely sure that we got our asses covered. ・とにかく、悪いが俺は絶対の確信が欲しいんだ、自分のケツがちゃんと安全かどうかっていう確信がな。 Niko : You're excused. What're we doing? ・そりゃ大丈夫だ。これから何をするんだ? Phil : We're taking a load of product off of some Russians the Ancelottis have been dealing with. ・Ancelottiと取引してるロシア人から大量のブツをかっさらうんだ。 Phil : You was helping those Irish idiots cause some beef between the Ancellotis and their Albanian muscle a while back. ・お前が手伝ってたアイルランド野郎たちがAncelottiとアルバニアマッチョ達との間に喧嘩の火種を与えちまった。 Phil : Since that little love affair ended, they been getting this Russian guy to supply them with C. ・そんな情事が終わってからは、このロシア人どもとコカインをやり取りしてる。 Phil : We just got the heads up that a shipment has arrived in Liberty City by boat. ・俺たちは積み荷を運びにLiberty Cityにボートで来たところを狙うんだ。 Niko : That's what the talk about the docks was? ・それで埠頭がどうのこうの言ってたのか? Phil : Exactly. We're talking the C off the Russians so they can't deliver it to the Ancelottis. ・そうだ。俺たちがコカインをロシア人達から奪ってAncelotti達に渡せないようにする。 Niko : Sounds straightforward. We take the coke so that the Russians and the Ancelottis have a falling out. ・なんてわかりやすい。俺たちがロシア人とAncelottiをつぶすためにコカインを手に入れるってことだな。 Niko : And we make some money in the process by selling the stuff. Easy. ・んでその流れに乗じてそのブツを売りさばいて金を得る。いいねぇ。 Phil : Shit, you sound like you're saying all this just so it's clear on the wire tap. ・クソっ、お前おしゃべりのしすぎだ、盗聴器があったら丸聞こえだぞ。 Phil : For the record I don't know what this man is talking about. We're rehearsing a scene for an acting class. ・ちゃんと録音機材用にだな、私はこの男が何言ってるかわかりません。私たちは俳優になるため演技のリハーサルをしてるんです。 Phil : I work in waste management. Everything we're saying is fiction, it has no bearing in the real world. Watch it Niko. ・私は下水処理場で働いています。私たちが語っているのは全てフィクションで、現実とはまったく無関係ですって言え。気をつけろNiko。 ~目的地に到着~ Phil : Alright, this is the truck. ・よし、このトラックだ。 (トラックに乗り換え) Drive to the &color(yellow){boatyard} on Charge Island. ・トラックでCharge Islandの&color(yellow){ボートヤード}に向かえ。 ~トラックで移動中~ Niko : Why we need this truck? It must be a shit load of coke we're taking? ・なんでこのトラックが要るんだ?盗むのは大量のコカインだろ? Phil : It should be a lot of sugar, but that ain't the only reason why we're talking this truck. ・た~いりょうのコカインだからな、でもこのトラックが要るのはそれだけが理由じゃねぇ。 Phil : Some of my boys stole it from the Ancelottis this morning. ・今朝ウチの野郎がAncelottiからトラックを盗んできた。 Phil : It's the one the Russians is expecting to come pick up the C. ・コカインを積むために来るだろうとロシア人が思ってるトラックだ。 Phil : We should be able to turn up and have 'em load it up for us. ・ロシア人達には俺たちのトラックにコカインを積ませる。 Phil : Then we drive away, no questions asked. ・んでトンズラするって算段だ、誰も疑ったりしない。 Niko : I don't know if anyone would give away a load of coke without asking any questions. ・俺には何も聞かれず大量のコカインとともにトンズラできるとはとても思えねぇがな。 Niko ; Even Russian coke runners ain't that stupid. ・ロシアのコカイン要員もそこまで馬鹿じゃないだろ。 Phil : Yeah, sure, this is just plan A. It's the one Jimmy P worked out. ・ああ、そうだ、これは単なるプランAに過ぎねぇ。Jimmy Pが考えた案だ。 Phil : You and me know it ain't gonna work. ・お前と俺はその案じゃあ上手くいかないことぐらいわかってる。 Phil : And that the only way we're gonna be able to leave that place with the sugar is if all the Russians in there are dead. ・コカインを持ち逃げできる唯一の方法は、そこのロシア人が全員死んでからしか機会はない。 Niko : So, why don't we use a more subtle approach, not just drive right into the middle of them? ・じゃあ、もうちょっと慎重にやったらどうだ?敵のど真ん中に突っ込んでいくんじゃなくてよぉ。 Phil : Because these is the orders and we gotta follow them. That's the way things work. ・コレは命令で俺たちはそれに従うのみだ。物事ってのはそうやるように出来てる。 Phil : You ain't gonna be happy about everything you get told to do, are ya? ・全て言われたとおりにやるってのはお前さんは気がすすまねぇかも知れねぇが、そうだろ? Niko : You're the boss, it ain't like I'm working for free. ・まぁアンタがボスだ、俺は単独じゃ働けないしな。 Phil : No, you ain't. I ain't either. That's why we gotta at least try what we're told to do. ・そうだな。俺も同じだ。だから少なくとも言われたことはやらねぇといけねぇ。 Phil : You're gonna learn that there ain't much in this life that you got control of. ・人生は自分の思ってるほど自由じゃねぇんだなって分かるだろうよ。 Phil : Whether you're putting yourself in harm's way because that's the way the Skipper wants it done, ・たとえ自分がいばらの道に放り込まれても、それが頭に言われたことなら仕方ねぇし、 Phil : or you're staying away from your kids because of a stupid court order and a malicious bitch of an ex-wife. ・たとえ我が子と引き離されたとしても、バカな判事と性格の悪ぃ元妻の言うことなら仕方ねぇんだ。 Phil : there ain't that much control in anything. ・何事も思ったほど自由じゃねぇんだよ。 Niko : I been around long enough to know that there is some things that we don't have a choice about, ・俺はもう充分にそんな世界を経験してきた、選択肢の選べない世界をな。 Niko : but there's other times where you got to look at something and make a decision for yourself. ・でも自分の目で物事を見て、自分で判断するっていう別の世界もある。 Niko : I can't follow every order I'm given. ・俺は俺のできることしかやらない。 Phil : Yeah, well, maybe you're right. Maybe you ain't. I dunno. ・ああ、そうだな、それは正しいかもしれない。でも正しくないのかもしれない。俺には分かんねぇわ。 ~目的地に到着~ Phil : This is it, keep a cool head and everything should be fine. ・ここだ、落ち着いて振る舞っとけばすべてうまくいく。 (状況説明) The Russian drug runners are using the boatyard to smuggle cocaine into the city. ・ロシア人の薬の運び屋はこの街への密輸にこのボートヤードを使用している。 The coke is brought in on speedboats from Vice City and has not yet been unloaded. ・Vice Cityからのコカインはボートで運ばれ、まだ降ろされていない。 The boatyard is heavily guarded - the element of surprise will be crucial. ・ボートヤードにはかなりの護衛がいる。心筋梗塞を起こすにはもってこいの場所だ。 (トラックに近づく男) Phil : Hey, buddy, we're here to pick up the shipment. ・よぉ、アンタ、俺たちは船荷を引き取りに来たんだが。 Man : I don't speak English. Fuck off. ・俺は英語は話さねぇんだよ。クソ野郎。 Phil : Hey, amigo, let's make this easy. I just wanna give the stuff to my boss and go home. ・よぉ、アミーゴ、こんなことさっさと終わらせちまおうぜ。俺はただボスにブツを渡してウチに帰りたいだけなんだ。 Man : I don't let anyone in here until I get the word. ・俺が納得するまでは誰であろうとここには入れさせねぇ。 Man : There's something wrong about you. Get out of the truck real slow. ・お前、なんか胡散臭いな。ゆ~っくり車から降りろ。 Phil : Niko, it looks like we're gonna have to do this the old fashioned way. ・Niko、どうやら昔ながらの方法でやらないといけねぇみたいだ。 Phil : Shoot these commies. ・殺っちまえ。 ~銃撃戦~ Get through the boatyard with &color(green){Bell.} ・ボートヤードを&color(green){Bell}と突き進め。 (銃撃戦の状況により以下ランダム)※これ以外にもあるかもしれません Phil : The drug game's ours, boys. ・薬は俺たちのもんだぜ、お前ら。 Phil : Watch my back. ・後ろを頼む。 Phil : Cover me, Niko. ・援護してくれ、Niko。 Phil : Eat, fucking, this. ・喰らえ、クソっ、この。 Phil : You went too far this time. ・逝っちまったな。 Phil : You shoulda stayed out of this. ・関わらねぇ方が身のためだぜ。 Phil : Niko, I need some help here. ・Niko、助けが必要だ。 Phil : Err, Niko. The stuff's still on those boats. We best get 'em outta here. ・あ~、Niko。ブツはまだボートの上だ。ボートごと奪うぞ。 Phil : I'll take the one on the right, you get the one on the left. C'mon move it, Niko! ・俺は右のボートに乗る、お前は左に乗れ。行くぞ、Niko! (敵を一掃) Go to the &color(green){coke boat.} ・&color(green){コカインを積んだボート}に乗れ。 (ボートに乗る) Phil : We're heading to the docks in North Holland. Move out. ・North Hollandの埠頭まで行くぞ。来い。 Follow &color(green){Bell} to the drop-off point. ・接岸地点まで&color(green){Bell}についていけ。 ~ボートで移動中~ (敵のボートが出現) Niko : Phil, there's more of there guys coming after us. ・Phil、奴らまだ追ってきやがるぜ。 Protect Bell from the &color(red){attacking boats.} ・&color(red){攻撃}からBellを守れ。 (敵を一掃) The attackers have been killed. Follow &color(green){Bell} to the drop-off point. ・敵は殺した。接岸地点まで&color(green){Bell}についていけ。 ~目的地に到着~ Disembark onto the &color(yellow){jelly.} ・&color(yellow){船}を降りろ Phil : You handled yourself real good back there. Kept your head. That's a valuable trait. ・ホントよくやってくれた。死ぬなよ。失くすには惜しい人材だからな。 Niko : Thank you. ・ありがとよ。 Phil : See you later. ・またな。

