suzuzun @Wiki

1 June 06



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だれでも歓迎! 編集
today, suzu went out with nainai. and then suzu slept in the car by mistake. soo da yo. and suzu went to ikea and suzu drank pepsi but mami didn't like pepsi. Suzu was thinking why mami didn't like pepsi. suzu came back home and put the water under the light. and then suzu said if you put on the other light, it would be easier. and suzu was wondering where mami was going outside to. and suzu went outside to find her brown bear. kore kore no kore mite. and then suzu need to take it back and suddenly suzu saw mami. and suzu want teddy bear to practice aikido. moo ikkai. and suzu wanted teddy bear to fly so suzu needed to go to sofa to throw teddy bear and make it fly. It's quite amazing.


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