suzuzun @Wiki




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だれでも歓迎! 編集
Today, suzu practiced reading and writing "clean my teeth". Suzu wrote, "clean my teeth!". For the first time, Suzu wrote "my teeth! Clean". Second time, Nainai helped. Nainai wrote "Clean my teeth" and asked suzu to copy it. Suzu tried, but she wrote "Cleean my teeth". There was an extra 'e' in 'clean'.  Suzu tried again, and this time, she could write it properly. Then, suzu and nainai practiced "Clean my teeth", "Crocodile said", and "Not me". Suzu could not write in straight line, so nainai draw lines. Suzu practiced, and could write very well in the end.
Suzu played with her yellow baloon. She tossed and tossed. She tossed as many as 14 times.


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