添削by Tsubasa




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作成者 伊藤。

Thank you Mr.[Madam] Adjudicator. Hallo everyone <in this debate>. <As all of you already know>In March 11th, higashinihon earthquake happened(→a huge earthquake happened in the northern part of Japan). By this happening(→disaster), fukusima daiichi *1NUCLEAR POWER PLANT(S) was broken and have given much people and area much damage. *2So NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS has much harm. *3And NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS doesn’t have so much merit compared to this harm.

  • *1 NUKLEAR POWER PLANTS(以下、NPP)が大文字なのはなぜでしょう?強調して読むということですか?
  • *2 Soというほどの強い因果関係ではないかと。あくまで導入ですし。
  • *3 自分たちの立場を強めるためにはNPPは百害あって一利なし、ぐらいの立場でよいのではないかと

We have two arguments <to prove why we should abandon the nuclear power generation>. First argument is(→Firstly, let me explain) that NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS has harms very much. Second argument is that(→Secondly, I will prove that) NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS doesn’t have so much merit.



First arg is..., Second arg is...というと初心者感があるからちょっと工夫しよう(直すように言わなかったチーフのせいにしていいので)

I explain first argument, nuclear power plants have much and much(→too much) harms.


What is the biggest harm of it? This is radioactivity. What is radioactivity’s harm? This is to be exposed to radiation. What is radiation’s harm? One, the number of patients of cancer increase, two, Gene is damaged, three, we can’t see this damage! If gene is damaged, our children will have damages. So this damage will continue forever!

Does NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS give damage in happening accidents only?
This is not true! NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS make radioactivity every time.

How little radioactivity gives people damage.
So NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS continue to give people damage!
(このままだと感嘆文になってしまいそう・・・No matter how[However] little the radioactivity does damage to people, that will continue to damage them.とかかな)

And we have to consider (about) the trash of NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS.
We must have disposed of the high level trash of NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS for 1 million years.
(must have p.p.だから「~だったに違いない」ってことかな。ちょっと意味がとれませんでした。
1 millionという数字の出所が知りたいですね。)

Please imagine about 1 millions future.
You must not imagine!
You can't imagine it, can you?という意味合いですかね?

So if we use NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS, we must consider about long and long time that we cannot imagine.
(→ we must think in such a long time span)
This is impossible.

Now Japanese people can’t export foods compared before this accident, because many people don’t want to eat foods included(→containing) radioactivity.
Other things are same as foods because no one wants to use things included radioactivity.
(→The same thing can be said to other affairs.かな?)

This damage to economic(→the economy) is big because much company earns the money by exports and many people work there.
When we collect uranium, we break nature. It is explained in 日本が破壊する世界遺産by photo journalist itoutakaaki. In Australia and India and so on, many people are exposed to radiation and there are many the patients of cancer or a deformed child and a miscarriage. Though these people don’t use NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS or electricity, they are victim of developed country’s egoism! So NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS is harm to nature!
In summary, NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS has much and much harms!

Next, I explain the second argument that NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS doesn’t have so much merit.
Why we use NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS? This is because we need electricity. So, we don't have to use NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS if we can make electricity without NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS. Now Under the Status Quo, we can make electricity without NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS! So NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS doesn’t have uniqueness!
First, the capacity of own making which companies have 6000kw and half of them is not used, it is explained inエネルギーと原発のウソをすべて話そうby takeda kunihiko, professor of tyubu university. 3000kw is 20% of all electricity. And fire power plants stop 50% it is explained in原発のウソ by koide hiroaki from Kyoto university NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS is 30%! So we can provide much electricity without NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS!
So, we can stop NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS without worrying about providing electricity and waiting developing clean energy! But we must develop clean energy. But if we stop NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS, we can use much money to develop because we use much money to NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS. If we can use much money, study of energy will be grown and technology will be developed!
So, NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS doesn’t have so much merit.

we must stop NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS now! Thank you for listening.


Hallo ladies and gentlemen. Now under the status quo many people have bad image of nuclear plants. But it is bad situation because we need nuclear power plant. So I want to explain the three reasons why we need the nuclear power.

とりあえず一つ目はnegative image




First argument is “Energy supply” People use more energy than several years ago and in the future people will use more energy than status quo.
<The demand for energy is growing more and more.>ぐらい付け加えてもいいんじゃないでしょうか。

So, we need to ensure a steady supply of energy.

Nuclear power plant can supply energy steadily, so nuclear power plant can be major energy supplier.
その根拠としてonly a small uraniumから大量のenergyを得られることとかをあげてもよいのではないでしょうか

If Japan abolish nuclear power plant, Japan have to find the other ways to supply energy.
同じくhasですかね、というより未来なのでwill have toで

However, other energy sources cannot replace with nuclear power plant.

Stability is needed to be major energy supplier.

Solar power and other eco friendly energy cannot supply energy steadily.
cannot supply[provide] enough energy to support citizens

These energy sources can be a minor source, but these cannot be a major source because of its less stability.
In 2010, Japan depended on nuclear power for 23%, and before the events of 3/11, Japan looked to depend on nuclear power for 50% of its energy needs by 2030.
This is because Japan is a small island nation and poor at resources and cannot heavily rely on foreign countries for energy.
japan is forced to rely on
Is it good to keep relying on foreign countries?みたいに疑問を投げかけてみてもいいかもしれません。

We need the energy which can be produced without natural resources and other countries' help if we want to grow up our nation more.
Now, we have no energy sources but nuclear energy which can make sure our desire.

The only way for Japan to meet our demands of energy is using nuclear power generation.

So, we should not abolish nuclear power plant. 

Second argument is economic impact. (以下産業の空洞化の問題をTPPや震災以後の企業流出のデータから説明し、電力の問題がこれを加速させると説明)

bad effect to the economy
damage to the economyでしょうか

Third argument is people’s daily life. (以下上記二つが市民生活に与える問題を説明)



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最終更新:2011年11月28日 15:38


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