
面倒なので略語を使います 原発→NP


  • AREAの法則に沿っていない原稿が結構見られます。最初に結論を持ってくる英語の文章の作り方を再確認してください。
  • アカデミックディベートは、弁護士養成の色合いが強いと聞きました。裁判で弁護士が立証していくようなイメージで、的確な証拠で論理を並べて行きましょう。
  • 事前に準備ができるので、パーラー以上にきちんとした英語が求められるはずです(自信無いですが)。書き言葉になる必要まではないと思いますが、単語の羅列のようなものでは心象が悪いと思われます。
  • 今回のモーションは、福島第一原子力発電所の事故が当然の前提ですので、原発事故をどのように評価し位置づけるのかがキーポイントになると思います。原発維持の方に回るのであれば、原発事故に対して一定の説明(人為的ミスだった?など)があるべきだと(少なくとも個人的には)思います。
  • 九大の弱点(僕の弱点がみんなに伝染していると想定できるのですが)としてseriousnessやso whatが弱いと言われます。論理が完成した後、その論理が成立すると具体的にどのように改善されるかもしくはどんなharmが起きるかについて言及するのを忘れずにお願いします。



岩田、太田チーム 反対立論

Thank you ladies and gentlemen. Now, under the status quo, Japan is suffering from the lack of electricity, and japan depends on nuclear power generation very largely. (震災に絡んで電力不足だということをやはり言うべきではないかなー)Because nuclear power generation is the vital energy source for japan, it is impossible to abolish nuclear power generation and promote alternative energy resources. (文頭のbecauseはsinceにしなさいって高校の先生が言ってた)In addition, abolishing nuclear power generation will cause economic problems. In my speech, there are three arguments.I will explain one by one.


Our first argument is the problems of alternative energy resources.「AreaのA」を入れましょう。alternativeは頼りにならない!という結論をはじめに。 If japan abolish nuclear power generation, it will have to promote alternative energy resources. According to Mr.Baba,(人名についてなのですが、Mrを付ける必要あるのかということを思うのですが。MRを言うくらいなら下の名前をつけたほうがわかりやすいかなーと個人的には) a business consultant, about 70% of Japanese natural energy is produced by hydroelectric power generation, and about 30% is produced by biomass generation. However, the rate of other generations such as solar generation or wind generation is less than 1%. He says it is impossible to promote hydroelectric generation or biomass generation any more. This is because most Japanese land which is suitable for hydroelectric power generation is already used, and cheap biomass fuels are decreasing. Therefore, Japan will have to depend on wind generation or solar generation. However these generations have so many problems. According to sankei news, 2011.7.11, solar power generation cost three times as much as thermal power generation. Mr.Son, the president of softbank proposed a plan to introduce solar panels in 10000 households. This will cost 12 trillion yen, which will finally become the burden on people. Wind generation has problems too. Japan is not suitable to make wind generation because japan is a small countriy and typhoons come to japan so frequently. It will cost too much to use Japanese small and mountainous land for wind generation. As I explained alternative energy resources have so many problems. .(manyというほどのproblemはなかったように思います。このArgの中には複数の要素が入っているので、1st problem is~, the 2nd problem is~というように分けて言うとわかりやすくなっていいのではないでしょうか。具体的に~つの問題があるというふうに言うほうが説得力が増すように思われます。)(風力発電が脳に障害を与えたり、地熱発電ができる場所は景観保護規制がかかっている<国立公園>といった自然エネルギー個別の問題点もあるので、よかったら調査して検討してみてください。)

Our second argument is green house gases(特に温室効果ガスという括りにしたいこだわりがないのならCO2という表記のほうが伝わりやすいんじゃないかな?). 「APでは、CO2の排出量が増えるという結論をここに」In general, nuclear power generation is said to emit less CO2.(全体を見るとlessですが、発電中にCO2を出す火力などと比べると、原発は発電によりCO2は出さないので、emit no CO2 in electricity generation processという風に大きく出てもいいと思います。) Japan is now trying to reduce CO2 emission. (京都議定書、鳩山総理の発言など国際社会への約束として、削減を掲げているという表現にしたほうがより深刻さが出るかな?)If japan abandon nuclear power generation, japan will have to depend on thermal power generation, which emits more CO2 than other ways. According to Yomiurishinbun, 2011.6.8, if japan abandon all nuclear power plants and use thermal power plants for the loss, CO2 emission will increase by about 15% in 2020. Japan set a goal to reduce CO2 emission by 25% by 2020. If japan abandon nuclear power generation, japan will be unable to achieve this goal. If japan lower the goal, japan will send a message that japan doesn't mind environmental problems, and lose international trust, and finally lose its power in the world community.(この結論はいいと思いますが、「地球温暖化が進む恐れ」という本来の結論も入れておくと良いと思います。)

Our third argument is impact on the economy.「economyに悪影響がでるという結論をはじめに」 According to the researches by fujitsu, electricity charges will increase by 19.4% in 2012, and the increase of electricity charges per one household will be about 23,000 yen per year. According to the Minister in Charge of Economic and Fiscal Policy, Mr.Yosano says if japan abandons nuclear power generation, Japanese GDP will decrease. After taking this proposal, japan will have to import more and more fossil fuels and Japanese money will spread to other countries, and Japanese GDP will decrease. According to him, if stable electricity supply stops after abolishing nuclear power generation, companies may move to other countries where they can get stable electricity and cheap labor, and in this point, GDP will decrease too. (なぜ電力の安定供給が大事かということを説明が欲しいです。ヨーグルトとか納豆とかの生産が一時止まったことがありました。精密機器もそうかな?)According to hokuriku electronic company, Japan imports uranium mainly from Australia or Canada. These countries are politically stable. However, Japan imports fossil fuels from a small number of countries, most of which are developing countries. Therefore, if these countries stop exporting fossil fuels , japan will be unable to ensure enough electricity and will be forced to suffer from serious lack of electricity. Finally Japanese electricity charges will increase, and consumption will be weak, and Japanese economy will be worse.

Finally, I want to summarize my speech. As I explained, if Japan abandon nuclear power generation, many problems will happen, and these problems will finally lead to economic problems. In order to avoid such problems, japan shouldn't abandon nuclear power generation. Thank you for listening.

代替案のhuman errorはどのように主張するのでしょうか。ある程度作っておくと良いと思います。「想定」が低すぎたとか電力会社独占の実態など攻め方はいろいろ。

岩田、太田チーム 賛成立論

Hello everyone.March, 2011(遠く感じるので、This Marchとかのほうがいいのでは?) the big earth quake(bigでは弱すぎるような気がします。The biggest earthquake in history) is (was?)happened at sanriku-oki. The earthquake is very big and it causes Tsunami. (ここまですべて現在時制になってますが、過去形にすべきじゃないでしょうか)They damage to Tohoku area seriously(is<was> very serious ). And <the>most serious problem is the damage to nuclear power plant. And now many people suffer from it. (人々が被害を受けているのは、NPへのダメージのせいですが、ここはThe accident of nuclear power plantにすべきじゃないでしょうか。)nuclear power generation cause many trouble , so we strongly believe we should abundant it.

Then we move to our argument. We have three arguments. First is the accidental possibility(この表記にする意図が特にないのなら、the possibility of accidentsがベターではないでしょうか). Second is how to dispose of waste materials. Third is the necessity. (前2つがある程度具体性を持っているので、ここはnecessity of NPくらいがバランスが良い。)
So I will explain about first argument. Our first argument is dangerousness of nuclear power generation. It has two clear troubles. One is the possibility of accident and second is how to dispose of waste materials. (ちょっとここは大きな問題です。二つ目のArgの放射性廃棄物が一つ目のArgの説明に割り込んでいます。論理としてすっきりさせるために絞り込んだがいいのでは?)
So far there are many troubles about the plant.(具体的に何ですか。被害状況が必要では?) And what is more, it caused not only by nature but also by human error. Three accident happened for only one mouth.
Once the accident happen, a lot of(具体的な量を) radioactivity spread to wide area(遠くは~までといった例を). And it does citizen harm such as the people live in Fukushima.(wide areaと若干矛盾します。Not only Fukushima People, but also Tokyo area peopleのような表記がいいのでは?) The accident of nuclear power generation is often happened and it emits a lot of radioactivity. So nuclear power generation is very dangerous.

Then let me explain our second argument. Our second argument is how to dispose of waste materials. (ここから一般的な原発の話になるので、ワンクッションほしいです。)After generating electricity, nuclear power plant takes out of a lot of radioactive waste. According to Ministry of Economy(噂によると出典まで聞かれる場合があると言いますので、しっかり元データは残しておいてくださいね), we dispose of radioactive waste in the way of deep geological disposal. But it has problem. It is it can leak radioactivity. To remove completely, it takes about 1,000,000 years. We believe that we cannot protect such a long time because the case become friable and it is broken when the earthquake happen. According to Asahi newspaper, approximately 10% of all earthquakes are caused in japan. The shelter cannot protect radioactivity from these earthquake.(具体例が出てて良いと思います。)(高レベル放射性廃棄物の処理の問題として、処分場の候補地選びの困難さもあります。現状日本に的確な処分ができる施設はないようです。)(一方で、この問題は、APで原発を放棄しした際にも避けられない問題です。反対派からつつかれたたときに、どのように答えるか一応の用意があっても良いのではないでしょうか。)

The third is about the necessary. Now under the status quo, we use nuclear power to generate electricity. But we can cover without using the dangerous way. The electrical demand can cover by thermal power generation. According to Koide Hiroaki, there are too many power plants and now only 48% of them are moved. Regarding thermal power, we also use it only half of all. Even if we generate electricity by thermal power instead of by nuclear, the capacity factor becomes about 70%. As we can see, the electricity is filled without using nuclear power. (議論全般として脇が甘いと思います。現にこの夏の電力供給需要は節電対策をやっていたのにもかかわらず90%を超えていました。電力供給の不安定さは産業の国外流出にも繋がる問題です。再検討が必要なArgではないでしょうか。)
For these reason, we strong believe that Japan should abandon nuclear power generation.
That is all. Thank you for listening.


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最終更新:2011年11月28日 20:10


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