岩田、太田チーム 賛成立論

By Tsubasa 2011/11/27 0:33


Hello everyone. In this March, the great earthquake happened at Sanrikuoki. The earthquake was very big and it causes huge Tsunami. The damage to Tohoku area was so serious. And the most serious problem was the damage to nuclear power plant. And now many people suffer from it. The accident nuclear generation caused many trouble, so we strongly believe we should abundant it.

To prove this, we have three arguments. Firstly, I will talk about the risk of accidents. Secondly, I will talk about how to dispose of nuclear waste materials. Finally, I will talk about necessity. So let me explain one by one.

Our first argument is the risk of accident. Now many people suffer from the accident, which is caused by Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plants. According to the reconstruction headquarters in response to the great japan earthquake, now about 3300,000peaple escape from Fukushima and live in other prefecture for avoiding strong reactivity. And European Committee on Radiation Risk expects that about 4million people will take cancer for 50 years. Once the accident happen we expose such a danger. To spend safety life, we must run nuclear power plant without any accident truly. But accidents will happen. Generally speaking, the accident is caused by earthquake. So the risk of accident is very law. However many accidents of nuclear power plant are caused by not only earthquake but also human error. Human error raises the risk of nuclear power plant. Even after the Fukushima nuclear accident, human caused many accidents. For only one mouth there accident happened. It is Kashiwazaki-Kariwa, Shiga, and Genkai. And the two great accidents, which happened at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl was caused human error. That is because the risk of accident is not small. Once an accident happens, a lot of radioactivity spread to wide area. And it does citizen harm such as the people live in Fukushima. The accident of nuclear power generation is often happened and it emits a lot of radioactivity. So nuclear power generation is very dangerous.

Then let me explain our second argument. Our second argument is how to dispose of nuclear waste materials. The power plant uses radioactivity to generate erection. And after that, they release a lot of radioactive waste. Radioactive waste has strong radioactivity. But we cannot remove it soon. We have to keep until it vanishes completely. According to Ministry of Economy, we dispose of radioactive waste in the way of deep geological disposal. It is we vary it in under grand deeply. But it has problem. It is that it can leak radioactivity in the future. It takes about one million years to remove it completely. We believe that we cannot protect such a long time because the protector become fragile and it is broken when the earthquake happens. According to Asahi newspaper, approximately 10% of earthquakes wich happen all over the world are caused in japan. The shelter cannot protect radioactivity from these earthquake. After releasing, the soil will is polluted and we will expose to radiation.
The way of disposing nuclear waste materials has problem so nuclear power generation should be abandoned.

Next, the third is about the necessity. Now under the status quo, we use nuclear power to generate electricity 30% of all electricity in japan. But it is dangerous way as I said before. However we can cover without using the dangerous way, because the electrical demand can cover by other generating way. Now in japan there are many power plants such as thermal, water, and so on. But we do not work all of this. According to Hiroaki Koide an export on nuclear power plant, now only 48% of them are working. If we stop the nuclear power plant, we can cover it to raise the operating rate. And by using green energy more, we can deduce the burden on the environment. So we do no need nuclear power generation.

For these reason, we strongly believe that Japan should abandon nuclear power generation.
Thank you for listening.

【賛成立論原稿】 by ota
Hello everyone.March, 2011 the big earth quake is happened at sanriku-oki. The earthquake is very big and it causes Tsunami. They damage to Tohoku area seriously. And most serious problem is the damage to nuclear power plant. And now many people suffer from it. nuclear power generation cause many trouble , so we strongly believe we should abundant it.

Then we move to our argument. We have three arguments. First is the accidental possibility. Second is how to dispose of waste materials. Third is the necessity.
So I will explain about first argument. Our first argument is dangerousness of nuclear power generation. It has two clear troubles. One is the possibility of accident and second is how to dispose of waste materials.
So far there are many troubles about the plant. And what is more, it caused not only by nature but also by human error. Three accident happened for only one mouth.
Once the accident happen, a lot of radioactivity spread to wide area. And it does citizen harm such as the people live in Fukushima. The accident of nuclear power generation is often happened and it emits a lot of radioactivity. So nuclear power generation is very dangerous.

Then let me explain our second argument. Our second argument is how to dispose of waste materials. After generating electricity, nuclear power plant takes out of a lot of radioactive waste. According to Ministry of Economy, we dispose of radioactive waste in the way of deep geological disposal. But it has problem. It is it can leak radioactivity. To remove completely, it takes about 1,000,000 years. We believe that we cannot protect such a long time because the case become friable and it is broken when the earthquake happen. According to Asahi newspaper, approximately 10% of all earthquakes are caused in japan. The shelter cannot protect radioactivity from these earthquake.

The third is about the necessary. Now under the status quo, we use nuclear power to generate electricity. But we can cover without using the dangerous way. The electrical demand can cover by thermal power generation. According to Koide Hiroaki, there are too many power plants and now only 48% of them are moved. Regarding thermal power, we also use it only half of all. Even if we generate electricity by thermal power instead of by nuclear, the capacity factor becomes about 70%. As we can see, the electricity is filled without using nuclear power.
For these reason, we strong believe that Japan should abandon nuclear power generation.
That is all. Thank you for listening.


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