

09/06/09 nagata

Now many minors have a cellar phone. According to the research by Cabinet office, 96.4% of Japanese minors have own cellar phone. Judging from this, you can see the fact that cellar phone has a big effect on minors. So we strongly believe that today's plan will cause a really bad change bad for minors.

So our team stance is that minors should understand the correct way of using cell phones by education and it leads to protecting them and enrich their life. If government prohibitscellar phones, does it lead to solve all problems? As my partner said, a cellar phone has many advantages, so government should not take it away from minors but educate them in order to use cell phones correctly.

So I refute back to what previous speaker said in this stance.

next, let me reconstruct our point.
Our first point is about safety of minors.
Now many crimes and accidents involving minors occur. According to the police white paper of Japan, there are 1345(one thousand three hundred forty five) atrocious crimes and 15775(fifteen thousand seven hundred seventy five) violent crimes involving minors. Minors don't have enough knowledge of crime and accident and they can't protect themselves unlike adults. Now many minors go to the cram school or private lesson and practice in club activity, so they go home at night. <だから危ない、まできちっと入れたほうがいい?夜>So they should have own cell phone and carry it. Cell phone has very useful function to protect minors. The function is GPS. GPS is the system calculating a person' position by using satellite. So minors can know where they are now and their parents can also know it. It leads to solving accidents and crimes. I have one evidence to support this point.
According to MSN industry and economic News, in March of 2008, five elementary students got lost in Mt.Tikuha, but by using GPS they can been rescued within about two hours and thirty minutes.
Like this, GPS can rescue minors. If minors are kidnapped, GPS tell us where they are, and it leads to early solution.
In addition, there are some cell phones which have crime prevention buzzer. If minors go home at night and are attacked by suspicious person, buzzer's big sound can repulse him. And the function of calling is(欠落)also useful to protect minors because they can ask help by calling.
Like this, cell phone has convenience(ここare very convenientじゃいかんかい?抽象名詞は扱いに気をつけて), moreover it protect minors. There are no goods which are used by ordinary people and have GPS except cellar phone. If we adapt the plan, it is clear that minors lose their safety. Government has responsibility to protect citizens' lives. So it is strange that government's plan breaks citizen's life.(??ぶれいく?)

Our second point is about communication tool.
As you know, cellar phone's main function is calling and sending e-mail. Especially e-mail minors often use. Now many minors communication each other by using cellar phone. Of course, minors have opportunity to talk with friends in school, but the communication time is limited. But if minors have cellar phone, they can communicate in house or in holiday. According to the research of ベネッセ corporation, 93% minors said that the oppotunity of communication with friends increased by cell phone. So to cultivate friendship, minors use cell phone
I will show you an example. If a minor quarrels(ここぱっと聞くと「まいなークォレル」=小さな争いごと,に聞こえるよ。(外国人にマイナー=未成年は意外と通じない)チルドレンにかえたらどうかな??) with friend and minor feels it is difficult to apologize directly, he can apologize by sending e-mail. The friend will realize the e-mail soon because most minors always have cellar phone under their hand.
Like this, cell phone is very useful for minors to cultivate friendship.
In addition, cell phone is useful for physically challenged minor's communication. For exsample, minors who can't lesson with their ear can communicate with friend or family by using e-mail of cellar phone. Cellar phone enables such minors to communicate by using words wherever and whenever they like.
We strongly believe that government should not rob minors of precious communication tool because government doesn't have right to sin minors freedom(??minors' かな?).

So from these reasons, we strongly oppose this motion


09/06/09 nagata
根本的な変更はあまりなく,office wordの文法校正で引っかかったとこを修正する程度です。既に内容を変える方向でまとまっている部分もかまわずやっちゃっています,すみません。

a cellular phoneは全て複数形に変更を。


単純な言い方の問題として,「理由が○個あります」とかいうときに,there構文を使うよりwe have…とかいったほうがなんか,いい感じがする。(感覚的杉ごめん


  • 原稿

A cellular phone protects children from danger.

From parents' standpoint, a cellular phone is very important tool for communicating with their children. According to the research from a mobile company, more than 90 percent of parents feel safe when their children have a cellular phone. There are several reasons. For one thing, about 93 percent of parents say that they can contact with their children every time by e-mail or telephone. In addition to this, about 52 percent of parents point out that they can recognize where children are now because a cellular phone have GPS(global positioning system). Therefore, we can say that a cellular phone is useful for protecting children not only in an emergency but also in daily life. I'll show two examples.

Firstly, even if an earthquake occurs at daytime, with a cellular phone, parents can contact with their children and confirm their safety. they can receive SOS from children and help them, too. According to the Meteorological Agency, recent years(ここ数年,という意味ならこの言い方は良くないと思われる。these yearsにしては?それか,recent year'sの間違いかな?それならそのままでいいと思います*) earthquakes which made victims or broke buildings occurred about 6 or 7 times every year in Japan. Therefore, earthquake disasters are not rare, and we need a cellular phone in case of an emergency.

Secondly, even if children are late for returning home because of club activities or some lessons, with a cellular phone, parents can know why children are late and when they will come back. According to the research from a news media, three quarters of children have lessons such as a preparatory school, music lessons and sports club. Most children don't go to lessons near their home, so children often need parents' driving between home and classroom. With a cellular phone, children can call their parents if they want parents to pick them up.

Thanks to a cellular phone, communication between children and parents will be smoother, and children's life will be safer.


Recent years(同上), the penetration rate of a cellular phone has increasedrapidly(感覚的杉で申し訳ないんだけども,has been increasingのがいい気がします), and most minors have their own cellular phone. They use cellular phone mainly in order to keep in touch with their friends. In the most daytime, minors stay at school and can meet friends there. However, the time which minors can spend on talking with friends is limited because they have to study during classes and go to a preparatory school or club activities after school. Therefore, minors don't have enough time to communicate with their friends, and a cellular phone make (単複注意,Sを複数形に)up for their communication.

For example, they can talk about their troubles without being heard by someone. They are in the age of adolescence(つづりミスなのでスルーおk), so they need somebody talking with and their friend's advice. Everyone will hesitate to talk about their mental or physical problems in public place, but with a cellular phone, they can have a conversation secretly.

I said that a cellular phone(つづり(ry) is good for minors' communication among friends. In addition to this, there is another advantage for communication. Minors can communicate with not only their friends but also people all over the world by using a cellular phone. Since a cellular phone is connected to the Internet, everyone can send information to many many people in a moment. Now, a cellular phone has various functions such as writing diary, taking pictures, listening to music, reading and writing novels and watching animation. Through the Internet, minors can introduce their hobby or something interesting and make friends with foreign people. Even if you make a web site by a cellular phone, other people can see the site on PC, too. Therefore, people in the country which capacity of a cellular phone hasn't developed like Japan also can watch the web site and communicate with each other.

If we prohibit minors from using a cellular phone, precious opportunities to deepen friendship will be lost. It is very important for minors to come across many people. Thanks to a cellular phone, they learn that different people has different(つづり) thinking. They also learn that the meeting with many people enriches(つづり) their personality. Today, a cellular phone is essential for minors' growth. We should not prohibit but encourage minors to use a cellular phone properly


09/06/09 田中
If we prohibit minors from using a cellular phone, precious opportunities to deepen friendship will be lost.:シバも言っていたように、それはちょっと言い過ぎではないかと。携帯が無くても直接放課後に会って話せば済むわけだし。
Thanks to a cellular phone, they learn that different people has diffelent thinking.:Negはどういう立場で行くのかな?これだとiモードとかのインターネットの規制は無しがいいってことだよね?それとも政府公認の友情を深めるサイトがあるとか??この文からは携帯を介してnew peopleと出会うという意味に受けとられるかな。
They also learn that the meeting with many people enrichs their personality. Today, a cellular phone is essential for minors' growth. We should not prohibit but encourage minors to use a cellular phone properly.:
meeting with many peopleというのは要するに新しい人との出会いを作るという意味合いでだよね?子供にとって顔を知らないネット上だけでの出会いは危険じゃないかな?


our team stance is that minors should understand the correct way of using cell phone by education and it leads to protecting them and enich their life. :向こうからwhat kind of education?と聞かれたらどう答えるだろう?まずたっちーがDefinitionしたほうがいいんじゃないかなあー余裕あれば。学校教育に早くからmedia literacyの科目を取り入れるとか。講習を受けた家庭じゃないと電話を買えないとか。
So I refute back to what previous speaker said in this stance.:このスタンスに沿って~ならunder~?かaccordingly?inはprevious speakerが何の中で言ったか(in their argumentなど)

あとさ、Safetyについてなんだけど、Now many crimes and accidents involving minors occur. According to the police white paper of Japan, there are 1345 atrocious crimes and 15775 violent crimes involving minors. Minors don't have enough knowledge of crime and accident and they can't protect themselves unlike adults. Now many minors go to the cram school or private lesson and practice in club activity, so they go home at night. So they should have own cell phone and carry it. Cell pnone has very useful function to protect minors.
この議論ってファーストでやるべきじゃない?こういう結果があるからこそ子供に携帯を持たせるべきなんだっていう。2ndはAs the 1st speaker said, they are exposed to dangerぐらいに言って、例を多く出さないと。
単純な英語の間違いは e-mail is what minors often use.
Now many minors communicate with each other by using cellar phones.
それから、cell phone is useful for physically challenged minor's communication. For example, minors who can't lesson with their ear can communicate with friend or family by using e-mail of cellar phone. Cellar phone enables such minors to communicate by using words wherever and whenever they like. ここがよく分からないのだけど・・・、can't lessonはどういう意味?lessonに動詞はないみたいで・・・

09/06/09 田中

09.06.08 haruKa

Now many minors have a cellar phone. According to the research of Cabinet office, 96.4% Japanese minors have own cellar phone. Judging from this, you can know cellar phone has big role for minors. But if we adapt their plan, minors can't have own cell phone. It cause big change and this change is bad for minors.
So our team stance is that minors should understand the correct way of using cell phone by education and it leads to protecting them and enich their life. If government prohibit cellar phones, does it lead to solve all problem? As my partner said, a cellar phone has many advantages, so government should not take it away from minors but educate them in order to use cell phone correctly.

So I refute back to what previous speaker said in this stance.

next, let me reconstruct our point.
Our first point is about safety of minors.
Now many crimes and accidents involving minors occur. According to the police white paper of Japan, there are 1345(one thousand three hundred forty five) atrocious crimes and 15775(fifteen thousand seven hundred seventy five) violent crimes involving minors. Minors don't have enough knowledge of crime and accident and they can't protect themselves unlike adults. Now many minors go to the cram school or private lesson and practice in club activity, so they go home at night. So they should have own cell phone and carry it. Cell pnone has very useful function to protect minors. The function is GPS. GPS is the system calculating a person' position by using satellite. So minors can know where they are now and their parents can also know it. It leads to solving accidents and crimes. I have one evidence to support this point.
According to MSN industry and economic News, in March of 2008, five elementary students got lost in Mt.Tikuha, but by using GPS they can been rescued within about two hours and thirty minutes.
Like this, GPS can rescue minors. If minors are kidnapped, GPS tell us where they are, and it leads to early solution.
In addition, there are some cell phones which have crime prevention buzzer. If minors go home at night and are attacked by suspicious person, buzzer's big sound can repulse him. And the function of calling also useful to protect minors because they can ask help by calling.
Like this, cell phone has convinience, moreover it protect minors. There are no goods which are used by ordinary people and have GPS except cellar phone. If we adapt the plan, it is clear that minors lose their safety. Government has reponsibility to protect citizen's life. So it is starange that government's plan breaks citizen's life.

Our second point is about communication tool.
As you know, cellar phone's main function is calling and sending e-mail. Especially e-mail minors often use. Now many minors communication each other by using cellar phone. Of course, minors have oppotunity to talk with friends in school, but the communication time is limited. But if minors have cellar phone, they can communicate in house or in holiday. According to the research of ベネッセ corporation, 93% minors said that the oppotunity of communication with friends increased by cell phone. So to cultivate friendship, minors use cell phone
I will show you an exsample. If a minor quarrels with friend and minor feels it is difficult to apologize directly, he can apologize by sending e-mail. The friend will realize the e-mail soon because most minors always have cellar phone under their hand.
Like this, cell phone is very useful for minors to cultivate friendship.
In addition, cell phone is useful for physically challenged minor's communication. For exsample, minors who can't lesson with their ear can communicate with friend or family by using e-mail of cellar phone. Cellar phone enables such minors to communicate by using words wherever and whenever they like.
We strongly believe that government should not rob minors of precious communication tool because government doesn't have right to sin minors freedom.

So from these reasons, we strongly oppose this motion.


09/06/08 tacchi

09.06.07 haruKa
以外にコミュニケーションの証拠も集まったし、原稿も進んでるから、やっぱりpointの二番目はcommunication toolでいい?政府の役割でいい証拠がみつかってそっちのほうが有効そうだったら、連絡頼みます!

09/06/07 tacchi


Recent years, the penetration rate of a cellular phone has increased rapidly, and most minors have their own cellular phone. They use cellular phone mainly in order to keep in touch with their friends. In the most daytime, minors stay at school and can meet friends there. However, the time which minors can spend on talking with friends is limited because they have to study during classes and go to a preparatory school or club activities after school. Therefore, minors don't have enough time to communicate with their friends, and a cellular phone make up for their communication.

For example, they can talk about their troubles without being heard by someone. They are in the age of adlescence, so they need somebody talking with and their friend's advice. Everyone will hesitate to talk about their mental or physical problems in public place, but with a cellular phone, they can have a conversation secretly.

I said that a cellular phoen is good for minors' communication among friends. In addition to this, there is another advantage for communication. Minors can communicate with not only their friends but also people all over the world by using a cellular phone. Since a cellular phone is connected to the Internet, everyone can send information to many many people in a moment. Now, a cellular phone has various functions such as writing diary, taking pictures, listening to music, reading and writing novels and watching animation. Through the Internet, minors can introduce their hobby or something interesting and make friends with foreign people. Even if you make a web site by a cellular phone, other people can see the site on PC, too. Therefore, people in the country which capacity of a cellular phone hasn't developed like Japan also can watch the web site and communicate with each other.

If we prohibit minors from using a cellular phone, precious opportunities to deepen friendship will be lost. It is very important for minors to come across many people. Thanks to a cellular phone, they learn that different people has diffelent thinking. They also learn that the meeting with many people enrichs their personality. Today, a cellular phone is essential for minors' growth. We should not prohibit but encourage minors to use a cellular phone properly.

09/06/05 haruKa



evidece →未成年が被害者の凶悪事件1345
             粗暴事件15775     19年度データ
evidence →五人の小学生男児筑波山で遭難 しかしGPSのおかげで約2時間30分後に発見、救助      された。


09/06/05 misato

  • はるかちゃんのコミュニケーションのArgについて

  • 「知ってれば誰でも予防できた」:そのとおり!!いい文句だね(笑)You could avoid them if you have enough knowledgeというところ?
  • モラル教育の必要性:いや、向こうは全面禁止なので、教育なんて甘っちょろい考えはない、というスタンスだからこっちが言わないといけないポイントだと思います。
  • 電磁波:そうだね、私もこれはたいして重要じゃないと思います
  • 携帯依存症:どうかな、少なくとも携帯を取り上げることで「携帯依存症」はなくせるよね(笑)何もしないよりは少しでも努力をしたほうがよい、という考え方もあるし。まあ、ディベータブルになるかなあと私は思うけど。
  • 子供だけが権利を制限される正当な事由がない:電波の話については、正直それをやらなければどのくらいハームがでかいのか、重要性がどれくらいなのか、そうしたいならもっとうまいやり方があるんじゃないか、etcよく分からない部分が多いのですが(ゴメンナサイ)、未成年だけ権利を制限される不当性というのは確かに主張できると思います!!たとえば大人だってちゃんと携帯利用できてないやん、悪用して罪犯してるじゃん!!みたいな。まあ、慎重にやらないと自分の首絞めかねないけどwwやはり教育が大事ということなのですね。。

09/06/05 Shiba
お疲れさまです。 ほとんど手伝えなくてごめんなさい。

6/5 haruKa
携帯のない時代に友情ははぐくめなかったか? -> No
今携帯がないといけない理由は? 想像は出来るけど、ポイントにするために、

feasibilityは支えないかんでしょう。 「eラーニング」も使いましょう。

「携帯電話 授業」とかで検索すればいくつかでてきます。



06/04 tacchi


自転車のほうがよっぽどアブナイ or 大人が使ってるのの近くに既にいるで印象弱める方向ですかね

授業真面目に聞かない? ケータイなくしただけで解決するかな。




09/06/05 haruKa

だから私たちのteam stanceは未成年は教育によって正しい携帯電話の使い方を理解すべきであり、それは彼らを守ったり、彼らの生活を豊かにすることにつながるというものだ。政府は未成年から携帯を取り上げるのでなく、正しい使い方を教えるべきだ。
私たちの一つ目のポイントは便利なcommunication toolだ。携帯の主な機能は電話とメールである。これらの機能は未成年が互いにcommunicationするのに便利である。未成年は長い時間を外で過ごすが、携帯はportableなので、どこでも使える。この点でPCとは違っている。今、多くの未成年は携帯で連絡を取っており、それによって友情をつくり、仲を深めている。
edidence→ 携帯で友情が深まったと感じる日本人の青年 42.9%

      携帯で友好関係が広がったと感じる日本人青年 37.1%

communication toolから書いたのは単に私がこっちの原稿から書いたからです。

09/06/05 misato
  • 携帯会社の例(more than 90 percent of parents feel safe...)―携帯会社の名前まで入れた方がいいかな、証拠だし…もしくは求められたときに答えられる様にする、
  • 地震の例―これはminorかどうかにかかわらず携帯が必要な例だから、それだとちょっと議論からずれるんじゃないかな・・・?それよりもむしろ、「どうしてminorが危ない目に遭いやすいか」「実際minorsがどれだけ危ない目に遭っているか(統計の結果)」をあげて、その解決策としてGPSや電話がありますよってところを推す方がいいんじゃないかな。セカンドスピーカーがさらにこんな例も…って膨らませる時には地震もいいかもしれないけど、メインはminorだからね~。
  • あと、ここを見てもNegは結構厳しそうというのがわかるんだけど(笑)、会社側から見た場合の損失というのが挙げてあって、使えるかもね。ただ、向こうも「子供たちがこんな危険な目にあうというのに会社の利潤だけ考えていいのか!」って反論してくるだろうねー笑






3. ICT(情報通信技術)リテラシーの啓発・教育活動 

→以上を踏まえてスタンスは「oppose the Aff because it's against the role of Govt & intervene minors' safe growth」みたいな?



09/06/04 tacchi

A cellular phone protects children from danger.

From parents' standpoint, a cellular phone is very important tool for communicating with their children. According to the research from a mobile company, more than 90 percent of parents feel safe when their children have a cellular phone. There are several reasons. For one thing, about 93 percent of parents say that they can contact with their children every time by e-mail or telephone. In addition to this, about 52 percent of parents point out that they can recognize where children are now because a cellular phone have GPS(global positioning system). Therefore, we can say that a cellular phone is useful for protecting children not only in an emergency but also in daily life. I'll show two examples.

First, even if an earthquake occur at daytime, with a cellular phone, parents can contact with their children and confirm their safety. they can receive SOS from children and help them, too. According to the Meteorological Agency, recent years earthquakes which made victims or broke buildings occurred about 6 or 7 times every year in Japan. Therefore, earthquake disasters are not rare, and we need a cellular phone in case of an emergency.

Second, even if children are late for returning home because of club activities or some lessons, with a cellular phone, parents can know why children are late and when they will come back. According to the research from a news media, three quarters of children have lessons such as a preparatory school, music lessons and sports club. Most children don't go to lessons near their home, so children often need parents' driving between home and classroom. With a cellular phone, children can call their parents if they want parents to pick them up.

Thanks to a cellular phone, communication between children and parents will be smoother, and children's life will be safer.

09/06/02 haruna

  • コミュニケーションツール
  • 安全性
  • 多様な機能

09/06/02 haruna



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最終更新:2009年06月09日 21:50


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