北米Developer Blog No.2

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北米Developer Blog No.2 - (2012/06/18 (月) 20:20:41) のソース

<p>北米逆転裁判総合サイト<br /><a href="http://www.ace-attorney.com/">http://www.ace-attorney.com/</a></p>
<p>※Alexander O. Smith氏<br /><a href="http://www.aokajiya.com/resume.html">http://www.aokajiya.com/resume.html</a><br />
<p>※文中に出てくるDavid Crislip氏はWinston Payne(亜内武文)のボイス担当。</p>
<hr /><p><font color="#FF0000">2/5/2008<br />
Entry 2:  "Native" Hunter</font><br />
2008年2月5日<br />
<p><font color="#FF0000">Hi everyone.  This is Minae Matsukawa, the producer of
the Ace Attorney series, welcoming you to another installment of our ongoing
behind-the-scenes series.<br /></font>こんにちは。Ace
<p><font color="#FF0000">Well, it looks like we finally have a release date for
"Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney", and I finally have the time to sit down and
write a new entry.  I suppose if we hadn't decided on a date by now, I'd be
sitting here writing "RELEASE DATE!" over and over and over again
instead.</font><br />
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorneyの発売日が近付いてきました。私も発売日前の最後の投稿を書きましょう。</p>
<p><font color="#FF0000">Let's see.  This time, I'd like to share with you a
bit about how we got the voices we did for the overseas releases.</font><br />
<p><font color="#FF0000">Ben Judd is the voice of Phoenix Wright.  He nominated
himself like some sort of presidential candidate by loudly declaring, "I'm
going to be Phoenix!!"  Luckily for him, he didn't have any rivals, so he got
his wish.  He won the position by a landslide; namely because he was
uncontested.</font><br />
Ben JuddはPhoenix
<p><font color="#FF0000">Of course, it was simple to find someone to be
Phoenix; he's a popular character, after all.   But poor Winston Payne.  As
expected, there wasnot a single
volunteer.<br /></font>無論、Phoenixの声を見つけるのは簡単なことです。彼は人気がありますから。しかし、可哀想なWinston
<p><font color="#FF0000">"What now...?" I thought to myself.<br />
That's when Mr. Yamazaki, the planner in charge of voice recording, came up to
me and said, "Hey, we can be like a bunch of Monster Hunters!  We should hunt
down and capture some native English speakers.  Then we can take their voices
as trophies!!"  ("Monster Hunter" was pretty popular within our company at the
time.)</font><br />
「どうしたものか‥‥」<br />
考えていると、ボイス録音担当の山崎氏が来て言いました。<br />
「まるでモンスターハンターみたいですね! 何とかして現地の英語を話せる人を捕まえなくてはならない。そしてその声は勝利品に値するものです」(モンスターハンターはこの時社内で流行っていました。)</p>
<p><font color="#FF0000">And so, our game of "Native Hunter" began.  We scoured
the entire company roster for native English speakers.</font><br />
<p><font color="#FF0000">"Oh, here's a guy in Localization!  Localizer
GET!!"<br />
"There's a person in the Overseas Marketing division who's willing to help
out!"<br />
They definitely weren't monsters, but we were able to find and enlist the
cooperation of native speaker after native speaker in this fashion!  We didn't
even have to force anyone; they were all willing and glad to help
out!</font><br />
「翻訳担当はここにいる! 捕まえるんだ!」<br />
「海外マーケッティング担当に手伝ってくれる人がいるぞ!」<br />
<p><font color="#FF0000">Then came the actual voice recording sessions for the
first Phoenix Wright game.  I'd like to say that this is how voice recording is
usually done, but that would be sort of misleading, as we had our own special
way of doing things.</font><br />
<p><font color="#FF0000">"And next we have Mr. David Crislip.  If you
please."<br />
"Sure.  So which character should I start with?"<br />
"Why don't we start with Payne?"<br />
David Payne started yelling, "Objection!" in an unusual tone of voice.  Then it
was David Edgeworth's turn to yell in a smooth, sophisticated voice, and then
the demonic David von Karma.</font><br />
「じゃあ次にDavid Crislipさん、お願いします」<br />
「はい、どのキャラクターから始めればいいですか?」<br />
「Payne(亜内)からスタートしてください」<br />
David "Payne"は妙な口調で叫び始めました。「Objection!」。それから、David
"Edgeworth(御剣)"はスムーズな洗練された声で、David "von Karma(狩魔豪)"は悪魔のような声で。</p>
<p><font color="#FF0000">We took voice for the three main characters.  After
each take, we reviewed it and gave David a few directions.</font><br />
<p><font color="#FF0000">"Sorry, David, but could you do Von Karma's voice
again?  But this time, try to make your voice even deeper!  And try to make
Edgeworth sound cool!!!  Oh, and can you try Payne in an even higher, squeakier
voice!?"</font><br />
Karmaの声をもう一度お願いできますか? もうちょっと声を深くして。それから、Edgeworthはもっとクールに。Payneはもっと高い、キーキーした声で!」</p>
<p><font color="#FF0000">David performed as he was told and tried his best -
the multitudes of directions we gave him flew fast and furious.  We kept the
takes the R&amp;D team thought were the best, and put into the game ROM.  I
have to confess that we were so focused on recording their voices that we ended
up being big meanies by leaving the voice actors in the dark.  They had to wait
until they got to play the ROM before they found out which character their
voice was used for.</font><br />
<p><font color="#FF0000">But even now, I want to say a big "thanks" to all the
Capcom employees who loaned their voices to the various characters with their
unique yells of, "Objection!"  I have to say that as the producer, I was super
grateful that we could get voice actors for free! *laugh*</font><br />
<p><font color="#FF0000">......<br />
...Ahem.</font><br />
<p><font color="#FF0000">I kid, I kid.  Here's the real reason.<br />
The voice actors in the Japanese versions of the Ace Attorney games are all
Capcom employees.  When we decided to make the overseas version, we felt that
it would be really neat if we could do the same thing.  And so, we started to
promote the idea throughout the company one person at a time by telling
everyone about how we were going to be making an English version of the first
Ace Attorney game.  Even now, people look forward to the opportunity to be a
character in the next game.</font><br />
すみません、冗談です。本当の理由はちゃんとあります。<br />
<p><font color="#FF0000">Switching gears here, I'd like to talk a little about
the man behind the English translation of "Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney", Mr.
Alexander O. Smith.</font><br />
少し話を変えて、ここで"Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney"の英訳の影の功労者である、Alexander O.
<p><font color="#FF0000">After working with us on the first Ace Attorney game,
he was quick to accept our request to translate .Apollo Justice..  I remember
at the first meeting, where we made the initial request, how excited he was to
jump right into this project.  It was written all over his face.  I told him
how much I looked forward to working with him and how I couldn't wait to see
what shape the English version would take.  It is thanks to beautiful writing
of this incredibly nice guy that the English version of "Apollo Justice: Ace
Attorney" was born.</font><br />
最初のAce Attorneyに関して私たちと共に働いてくれた彼は、Apollo
Justice: Ace Attorney"の美しい文章が生まれたことに感謝しています。</p>
<p><font color="#FF0000">Voices, translations...<br />
All of this talk is nice, but we wanted to give everyone a chance to experience
"Apollo Justice", so to that end, we have made a Flash version of the game's
demo available online.  You can play it right here on the Capcom website, even
while you read this entry.  I hope you'll pass the word along, and convince a
friend or two who have never bought an Ace Attorney game before to give it a
try.  The admission fee to play such an interesting game demo is free, after
all!  You can even say that it was your voice that made it
possible.<br /></font>声、翻訳‥‥<br />
Attorneyをプレイしたことがない友人にプレイしてもらってください。このデモは無料です! そして、デモを作る事ができたのは、皆さんの声のおかげだと言えるでしょう。</p>
<p><font color="#FF0000">Yes, that's right.  We heard your cries of,
"Objection!"<br />
The staff at Capcom USA (CEI) told us that this time, with this game, we simply
had to create an English version of the Flash demo we had on our Japanese
website.  "The fans are waiting!" they said.  So I hope you.ll help us spread
the word and post about or post the Flash demo up wherever you can!</font><br />
<p><font color="#FF0000">The Ace Attorney series would have gone nowhere
without the help of those who were willing to loan their voices to it.  Of
course, everyone who is reading this entry right now is another voice in our
chorus, and for that, I thank you.</font><br />
Ace Attorneyシリーズは、皆さんの声なしでは存在しませんでした。もちろん、この投稿を今読んでいるあなたの声もです。私は皆さんに感謝します。</p>
<p><font color="#FF0000">Well, it looks like time's up.  Next time, I'll tell
you about how to battle fiercely with nothing but your voice.</font><br />
<p><font color="#FF0000">Until then...</font><br />
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