

Orton, H. 1933. The Phonology of a South Durham Dialect. London: Kegan Paul,Trench,Trubner.

Orton,H. & M. V. Barry. 1969. Survey of English Dialects. Vol. II: The West Midland Counties. Leeds: E. J. Arnold.

Orton, H. & Dieth, E. B. 1962. Survey of English Dialects: The Basic Material. Vol. 1, The Six Northern Counties and the Isle of Man Part 1. Leeds: E. J. Arnold.

Orton, H. & Dieth, E. B. 1963. Survey of English Dialects: The Basic Material. Vol. 1, The Six Northern Counties and the Isle of Man Part 2. Leeds: E. J. Arnold.

Orton, H. & Dieth, E. B. 1963. Survey of English Dialects: The Basic Material. Vol. 1, The Six Northern Counties and the Isle of Man Part 3. Leeds: E. J. Arnold.

Orton, H. & W. J. Halliday. 1962. Survey of English Dialects. Vol. 1: The Six Northern Counties and the Isle of Man. Leeds: E. J. Arnold.

Orton, H., S. Sanderson & J. Widdowson. 1978. Linguistic Atlas of England. London: Croom Helm.

Orton,H. and P. M. Tilling. 1969. Survey of English Dialects. Vol. Ill: The East Midland Counties and East Anglia. Leeds: E. J. Arnold.

Orton, H. & M. F. Wakelin. 1967. Survey of English Dialects. Vol. IV: The Southern Counties. Leeds: E. J. Arnold.

Orton, H. & N. Wright. 1975. A Word Geography of England. London: Seminar Press.

Orton, Peter. 2000. The Transmission of Old English Poetry. Turnhout: Brepols.


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