
FIE ...

Field, P. J. C. 1969. A Review of Eugene Vinaver (ed.), The Works of Sir Thomas Malory, 2nd edn (1967), SN 41: 180-4.

Field, P. J. C. 1971. Romance and Chronicle: A Study of Malory's Prose Style. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Field, P. J. C. 1974. "Sir Thomas Malory, M. P." Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 47: 24-35.

Field, P. J. C. 1978. Sir Thomas Malory: Le Morte Darthur, The Seventh and Eighth Tales. London: Hodder and Stoughton.

Field, P. J. C. 1990. "Note to the Third Edition", in The Works of Sir Thomas Malory (3rd edn), ed. E. Vinaver, pp. 1747-68. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Field, P. J. C. 1993. "Hunting, Hawking, and Textual Criticism in Malory's Morte Darthur", in Arthurian and Other Studies, ed. T. Suzuki & T. Mukai. D. S. Brewer.

Field, P. J. C. 1993. "The Earliest Texts of Malory's Morte Darthur". Poetica 38: 18-31.

Field, P. J. C. 1996. "The Malory Life-Records", in A Companion to Malory, ed. A. Archibald & A. S. G. Edwards, pp. 115-30. D. S. Brewer.

Field, P. J. C. 1998. Malory: Text and Sources. Boydell & Brewer.

Fields, Marion. 1999. "Dialect and Accent in Jim Cartwright's Play Road as Seen through Erving Goffman's Theory of Footing", in Writing in Nonstandard English, ed. Irma Taavitsainen, Gunnel Melchers & Päivi Pahta, pp. 63-74. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


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