
DUF ...

Duff, Brian R. 2016. "Address of Professors in English by Japanese EFL Students". Aoyama journal of business 51(別冊) 1: 3-18.

Duffley, Patrick J. 1999. "The Use of the Infinitive and the -ing after Verbs Denoting the Beginning, Middle and End of an Event". Folia Linguistica 33: 295-331.

Duffley, Patrick J. 2003. "The Gerund and teh to-Infinitive as Subject". Journal of English Linguistics 31(4): 324-352.

Duffley, Patrick J. & J. -F. Joubert. 1999. "The gerund and the infinitive with the verbs intend, mean, propose and their close synonyms". The Canadian Journal of Linguistics 44(3): 251-66.


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