
IGL ...

Iglesias-Rabade, Luis. 2000. “French Phrasal Power in Late Middle English: Some Evidence Concerning the Verb nime(n)/take(n),” In Multilingualism in Later Medieval Britain. Ed. D. A. Trotter. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer. pp. 93–130.

Iglesias-Rábade, L. 2001. "Composite Predicates in Middle English with the Verbs nimen and taken". Studia Neophilologica 73: 143-163.

Iglesias-Rábade, Luis. 2004. "Prepositions Referring to Path in Middle English: Bi and thurgh", in I. Moskowich-Spiegel Fandino & B. Crespo Garcia (eds.), New Trends in English Historical Linguistics: An Atlantic View, pp. 117-48. Universidade da Coruna.

Iglesias-Rabade, Luis. 2008. Handbook of Middle English: Grammar and Texts. Lincom Europa.

Iglesias-Rabade, Luis. 2011. Semantic Erosion of Middle English Prepositions. Peter Lang.


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