
ROE ...

Roeder, R. 2009. "Lexical exceptionality in Yorkshire English". Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 30: 105-118.

Roemer, Ute. 2005. "Shifting foci in language description and instruction: Towards a lexical grammar of progressive". Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 30: 127-42.

Roemer, Ute. 2005. Progressives, Patterns, Pedagogy: A Corpus-driven Approach to English Progressive Forms, Functions, Contexts and Didactics. Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 18. John Benjamins.

Roemer, Ute. 2006. "Looking at looking: Functions and contexts of progressives in spoken English and 'school' English", in The Changing Face of Corpus Linguistics, ed. Antoinette Renouf & Andrew Kehoe, pp. 231-42. Rodopi.

Roemer, Ute & Rainer Schulze (eds.) 2009. Exploring the Lexis-Grammar Interface. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


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