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Noguchi, Shunichi(野口俊一) 1961. "Malory's English-An Aspect of its Syntax", in Hiroshima Studies in English Language and Literature, Vol. 7, No. 2 (Hiroshima: The English Literacy Association of Hiroshima University), 130-37. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1961. "The Language of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight", in Hiroshima Studies in English Language and Literature, Vol. 8, No. 1 (Hiroshima: The English Literacy Association of Hiroshima University), 76-91. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1962. "Notes on the Language of the Paston Letters in Relation with London English", in Michio Masui's "A Joint Study of the Language of the Paston Letters", in Hiroshima University Studies (Literature Department), No. 20 (Hiroshima), 291-300. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1962. "Kindai-hyōjun-eigo-no Kigen-ni Kansuru Ichi-chōsa" (in Japanese) ['A Research Concerning the Origin of Modern Standard English'], in Bulletin of the Faculty of the Liberal Arts, Fukui University, Part I, the Humanities, No. 11, 1-16. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1963. "Richard Rolle-no 'fire of love'―Shūkyōteki-na Keiken-o Arawasu Hiyu- hyōgen'(in Japanese) ['Richard Rolle's 'fire of love'-Figurative Expression of Religious Experience'], in Michio Masui's "Hyōgen-to-shite-no Eigo-gaku" ["English Philology as a Study of English Expression"], Eigo-Kyoiku (Journal of English Teaching: Tokyo: Taishukan), Vol. 12, No. 9, 20-1. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1963. "Malory-no Sakuhin-no Winchester MS-to Caxton's Edition-to-no Gengoteki- sai-ni-tuite-no Nōto' (in Japanese) ['Notes on Linguistic Differences Between the Winchester MS and Caxton's Edition of Malory’s Works'], in Bulletin of the Faculty of the Liberal Arts, Fukui University, Part I, the Humanities, No. 12, 1-7. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1967. "The Paradox of the Character of Malory's Language", in Hiroshima Studies in English Language and Literature", Vol. 13, No. 2, 115-34. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1967. "Corrigenda" (in Collaboration with A.O. Sandved and Ján Šimko), in The Works of Sir Thomas Malory, 2nd Edition, ed. Eugène Vinaver (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967), pp. 1753-56. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1971. "Malory and the Consolation of Style", in Studies in English Literature, English Number 1971. Tokyo: The English Literary Society of Japan. 35-53. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1977. "Caxton's Malory", in Poetica, No. 8, 72-84. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1981. "Englishness in Malory", in Aspects of Malory, ed. T. Takamiya and D. Brewer, pp. 17-26. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1981. "Writing in Malory", in Poetica, No. 12, 82-93. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1982. "Robin Huddo-to Āsā-ou" (in Japanese) ['Robin Hood and King Arthur'], in Igirisu-no Seikatsu-to Bunka Jiten [A Dictionary of British Life and Culture], ed. Shinsuke Ando and others, pp. 916-25. Tokyo: Kenkyusha. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1983. "On a Certain Poem in Yeats's Last Poems", in Masui Michio Sensei Taikan Kinen Eigo-Eibungaku Kenkyu, [Studies in English Language and Literature Presented to Professor Michio Masui on the Occasion of his Retirement], ed. Hiroshige Yoshida, 411-19. Tokyo: kenkyusha. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1984. "Caxton's Malory Again", in Poetica, No. 20, 33-8. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1985. "Malory-to Shārotto-no Otome Erein" (in Japanese) ['Malory et puella de Escalot'], in Gengo-Bunka [Lingua et Humanitas, Universitas Meiji-Gakuin], Vol. 3 (Tokyo: Meiji-Gakuin Studium Linguae Humanitatisque), 66-70. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1985. "Āsā-ou Densetsu", "Chūsei" (in Japanese) ['Arthurian Legend', 'Middle Ages'], in Hikari-no Imejarī [Imagery of Light], ed. Bunsei Uesugi, pp. 228-51 and 369-78. Tokyo: Kirihara-shoten. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1986. "To 'make it good' upon Malory Scholars", in Medieval English Studies Newsletter, No. 13 (Tokyo: Centre for Medieval English Studies), 3-4. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1986. "W.B. Yeats: his 'Memory' and Memories", in Eishi Hyōron [Essays on Poetry], No. 3 (Hiroshima: Chūgoku-Shikoku Igirisu Romanha Gakkai [Chūgoku-Shikoku Circle for Studying English Romantic Poetry]), 3-7. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1987. "Dom", in Key-Word Studies in Beowulf 2 (Tokyo: Centre for Medieval English Studies), 1-4. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1988. "Chaucer's Use of Coward and Cowardice", in Key-Word Studies in Chaucer 2 (Tokyo: Centre for Medieval English Studies), 75-7. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1988. "Beowulf and Sothæstra Dom", in Terasawa Yoshio Kyōju Kanreki Kinen Ronbunshu [Philologia Anglica: Essays Presented to Professor Yoshio Terasawa on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday], ed. Kinshiro Oshitari and others, pp. 251-58. Tokyo: Kenkyusha. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1989. "Malorian Knights: Their Humility and Patience", in Geardagum X (Denver: Society for New Language Study), 19-27. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1990. Le Morte Arthur, ed. Shunichi Noguchi (Tokyo: Centre for Medieval English Studies). Noguchi, Shunichi. 1992. "Fair in Chaucer and Unfæger", in Key-Word Studies in Beowulf and Chaucer 4 (Tokyo: Centre for Medieval English Studies), 35-40. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1992. "Chaucer's Concept of Nature", in Chaucer to Shakespeare: Essays in Honour of Shinsuke Ando, ed. Toshiyuki Takamiya and Richard Beadle, pp. 25-31. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1993. "Pagan Consolation in the 'Knight's Tale'", in Chūsei Eibungaku eno Junrei no Michi [A Pilgrimage Through Medieval English Literature: Essays Presented to Professor Isamu Saito on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday], ed. Hiroe Hutamura and others, pp. 95-102. Tokyo: Nan'un-Do. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1994. "Seeking in Beowulf and the State of the Hero's Soul", in Geardagum XIV (Denver: Society for New Language Study), 1-12. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1994. "Prayer in Chaucer's 'Knight's Tale'", in Poetica, No. 41, 45-50. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1995. "The Character of English: An Inaugural Lecture", Ōsaka Kyōiku Daigaku Kiyō [Memoirs of Osaka University of Education], Ser. I Humanities, Vol. 43, No. 2 (Osaka University of Education), 57-62. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1995. "Winchester Malory", in Arthuriana, Vol. 5, No. 2 (Southern Methodist University), 15-23. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1996. "Riverside Chaucer ('Knight's Tale') Re-edited (based on MS Christ Church 152, Oxford)", ed. Shunichi Noguchi, in Text and Language: Beowulf, Chaucer and Related Works Vol. I (Tokyo: Centre for Medieval English Studies), 105-52. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1998. "Deloney the Versifier", in A Love of Words: Philological Studies of the English Language in Honour of Akira Wada, ed. Kanno, Masahiko, Gregory K. Jember and Yoshiyuki Nakao, pp. 133-43. Tokyo: Eihosha. Noguchi, Shunichi. 2000. "Beowulf and the (In)effectiveness of the Ancient 'Curse'", in Essays on Old, Middle, Modern English and Old Icelandic: In Honour of Raymond P. Tripp, Jr, ed. Loren C. Gruber, with the Assistance of Meredith Crellin Gruber, and Gregory K. Jember, pp. 125-35. Lewston: The Edwin Mellen Press. Noguchi, Shunichi. 2000. "Reading Malory's Text Aloud", in The Malory Debate: Essays on the Texts of Le Morte Darthur, ed. Bonnie Wheeler, Robert L. Kindrick and Michael N. Salda, pp. 301-14. Cambridge: D.S.Brewer. Noguchi, Shunichi. 2001. Saint Gregory Legend (MS Vernon, English Poetry a 1, Bodleian Library), ed. Shunichi Noguchi, in Text and Language: Beowulf, Chaucer and Related Works Vol. II, ed. S. Noguchi and T. Kubouchi (Tokyo: Centre for Medieval English Studies). Noguchi, Shunichi. 2004. "P.J.C. Field’s Worshipful Revision of Malory: Making a Virtue of Necessity", in Arthurian Studies in Honour of P.J.C. Field, ed. Bonnie Wheeler, pp. 307-10. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer. Noguchi, Shunichi. 2004. "How can we not mismetre Chaucer's Troilus?", in Eighty Years of English Studies at the Faculty of Arts, Rocnik LX, Philologica, Univerzity Komenskeho (Bratislava), 258-68.
Noguchi, Hirokazu. 2013. "On the Occurrence of <y> for /(i:)/ in Late West Saxon." 『コミュニケーション文化』 7: 12-22. Noguchi, Shunichi(野口俊一) 1961. "Malory's English-An Aspect of its Syntax", in Hiroshima Studies in English Language and Literature, Vol. 7, No. 2 (Hiroshima: The English Literacy Association of Hiroshima University), 130-37. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1961. "The Language of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight", in Hiroshima Studies in English Language and Literature, Vol. 8, No. 1 (Hiroshima: The English Literacy Association of Hiroshima University), 76-91. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1962. "Notes on the Language of the Paston Letters in Relation with London English", in Michio Masui's "A Joint Study of the Language of the Paston Letters", in Hiroshima University Studies (Literature Department), No. 20 (Hiroshima), 291-300. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1962. "Kindai-hyōjun-eigo-no Kigen-ni Kansuru Ichi-chōsa" (in Japanese) ['A Research Concerning the Origin of Modern Standard English'], in Bulletin of the Faculty of the Liberal Arts, Fukui University, Part I, the Humanities, No. 11, 1-16. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1963. "Richard Rolle-no 'fire of love'―Shūkyōteki-na Keiken-o Arawasu Hiyu- hyōgen'(in Japanese) ['Richard Rolle's 'fire of love'-Figurative Expression of Religious Experience'], in Michio Masui's "Hyōgen-to-shite-no Eigo-gaku" ["English Philology as a Study of English Expression"], Eigo-Kyoiku (Journal of English Teaching: Tokyo: Taishukan), Vol. 12, No. 9, 20-1. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1963. "Malory-no Sakuhin-no Winchester MS-to Caxton's Edition-to-no Gengoteki- sai-ni-tuite-no Nōto' (in Japanese) ['Notes on Linguistic Differences Between the Winchester MS and Caxton's Edition of Malory’s Works'], in Bulletin of the Faculty of the Liberal Arts, Fukui University, Part I, the Humanities, No. 12, 1-7. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1967. "The Paradox of the Character of Malory's Language", in Hiroshima Studies in English Language and Literature", Vol. 13, No. 2, 115-34. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1967. "Corrigenda" (in Collaboration with A.O. Sandved and Ján Šimko), in The Works of Sir Thomas Malory, 2nd Edition, ed. Eugène Vinaver (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967), pp. 1753-56. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1971. "Malory and the Consolation of Style", in Studies in English Literature, English Number 1971. Tokyo: The English Literary Society of Japan. 35-53. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1977. "Caxton's Malory", in Poetica, No. 8, 72-84. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1981. "Englishness in Malory", in Aspects of Malory, ed. T. Takamiya and D. Brewer, pp. 17-26. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1981. "Writing in Malory", in Poetica, No. 12, 82-93. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1982. "Robin Huddo-to Āsā-ou" (in Japanese) ['Robin Hood and King Arthur'], in Igirisu-no Seikatsu-to Bunka Jiten [A Dictionary of British Life and Culture], ed. Shinsuke Ando and others, pp. 916-25. Tokyo: Kenkyusha. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1983. "On a Certain Poem in Yeats's Last Poems", in Masui Michio Sensei Taikan Kinen Eigo-Eibungaku Kenkyu, [Studies in English Language and Literature Presented to Professor Michio Masui on the Occasion of his Retirement], ed. Hiroshige Yoshida, 411-19. Tokyo: kenkyusha. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1984. "Caxton's Malory Again", in Poetica, No. 20, 33-8. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1985. "Malory-to Shārotto-no Otome Erein" (in Japanese) ['Malory et puella de Escalot'], in Gengo-Bunka [Lingua et Humanitas, Universitas Meiji-Gakuin], Vol. 3 (Tokyo: Meiji-Gakuin Studium Linguae Humanitatisque), 66-70. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1985. "Āsā-ou Densetsu", "Chūsei" (in Japanese) ['Arthurian Legend', 'Middle Ages'], in Hikari-no Imejarī [Imagery of Light], ed. Bunsei Uesugi, pp. 228-51 and 369-78. Tokyo: Kirihara-shoten. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1986. "To 'make it good' upon Malory Scholars", in Medieval English Studies Newsletter, No. 13 (Tokyo: Centre for Medieval English Studies), 3-4. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1986. "W.B. Yeats: his 'Memory' and Memories", in Eishi Hyōron [Essays on Poetry], No. 3 (Hiroshima: Chūgoku-Shikoku Igirisu Romanha Gakkai [Chūgoku-Shikoku Circle for Studying English Romantic Poetry]), 3-7. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1987. "Dom", in Key-Word Studies in Beowulf 2 (Tokyo: Centre for Medieval English Studies), 1-4. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1988. "Chaucer's Use of Coward and Cowardice", in Key-Word Studies in Chaucer 2 (Tokyo: Centre for Medieval English Studies), 75-7. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1988. "Beowulf and Sothæstra Dom", in Terasawa Yoshio Kyōju Kanreki Kinen Ronbunshu [Philologia Anglica: Essays Presented to Professor Yoshio Terasawa on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday], ed. Kinshiro Oshitari and others, pp. 251-58. Tokyo: Kenkyusha. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1989. "Malorian Knights: Their Humility and Patience", in Geardagum X (Denver: Society for New Language Study), 19-27. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1990. Le Morte Arthur, ed. Shunichi Noguchi (Tokyo: Centre for Medieval English Studies). Noguchi, Shunichi. 1992. "Fair in Chaucer and Unfæger", in Key-Word Studies in Beowulf and Chaucer 4 (Tokyo: Centre for Medieval English Studies), 35-40. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1992. "Chaucer's Concept of Nature", in Chaucer to Shakespeare: Essays in Honour of Shinsuke Ando, ed. Toshiyuki Takamiya and Richard Beadle, pp. 25-31. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1993. "Pagan Consolation in the 'Knight's Tale'", in Chūsei Eibungaku eno Junrei no Michi [A Pilgrimage Through Medieval English Literature: Essays Presented to Professor Isamu Saito on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday], ed. Hiroe Hutamura and others, pp. 95-102. Tokyo: Nan'un-Do. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1994. "Seeking in Beowulf and the State of the Hero's Soul", in Geardagum XIV (Denver: Society for New Language Study), 1-12. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1994. "Prayer in Chaucer's 'Knight's Tale'", in Poetica, No. 41, 45-50. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1995. "The Character of English: An Inaugural Lecture", Ōsaka Kyōiku Daigaku Kiyō [Memoirs of Osaka University of Education], Ser. I Humanities, Vol. 43, No. 2 (Osaka University of Education), 57-62. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1995. "Winchester Malory", in Arthuriana, Vol. 5, No. 2 (Southern Methodist University), 15-23. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1996. "Riverside Chaucer ('Knight's Tale') Re-edited (based on MS Christ Church 152, Oxford)", ed. Shunichi Noguchi, in Text and Language: Beowulf, Chaucer and Related Works Vol. I (Tokyo: Centre for Medieval English Studies), 105-52. Noguchi, Shunichi. 1998. "Deloney the Versifier", in A Love of Words: Philological Studies of the English Language in Honour of Akira Wada, ed. Kanno, Masahiko, Gregory K. Jember and Yoshiyuki Nakao, pp. 133-43. Tokyo: Eihosha. Noguchi, Shunichi. 2000. "Beowulf and the (In)effectiveness of the Ancient 'Curse'", in Essays on Old, Middle, Modern English and Old Icelandic: In Honour of Raymond P. Tripp, Jr, ed. Loren C. Gruber, with the Assistance of Meredith Crellin Gruber, and Gregory K. Jember, pp. 125-35. Lewston: The Edwin Mellen Press. Noguchi, Shunichi. 2000. "Reading Malory's Text Aloud", in The Malory Debate: Essays on the Texts of Le Morte Darthur, ed. Bonnie Wheeler, Robert L. Kindrick and Michael N. Salda, pp. 301-14. Cambridge: D.S.Brewer. Noguchi, Shunichi. 2001. Saint Gregory Legend (MS Vernon, English Poetry a 1, Bodleian Library), ed. Shunichi Noguchi, in Text and Language: Beowulf, Chaucer and Related Works Vol. II, ed. S. Noguchi and T. Kubouchi (Tokyo: Centre for Medieval English Studies). Noguchi, Shunichi. 2004. "P.J.C. Field’s Worshipful Revision of Malory: Making a Virtue of Necessity", in Arthurian Studies in Honour of P.J.C. Field, ed. Bonnie Wheeler, pp. 307-10. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer. Noguchi, Shunichi. 2004. "How can we not mismetre Chaucer's Troilus?", in Eighty Years of English Studies at the Faculty of Arts, Rocnik LX, Philologica, Univerzity Komenskeho (Bratislava), 258-68.




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