

kay」(2023/02/17 (金) 12:38:19) の最新版変更点



**Kay Kay, C. J. & M. A. Mackay. 2005. Perspectives on the Older Scottish Tongue. Edinburgh UP. Kay, Christian & J. J. Smith (eds.) 2004. Categorization in the History of English. John Benjamins. Kay, Christian J. 1999 'The Historical Thesaurus of English: a Millennium Report.' MESN 41: 8-10. Kay, Christian, Simon Horobin, & Jeremy Smith (eds.) 2004. New Perspectives on English Historical Linguistics, vols. 1-2. John Benjamins. Kay, Judith & Rosemary Gelshenen. 2004. Adventures in Literature: New Pathways in Reading. University of Michigan Press. Kay, P. 1997. Words and the Grammar of Context. CSLI. Kay, Paul & Chad McDaniel. 1979. "On the Logic of Variable Rules". Language in Society 8: 151-87. Kay, Paul. 1977. "Language Evolution and Speech Style". Sociocultural Dimensions of Language Change, ed. Ben B. Blount & Mary Sanches, pp. 21-33. New York: Academic Press. Kayahara, Masahiro. 萱原雅弘. 2007. 「形式主語及び形式目的語itを含む構文に関する通時的考察」 『東京家政学院大学紀要』47. Kayahara, Masahiro. 1995. 「代不定詞に関する通時的考察」『東京家政学院大学紀要』 35:309-16. Kayahara, Masahiro. 1995. 「文名詞句に関する通時的考察」『東京家政学院大学紀要』 35:299-307. Kayamoto, Yuriko & Hiromitsu Machi. 茅本百合子, 町博光. 2001. 「日本語の俗語と英語の俗語」『広島大学日本語教育研究』11: 49-54. Kayashima, Takashi. 2017. "A Comparative Study of the vP Domain in English and Japanese". English Linguistics 33(2): 272-306.
**Kay Kay, C. J. & M. A. Mackay. 2005. Perspectives on the Older Scottish Tongue. Edinburgh UP. Kay, Christian & J. J. Smith (eds.) 2004. Categorization in the History of English. John Benjamins. Kay, Christian J. 1999 'The Historical Thesaurus of English: a Millennium Report.' MESN 41: 8-10. Kay, Christian, Simon Horobin, & Jeremy Smith (eds.) 2004. New Perspectives on English Historical Linguistics, vols. 1-2. John Benjamins. Kay, Judith & Rosemary Gelshenen. 2004. Adventures in Literature: New Pathways in Reading. University of Michigan Press. Kay, P. 1997. Words and the Grammar of Context. CSLI. Kay, Paul & Chad McDaniel. 1979. "On the Logic of Variable Rules". Language in Society 8: 151-87. Kay, Paul. 1977. "Language Evolution and Speech Style". Sociocultural Dimensions of Language Change, ed. Ben B. Blount & Mary Sanches, pp. 21-33. New York: Academic Press. Kay, P. & C. Fillmore. 1999."Grammatical Constructions and Linguistic Generalizations: The What's X Doing Y? Construction". Language 75: 1-33. Kayahara, Masahiro. 萱原雅弘. 2007. 「形式主語及び形式目的語itを含む構文に関する通時的考察」 『東京家政学院大学紀要』47. Kayahara, Masahiro. 1995. 「代不定詞に関する通時的考察」『東京家政学院大学紀要』 35:309-16. Kayahara, Masahiro. 1995. 「文名詞句に関する通時的考察」『東京家政学院大学紀要』 35:299-307. Kayamoto, Yuriko & Hiromitsu Machi. 茅本百合子, 町博光. 2001. 「日本語の俗語と英語の俗語」『広島大学日本語教育研究』11: 49-54. Kayashima, Takashi. 2017. "A Comparative Study of the vP Domain in English and Japanese". English Linguistics 33(2): 272-306.




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