

gaa」(2019/05/19 (日) 10:21:42) の最新版変更点



**Gaa... Gaaf, W. van der. 1928. "The Postadjectival Passive Infinitive". English Studies 10: 12938. Gaaf, W. van der. 1928. "The Predicative Passive Infinitive". English Studies 10: 10714. Gaaf, W. van der. 1931. "Beon and Habban Connected with an Inflected Infinitive". English Studies 13: 17688. Gaaf, W. van der. 1933. "The Split Infinitive in Middle English". English Studies 15: 1520. Gaaf, W. van der. 1934. "The Connection between Verbs of Rest (Lie, Sit, and Stand) and Another verb, Viewed Historically". English Studies 16: 8199. Gaaf, Willem van der. 1929. "The Conversion of the Indirect Personal Object into the Subject of a Passive Construction". English Studies 11: 111, 5867.
**Gaa... Gaaf, W. van der. 1904. The Transition from the Impersonal to the Personal Construction in Middle English. Heidelberg: Carl Winter. Gaaf, W. van der. 1928. "The Postadjectival Passive Infinitive". English Studies 10: 12938. Gaaf, W. van der. 1928. "The Predicative Passive Infinitive". English Studies 10: 10714. Gaaf, W. van der. 1931. "Beon and Habban Connected with an Inflected Infinitive". English Studies 13: 17688. Gaaf, W. van der. 1933. "The Split Infinitive in Middle English". English Studies 15: 1520. Gaaf, W. van der. 1934. "The Connection between Verbs of Rest (Lie, Sit, and Stand) and Another verb, Viewed Historically". English Studies 16: 8199. Gaaf, Willem van der. 1929. "The Conversion of the Indirect Personal Object into the Subject of a Passive Construction". English Studies 11: 111, 5867.




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