

yad」(2023/03/20 (月) 16:53:55) の最新版変更点



**YAD... Yadomi, Hiroshi. 2016. "The Corpus of Sermons in Early Modern England: A New Corpus for Idiolectal Analysis of the English Language." in Aspects of English: Proceedings of Kyoto Postgraduate Conference on English Historical Linguistics 2016. ed. Yuki Takahashi, Tomoharu Hirota, Hiroshi Yadomi & Yasutaka Imai, pp. 87-100. Kyoto: Kyoto University. Yadomi, Hiroshi. 2019. "Language, Identity and Community: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Language Practice of Early Modern English Preachers". PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
**YAD... Yadomi, Hiroshi. 2016. "The Corpus of Sermons in Early Modern England: A New Corpus for Idiolectal Analysis of the English Language." in Aspects of English: Proceedings of Kyoto Postgraduate Conference on English Historical Linguistics 2016. ed. Yuki Takahashi, Tomoharu Hirota, Hiroshi Yadomi & Yasutaka Imai, pp. 87-100. Kyoto: Kyoto University. Yadomi, Hiroshi. 2019. "Language, Identity and Community: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Language Practice of Early Modern English Preachers". PhD thesis, University of Glasgow. Yadomi, Hiroshi. 2022. "Macro- and Micro-Pragmatic Approaches to Thou and You in John Donne's Sermons", in Variational Studies on Pronominal Forms in the History of English, ed. Yoko Iyeiri, Hiroshi Yadomi, David Selfe & Jeremy Smith, pp. 91-108. Tokyo: Kaitakusha.




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