

hos」(2022/07/15 (金) 18:02:46) の最新版変更点



**HOS... Hosaka, Michio. 1999. "On the Development of the Expletive there in there + be Construction". Studies in Modern English 15: 1-28. Hosaka, Michio. 2002. "Adverbial Positions and Verb Movement in Middle English and Early Modern English", in English Corpus Linguistics in Japan, ed. T. Saito, J. Nakamura, & Sh. Yamazaki. Amsterdam: Rodopi. Hosaka, Michio. 2018. "Ambiguity between the BE Perfect and the BE Passive in Old English", in Aspects of Medieval English Language and Literature Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of the Society of Historical English Language and Linguistics, ed. Michiko Ogura & Hans Sauer, pp. 217-238. Bern: Peter Lang. Hosoe, Itsuki. 細江逸記. 2005. 『英文法汎論』改訂新版. (An Outline of English Syntax, new revised edition.) Shinozaki Shorin. Hostetler, Margaret. 2004. "'Nimað eow bysne be þyssere Iudith': Deictic Shifting and Didactic Christian Discourse in Ælfric's Judith". Studia Neophilologica 76: 152-64.
**HOS... Hosaka, Michio. 1999. "On the Development of the Expletive there in there + be Construction". Studies in Modern English 15: 1-28. Hosaka, Michio. 2002. "Adverbial Positions and Verb Movement in Middle English and Early Modern English", in English Corpus Linguistics in Japan, ed. T. Saito, J. Nakamura, & Sh. Yamazaki. Amsterdam: Rodopi. Hosaka, Michio. 保坂道雄. 2017. 「動詞rainをめぐって--非人称用法と人称用法の狭間で--」『〈不思議〉に満ちたことばの世界(上)』編:高見健一, 行田勇, 大野英樹, pp. 99-103. 東京: 開拓社. Hosaka, Michio. 2018. "Ambiguity between the BE Perfect and the BE Passive in Old English", in Aspects of Medieval English Language and Literature Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of the Society of Historical English Language and Linguistics, ed. Michiko Ogura & Hans Sauer, pp. 217-238. Bern: Peter Lang. Hosoe, Itsuki. 細江逸記. 2005. 『英文法汎論』改訂新版. (An Outline of English Syntax, new revised edition.) Shinozaki Shorin. Hostetler, Margaret. 2004. "'Nimað eow bysne be þyssere Iudith': Deictic Shifting and Didactic Christian Discourse in Ælfric's Judith". Studia Neophilologica 76: 152-64.




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