

mul」(2021/12/20 (月) 17:30:26) の最新版変更点



**MUL... Mulholland, Joan. 2012. "'Thou' and 'You' in Shakespeare: A Study in the Second Person Pronoun." in A Reader in the Language of Shakespearean Drama, ed. Vivian Salmon and Edwina Burness, pp. 34-43. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Mullany, Louise. 2008. ""Stop Hassling Me!" Impoliteness, Power and Gender Identity in the Professional Workplace", in Impoliteness in Language: Studies on Its Interplay with Power in Theory an Practice, ed. D. Bousfield & M. Locher, 231-254. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Mullany, Louise. 2002. "'I don’t think you want me to get a word in edgeways do you John?' Re-assessing (Im)politeness, Language and Gender in Political Broadcast Interviews". English Studies: Working Papers on the Web. Linguistic Politeness and Context. Sheffield Hallam University. (rpt. 2007. Sociolinguistics: A Resource Book for Students, 2nd ed., ed. Peter Stockwell, pp. 202-209. London: Routledge.) Mullender, Jacqueline E. 2011. "Shakespeare's Late Syntax: A Comparative Analysis of Which Relativisation in the Dramatic Works", Unpublished PhD dissertation. The University of Birmingham. Müller, S. 2005. Discourse Markers in Native and Non-native English Discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Müller, S. 2004. "'Well you know that type of person': Functions of well in the speech of American and German students". Journal of Pragmatics 36: 1157-1182.
**MUL... Mulholland, Joan. 2012. "'Thou' and 'You' in Shakespeare: A Study in the Second Person Pronoun." in A Reader in the Language of Shakespearean Drama, ed. Vivian Salmon and Edwina Burness, pp. 34-43. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Mullany, Louise. 2008. ""Stop Hassling Me!" Impoliteness, Power and Gender Identity in the Professional Workplace", in Impoliteness in Language: Studies on Its Interplay with Power in Theory an Practice, ed. D. Bousfield & M. Locher, 231-254. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Mullany, Louise. 2002. "'I don’t think you want me to get a word in edgeways do you John?' Re-assessing (Im)politeness, Language and Gender in Political Broadcast Interviews". English Studies: Working Papers on the Web. Linguistic Politeness and Context. Sheffield Hallam University. (rpt. 2007. Sociolinguistics: A Resource Book for Students, 2nd ed., ed. Peter Stockwell, pp. 202-209. London: Routledge.) Mullender, Jacqueline E. 2011. "Shakespeare's Late Syntax: A Comparative Analysis of Which Relativisation in the Dramatic Works", Unpublished PhD dissertation. The University of Birmingham. Müller, S. 2005. Discourse Markers in Native and Non-native English Discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Müller, S. 2004. "'Well you know that type of person': Functions of well in the speech of American and German students". Journal of Pragmatics 36: 1157-1182.




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