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**AND... Anderman, Gunilla & Magaret Rogers (eds.) 2005. In and Out of English: For better, for worse? Multilingual Matters. Andersen, Gisle. 2019. "Phraseology in a cross-linguistic perspective: Introducing the diachronic-contrastive corpus method". Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English 20. Andersen, G. 2001. Pragmatic Markers and Sociolinguistic Variation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Andersen, Gisle. 1998. "The pragmatic marker like from a Relecance-theoretic perspective", in Discourse markers: Descriptions and theory, ed. A. H. Jucker & Y. Ziv, pp. 147-69. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Andersen, Gisle. 1997 They like wanna see like how we talk and all that. The use of LIKE as a discourse marker in London teenage speech. In: LJNG, Magnus (Ed.), Corpus-based Studies in English. Amsterdam, Rodopi. Andersen, H. 1995. Historical Linguistics 1993: Selected Papers from the 11th ICHL, Los Angeles, 16-20 August 1993. John Benjamins. Andersen, Henning & E. F. Konrad Koerner (eds.) 1990. Historical Linguistics 1987: Papers from the 8th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Lille, August 30-September 4, 1987. John Benjamins. Andersen, Henning (ed.) 2001 Actualization: Linguistic change in progress. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Andersen, Henning. 2001. "Actualization and the (uni)directionality of change", in Actualization: Linguistic Change in Progress, ed. H. Andersen, pp. 225-48. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Andersen, Henning. 2001 "Markedness and the theory of change", in Actualization: Linguistic change in progress, ed. H. Andersen, pp. 21-57. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Andersen, Paul Kent. 1983. Word order typology and comparative constructions. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Anderson, Anders-boerje & Oesten Dahl. 1974. "Against the Penthouse Principle". Linguistic Inquiry 5: 451-3. Anderson, E. R. 1983. Cynewulf: Structure, Style, and Theme of his Poetry. Rutherford, NJ. Anderson, Earl R. 1997 Interpretatio Romana: an Influence on Old English Vocabulary.' Foreign Lang. Education (Xi'an Foreign Lang. Univ.) 4: 11-27. Anderson, Earl R. 1998 A Grammar of Iconism. London: Associated Press. Anderson, Earl R. 2000. "The Semantic Puzzle of 'Red Gold'". ES 81: 1-13. Anderson, Gregory, D. S. 2006. Auxiliary Verb Constructions. OUP. Anderson, J. J. 2005. Language and Imagination in the Gawain Poems. Manchester UP. Anderson, J. J. (ed.) 1969. Patience. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Anderson, J. J. (ed.) 1977. Cleanness. Manchester. Anderson, J. J. (ed.) 1982. Records of Early English Drama: Newcastle Upon Tyne. Anderson, J. J. (ed.) 1996. Rev. of 1976 Everyman edition by A. C. Cawley & J. J. Anderson. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight; Pearl; Cleanness; Patiece. London: J. M. Dent. Anderson, John & Derek Britton. 1999. "The orthography and phonology of the Ormulum". English Language and Linguistics 3: 299-334. Anderson, John M. 2001. "Modals, Subjunctives, and (non-)finiteness". English Language and Linguistics 5: 159-66. Anderson, John. Subjecthood and the English Impersonal.' Language History and Linguistic Modelling. Ed. Hickey and Puppel. pp. 251-63. Anderson, John. 1993. "Parameters of Syntactic Change: A Notional View", in Historical Linguistics: Problems and Perspectives, ed. Charles Jones, pp. 1-42. London: Longman. Anderson, John. 1993. "Morphology, Phonology and the Scottish Vowel-length Rule". Journal of Linguistics 29: 419-30. Anderson, John. 1971. "Some Proposals Concerning the Modal Verb in English", in Edinburgh Studies in English and Scots, ed. A. J. Aitken, et al., pp. 69-120. Anderson, John. 1998 'A Core Morphology for Old English Verbs.' Eng. Lang. and Ling. 2: 199-222. Anderson, John. 1986. "A Note on Old English Impersonals". Journal of Linguistics 22: 167-77. Anderson, Kristin J. & Campbell Leaper. 1998. "Emotion talk between same- and mixed-gender friends: form and function". Journal of Language and Social Psychology 17(4): 419-48. Anderson, L. 1982. "The 'Perfect' as a Universal and as a Language-Particular Category", in P. Hopper (ed.), Tense-Aspect: Between Semantics and Pragmatics, pp. 227-64. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Andersson, Lars & Peter Trudgill. 1992. Bad Language. Penguin. Anderson, Luvell & Ernie Lepore. 2013. "What Did You Call Me? Slurs as Prohibited Words: Setting Things up". Analytic Philosophy 54: 350–363. Anderson, M. 1983. "Prenominal Genitive NPs". The Linguistic Review 3: 1-24.   Andersson, Theodore M. 2006. The Growth of the Medieval Icelandic Sagas, 1180-1280. Cornell UP. Anderwald, L. 2001 "Was/were variation in non-standard British English today". English World-Wide 22(1): 1-21. Anderwald, Lieselotte. 2002. Negation in Non-standard British English: Gaps, regularizations and Asymmetries. Routledge Studies in Germanic Linguistics, 8. Routledge. Anderwald, Lieselotte. 2003. "Non-standard English and typological principles: The case of negation", in Determinants of Grammatical Variation in English, ed. Guenter Rohdenburg & Britta Mondorf, pp. 507-29. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Anderwald, Lieselotte. 2012. The Morphology of English Dialects: Verb-Formation in Non-standard English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Anderwald, Lieselotte. 2014. "Measuring the Success of Prescriptivism: Quantitative Grammaticography, Corpus Linguistics and the Progressive Passive." English Language and Linguistics 18.1: 1-21. Anderwald, Lieselotte. 2016. Language between Description and Prescription: Verb Categories in Nineteenth-Century Grammars of English. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Anderwald, Lieselotte. 2017. “Vernacular Universals” in Nineteenth-Century Grammar Writing", in Exploring Future Paths for Historical Sociolinguistics, ed. Tanja Säily, Arja Nurmi, Minna Palander-Collin & Anita Auer, pp. 275-302. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Anderwald, Lieselotte. 2020. "American English Gotten: Historical Retention, Change from Below, or Something Else?", in Voices Past and Present - Studies of Involved, Speech-related and Spoken Texts In honor of Merja Kytö, ed. Ewa Jonsson & Tove Larsson, pp. 188-204. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Ando, Eiko. 1993. "Prepositions in Caxton(2) On the Use of the Preposition OF". 『日本大学 研究年報』 5. Ando, Eiko. 1991. "Prepositions in Caxton(1)". 『日本大学 研究年報』 3. Ando, Eiko. 1984. "Infinitive with and without (for) to in Caxton". 『日本大学英文学論叢』 32. Ando, Eiko. 1988. "Accusative with Infinitive and Its Equivalents in Caxton".『日本大学 研究年報』 36. Ando, Eiko. 1976. "Relative Pronouns in Caxton's Blanchardyn and Eglantine".『日本大学 英文学論叢』 24. Ando, Sadao & Harumi Sawada (eds.) 安藤貞雄・澤田治美(編). 2001. 『英語学入門』 開拓社. Ando, Sadao. 安藤貞雄. 1972 「表現論の構造と体系 -- Great Expectations を例証として」『ディケンズの文学と言語:ディケンズ没後百年記念論文集』(桝井迪夫・田辺昌美編、三省堂). Ando, Sadao. 1976. A Descriptive Syntax of Christopher Marlowe's Language. University of Tokyo Press. Andrew, M. 1997. "Theories of Authorship", in A Companion to the Gawain-Poet, ed. D. Brewer & J. Gibson. D. S. Brewer. Andrew, M. 1982. "The Diabolical Chapel: A Motif in Patience and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight". Neophilologus 66: 313-19. Andrew, M. & R. Waldron (eds.) 1987. The Poems of the Pearl Manuscript. Rev. edn. Exeter: University of Exeter. Andrew, M. (ed.) 1991. Critical Essays on Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Andrew, Malcolm. 2006. The Palgrave Literary Dictionary of Chaucer. Palgrave Macmillan. Andrew, Malcolm. 2000. "Biblical Paraphrase in the Middle English Patience", in Manuscript, Narrative, Lexicon: Essays on Literary and Cultural Transmission in Honor of Whitney F. Bolton, ed. R. Boenig & K. Davis, pp. 45-75. Bucknell University Press. Andrew, Malcoom & Ronald, Waldron. 1979. The Poems of the Pearl Manuscript: Pearl, Patience, Sir Gawain and the Green night. Berkeley: University of California Press. Andrew, S. O. 1928. "The Dialect of Morte Arthure". RES 4: 418-23. Andrew, S. O. 1929. "Wars of Alexander and Destruction of Troy". RES 5: 267-72. Andrew, S. O. 1930. "The Text of Sir Gawayn and the Grene Kny3t". RES 6: 175-82. Andrew, S. O. 1940. Syntax and Style in Old English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Andrews, Edna. 1993 The Iconicity of Gender Shifts in Contemporary Russian. In Robert A. Maguire and Alan Timberlake (eds) American Contributions to the Eleventh International Congress of Slavists. Columbus: Slavica. 202-213. Andrews, Kenneth R. 1993. "The Semantic Development of can and could from Old English to the Present". Historical Linguistics 1989: Papers from the 9th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Rutgers University, 14-18 August 1989, ed. H. Aersten & R. J. Jeffers, 37-46. Androutsopoulos, Ion. 2002. Exploring Time, Tense and Aspect in Natural Language Database Interfaces. Natural Language Processing, 6. John Benjamins.
**AND... Anderman, Gunilla & Magaret Rogers (eds.) 2005. In and Out of English: For better, for worse? Multilingual Matters. Andersen, Gisle. 2019. "Phraseology in a cross-linguistic perspective: Introducing the diachronic-contrastive corpus method". Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English 20. Andersen, G. 2001. Pragmatic Markers and Sociolinguistic Variation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Andersen, Gisle. 1998. "The pragmatic marker like from a Relecance-theoretic perspective", in Discourse markers: Descriptions and theory, ed. A. H. Jucker & Y. Ziv, pp. 147-69. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Andersen, Gisle. 1997 They like wanna see like how we talk and all that. The use of LIKE as a discourse marker in London teenage speech. In: LJNG, Magnus (Ed.), Corpus-based Studies in English. Amsterdam, Rodopi. Andersen, H. 1995. Historical Linguistics 1993: Selected Papers from the 11th ICHL, Los Angeles, 16-20 August 1993. John Benjamins. Andersen, Henning & E. F. Konrad Koerner (eds.) 1990. Historical Linguistics 1987: Papers from the 8th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Lille, August 30-September 4, 1987. John Benjamins. Andersen, Henning (ed.) 2001 Actualization: Linguistic change in progress. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Andersen, Henning. 2001. "Actualization and the (uni)directionality of change", in Actualization: Linguistic Change in Progress, ed. H. Andersen, pp. 225-48. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Andersen, Henning. 2001 "Markedness and the theory of change", in Actualization: Linguistic change in progress, ed. H. Andersen, pp. 21-57. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Andersen, Paul Kent. 1983. Word order typology and comparative constructions. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Anderson, Anders-boerje & Oesten Dahl. 1974. "Against the Penthouse Principle". Linguistic Inquiry 5: 451-3. Anderson, E. R. 1983. Cynewulf: Structure, Style, and Theme of his Poetry. Rutherford, NJ. Anderson, Earl R. 1997 Interpretatio Romana: an Influence on Old English Vocabulary.' Foreign Lang. Education (Xi'an Foreign Lang. Univ.) 4: 11-27. Anderson, Earl R. 1998 A Grammar of Iconism. London: Associated Press. Anderson, Earl R. 2000. "The Semantic Puzzle of 'Red Gold'". ES 81: 1-13. Anderson, Gregory, D. S. 2006. Auxiliary Verb Constructions. OUP. Anderson, J. J. 2005. Language and Imagination in the Gawain Poems. Manchester UP. Anderson, J. J. (ed.) 1969. Patience. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Anderson, J. J. (ed.) 1977. Cleanness. Manchester. Anderson, J. J. (ed.) 1982. Records of Early English Drama: Newcastle Upon Tyne. Anderson, J. J. (ed.) 1996. Rev. of 1976 Everyman edition by A. C. Cawley & J. J. Anderson. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight; Pearl; Cleanness; Patiece. London: J. M. Dent. Anderson, John & Derek Britton. 1999. "The orthography and phonology of the Ormulum". English Language and Linguistics 3: 299-334. Anderson, John M. 2001. "Modals, Subjunctives, and (non-)finiteness". English Language and Linguistics 5: 159-66. Anderson, John. Subjecthood and the English Impersonal.' Language History and Linguistic Modelling. Ed. Hickey and Puppel. pp. 251-63. Anderson, John. 1993. "Parameters of Syntactic Change: A Notional View", in Historical Linguistics: Problems and Perspectives, ed. Charles Jones, pp. 1-42. London: Longman. Anderson, John. 1993. "Morphology, Phonology and the Scottish Vowel-length Rule". Journal of Linguistics 29: 419-30. Anderson, John. 1971. "Some Proposals Concerning the Modal Verb in English", in Edinburgh Studies in English and Scots, ed. A. J. Aitken, et al., pp. 69-120. Anderson, John. 1998 'A Core Morphology for Old English Verbs.' Eng. Lang. and Ling. 2: 199-222. Anderson, John. 1986. "A Note on Old English Impersonals". Journal of Linguistics 22: 167-77. Anderson, Kristin J. & Campbell Leaper. 1998. "Emotion talk between same- and mixed-gender friends: form and function". Journal of Language and Social Psychology 17(4): 419-48. Anderson, L. 1982. "The 'Perfect' as a Universal and as a Language-Particular Category", in P. Hopper (ed.), Tense-Aspect: Between Semantics and Pragmatics, pp. 227-64. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Andersson, Lars & Peter Trudgill. 1992. Bad Language. Penguin. Anderson, Luvell & Ernie Lepore. 2013. "What Did You Call Me? Slurs as Prohibited Words: Setting Things up". Analytic Philosophy 54: 350–363. Anderson, M. 1983. "Prenominal Genitive NPs". The Linguistic Review 3: 1-24.   Andersson, Theodore M. 2006. The Growth of the Medieval Icelandic Sagas, 1180-1280. Cornell UP. Anderwald, L. 2001 "Was/were variation in non-standard British English today". English World-Wide 22(1): 1-21. Anderwald, Lieselotte. 2002. Negation in Non-standard British English: Gaps, regularizations and Asymmetries. Routledge Studies in Germanic Linguistics, 8. Routledge. Anderwald, Lieselotte. 2003. "Non-standard English and typological principles: The case of negation", in Determinants of Grammatical Variation in English, ed. Guenter Rohdenburg & Britta Mondorf, pp. 507-29. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Anderwald, Lieselotte. 2012. The Morphology of English Dialects: Verb-Formation in Non-standard English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Anderwald, Lieselotte. 2014. "Measuring the Success of Prescriptivism: Quantitative Grammaticography, Corpus Linguistics and the Progressive Passive." English Language and Linguistics 18.1: 1-21. Anderwald, Lieselotte. 2016. Language between Description and Prescription: Verb Categories in Nineteenth-Century Grammars of English. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Anderwald, Lieselotte. 2017. “Vernacular Universals” in Nineteenth-Century Grammar Writing", in Exploring Future Paths for Historical Sociolinguistics, ed. Tanja Säily, Arja Nurmi, Minna Palander-Collin & Anita Auer, pp. 275-302. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Anderwald, Lieselotte. 2020. "American English Gotten: Historical Retention, Change from Below, or Something Else?", in Voices Past and Present - Studies of Involved, Speech-related and Spoken Texts In honor of Merja Kytö, ed. Ewa Jonsson & Tove Larsson, pp. 188-204. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Anderwald, Lieselotte. 2020. "The Myth of American English Gotten as a Historical Retention", in Late Modern English: Novel Encounters, ed. Merja Kytö & Erik Smitterberg, pp. 68-90. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Ando, Eiko. 1993. "Prepositions in Caxton(2) On the Use of the Preposition OF". 『日本大学 研究年報』 5. Ando, Eiko. 1991. "Prepositions in Caxton(1)". 『日本大学 研究年報』 3. Ando, Eiko. 1984. "Infinitive with and without (for) to in Caxton". 『日本大学英文学論叢』 32. Ando, Eiko. 1988. "Accusative with Infinitive and Its Equivalents in Caxton".『日本大学 研究年報』 36. Ando, Eiko. 1976. "Relative Pronouns in Caxton's Blanchardyn and Eglantine".『日本大学 英文学論叢』 24. Ando, Sadao & Harumi Sawada (eds.) 安藤貞雄・澤田治美(編). 2001. 『英語学入門』 開拓社. Ando, Sadao. 安藤貞雄. 1972 「表現論の構造と体系 -- Great Expectations を例証として」『ディケンズの文学と言語:ディケンズ没後百年記念論文集』(桝井迪夫・田辺昌美編、三省堂). Ando, Sadao. 1976. A Descriptive Syntax of Christopher Marlowe's Language. University of Tokyo Press. Andrew, M. 1997. "Theories of Authorship", in A Companion to the Gawain-Poet, ed. D. Brewer & J. Gibson. D. S. Brewer. Andrew, M. 1982. "The Diabolical Chapel: A Motif in Patience and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight". Neophilologus 66: 313-19. Andrew, M. & R. Waldron (eds.) 1987. The Poems of the Pearl Manuscript. Rev. edn. Exeter: University of Exeter. Andrew, M. (ed.) 1991. Critical Essays on Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Andrew, Malcolm. 2006. The Palgrave Literary Dictionary of Chaucer. Palgrave Macmillan. Andrew, Malcolm. 2000. "Biblical Paraphrase in the Middle English Patience", in Manuscript, Narrative, Lexicon: Essays on Literary and Cultural Transmission in Honor of Whitney F. Bolton, ed. R. Boenig & K. Davis, pp. 45-75. Bucknell University Press. Andrew, Malcoom & Ronald, Waldron. 1979. The Poems of the Pearl Manuscript: Pearl, Patience, Sir Gawain and the Green night. Berkeley: University of California Press. Andrew, S. O. 1928. "The Dialect of Morte Arthure". RES 4: 418-23. Andrew, S. O. 1929. "Wars of Alexander and Destruction of Troy". RES 5: 267-72. Andrew, S. O. 1930. "The Text of Sir Gawayn and the Grene Kny3t". RES 6: 175-82. Andrew, S. O. 1940. Syntax and Style in Old English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Andrews, Edna. 1993 The Iconicity of Gender Shifts in Contemporary Russian. In Robert A. Maguire and Alan Timberlake (eds) American Contributions to the Eleventh International Congress of Slavists. Columbus: Slavica. 202-213. Andrews, Kenneth R. 1993. "The Semantic Development of can and could from Old English to the Present". Historical Linguistics 1989: Papers from the 9th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Rutgers University, 14-18 August 1989, ed. H. Aersten & R. J. Jeffers, 37-46. Androutsopoulos, Ion. 2002. Exploring Time, Tense and Aspect in Natural Language Database Interfaces. Natural Language Processing, 6. John Benjamins.




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