

gru」(2021/01/14 (木) 15:30:52) の最新版変更点



**GRU... Grund, Peter J. 2017. "Description, Evaluation and Stance: Exploring the Forms and Functions of Speech Descriptors in Early Modern English." Nordic Journal of English Studies 16(1): 7-40. Grund, Peter J. forthcoming.(As of Aug 2017) "Beyond Speech Representation: Describing and Evaluating Speech in Early Modern English Prose Fiction." Grund, Peter J., Merja Kytö & Terry Walker. 2011. Testifying to Language and Life in Early Modern England: Including CD-ROM: An Electronic Text Edition of Depositions 1560-1760 (ETED). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Grund, Peter J. & Erik Smitterberg. 2014. "Conjuncts in Nineteenth-Century English: Diachronic Development and Genre Diversity." English Language and Linguistics 18.1: 157-181. Grund, Peter J. & Terry Walker. 2006. "The subjunctive in adverbial clauses in nineteenth-century English", in Nineteenth-century English: Stability and change, pp. 89-109. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Grund, Peter J. & Terry Walker. 2020. "Speech Representation in the History of English: Introduction", in Speech Representation in the History of English: Topics and Approaches, pp. 1-28. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Grund, Peter J. & Terry Walker. 2020. Speech Presentation in the History of English: Topics and Approaches. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
**GRU... Grund, Peter J. 2017. "Description, Evaluation and Stance: Exploring the Forms and Functions of Speech Descriptors in Early Modern English." Nordic Journal of English Studies 16(1): 7-40. Grund, Peter J. forthcoming.(As of Aug 2017) "Beyond Speech Representation: Describing and Evaluating Speech in Early Modern English Prose Fiction." Grund, Peter J. 2020. "What It Means to Describe Speech: Pragmatic Variation and Change in Speech Descriptors in Late Modern English", in Late Modern English: Novel Encounters, ed. Merja Kytö & Erik Smitterberg, pp. 296-314. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Grund, Peter J., Merja Kytö & Terry Walker. 2011. Testifying to Language and Life in Early Modern England: Including CD-ROM: An Electronic Text Edition of Depositions 1560-1760 (ETED). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Grund, Peter J. & Erik Smitterberg. 2014. "Conjuncts in Nineteenth-Century English: Diachronic Development and Genre Diversity." English Language and Linguistics 18.1: 157-181. Grund, Peter J. & Terry Walker. 2006. "The subjunctive in adverbial clauses in nineteenth-century English", in Nineteenth-century English: Stability and change, pp. 89-109. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Grund, Peter J. & Terry Walker. 2020. "Speech Representation in the History of English: Introduction", in Speech Representation in the History of English: Topics and Approaches, pp. 1-28. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Grund, Peter J. & Terry Walker. 2020. Speech Presentation in the History of English: Topics and Approaches. Oxford: Oxford University Press.




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