

cry」(2023/12/30 (土) 20:11:12) の最新版変更点



**CRY... Crystal, David. 1966. "Specification and English Tenses". Journal of Linguistics 2: 1-34. Crystal, David. 1971. "Prosodic and Paralinguistic Correlates of Social Categories", in Social Anthropology and Language, ed. E. Ardener. London: Tavistock. Crystal, David. 1988. "Another Look at Well, You Know...". English Today 13: 47-49. Crystal, David. 2003. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Crystal, David. 2004. Language and the Internet. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Crystal, David. 2006. "Into the twenty-first century", in The Oxford History of English, ed. Lynda Mugglestone, pp. 394-414. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Crystal, David. 2010. Begat: The King James Bible and the English Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Crystal, David. 2011. "Global Language", in English in the World: History, Diversity, Change, ed. Phillip Seargeant & Joan Swann. London: Routledge. Crystal, David. 2013. The Story of English in 100 Words. Picador. Crystal, David. 2018. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language, 3rd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Crystal, David and Davy, Derek. 1969. Investigating English Style. London: Longman. Crystal, David and Davy, Derek. 1975. Advanced Conversational English. London: Longman.
**CRY... Crystal, David. 1966. "Specification and English Tenses". Journal of Linguistics 2: 1-34. Crystal, David. 1971. "Prosodic and Paralinguistic Correlates of Social Categories", in Social Anthropology and Language, ed. E. Ardener. London: Tavistock. Crystal, David. 1988. "Another Look at Well, You Know...". English Today 13: 47-49. Crystal, David. 2003. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Crystal, David. 2004. Language and the Internet. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Crystal, David. 2006. "Into the twenty-first century", in The Oxford History of English, ed. Lynda Mugglestone, pp. 394-414. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Crystal, David. 2010. Begat: The King James Bible and the English Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Crystal, David. 2011. "Global Language", in English in the World: History, Diversity, Change, ed. Phillip Seargeant & Joan Swann. London: Routledge. Crystal, David. 2012. Think on My Words: Exploring Shakespeare’s Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Crystal, David. 2013. The Story of English in 100 Words. Picador. Crystal, David. 2018. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language, 3rd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Crystal, David and Davy, Derek. 1969. Investigating English Style. London: Longman. Crystal, David and Davy, Derek. 1975. Advanced Conversational English. London: Longman.




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