

kik」(2023/11/21 (火) 23:38:37) の最新版変更点



**KIK... Kikuchi, Shigeo. 菊池繁夫. 2017. 「文のスタイル」 『英語のスタイル 教えるための文体論入門』 ed. M. Toyota, M. Hori & O. Imahayashi, 60-70. 東京: 研究社. Kikuchi, Shota. 2013. "'Nonstandard' Uses of the Relativizers Who and Whom in Shakespeare's Drama". 『言語情報科学』11: 1-17. Kikuchi, Shota. 2014. "On Whom in American English from 1990: A Study Based on the Corpus of Contemporary American English". 『言語情報科学』12: 19-35. Kikuchi, Shota. 2014. "The Which in Shakespeare Revisited". In Studies in Modern English: The Thirtieth Anniversary Publication of the Modern English Association, ed. Ken Nakagawa, pp. 153-168. Tokyo: Eihosha. Kikuchi, Shota. 2015. "Relativizers in Shakespeare: A Sociolinguistic Study". Studies in English Literature. Regional Branches Combined Issue 7: 41-54. Kikuchi, Shota. 菊地翔太. 2015. 「現代英語における譲歩を表す前置詞-英語史研究の英語教育への貢献-」 『専修人文論集』97: 375-391. Kikuchi, Shota. 2022. "Wh to-infinitive Constructions in Early Modern English Drama with Special Reference to Shakespeare", in Variational Studies on Pronominal Forms in the History of English, ed. Yoko Iyeiri, Hiroshi Yadomi, David Selfe & Jeremy Smith, pp. 21-35. Tokyo: Kaitakusha.
**KIK... Kikuchi, Shigeo. 菊池繁夫. 2017. 「文のスタイル」 『英語のスタイル 教えるための文体論入門』 ed. M. Toyota, M. Hori & O. Imahayashi, 60-70. 東京: 研究社. 菊池繁夫・上利政彦(編). 2016. 『英語文学テクストの語学的研究法』 九州大学出版会. Kikuchi, Shota. 2013. "'Nonstandard' Uses of the Relativizers Who and Whom in Shakespeare's Drama". 『言語情報科学』11: 1-17. Kikuchi, Shota. 2014. "On Whom in American English from 1990: A Study Based on the Corpus of Contemporary American English". 『言語情報科学』12: 19-35. Kikuchi, Shota. 2014. "The Which in Shakespeare Revisited". In Studies in Modern English: The Thirtieth Anniversary Publication of the Modern English Association, ed. Ken Nakagawa, pp. 153-168. Tokyo: Eihosha. Kikuchi, Shota. 2015. "Relativizers in Shakespeare: A Sociolinguistic Study". Studies in English Literature. Regional Branches Combined Issue 7: 41-54. Kikuchi, Shota. 菊地翔太. 2015. 「現代英語における譲歩を表す前置詞-英語史研究の英語教育への貢献-」 『専修人文論集』97: 375-391. Kikuchi, Shota. 2022. "Wh to-infinitive Constructions in Early Modern English Drama with Special Reference to Shakespeare", in Variational Studies on Pronominal Forms in the History of English, ed. Yoko Iyeiri, Hiroshi Yadomi, David Selfe & Jeremy Smith, pp. 21-35. Tokyo: Kaitakusha.




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