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**MCI... McIntosh, A. 1983. "Present indicative plural forms in the Later Middle English of the North Midlands", in D. Gray & E. G. Stanley (Eds.), Middle English Studies Presented to Norman Davis in Honour of his Seventieth Birthday (pp. 235–244). Oxford: Clarendon Press. McIntosh, Angus. 1961. An Introduction to A Survey of Scottish Dialects. Edinburgh: Published for the University of Edinburgh, by T. Nelson. McIntosh, Angus, Michael L. Samuels & Michael Benskin 1986. A Linguistic Atlas of Late Mediaeval English, 4 vols. Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press. McIntosh, Carey. 1994. "Prestige Norms in Stage Plays, 1600-1800". In Towards a Standard English 1600-1800, ed. Dieter Stein and Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade, pp. 63-80, Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter. McIntyre, D. 2006. Point of View in Plays. Amsterdam: John Benjaminas. McIntyre. D. 2008. "Integrating Multimodal Analysis and the Stylistics of Drama: A Multimodal Perspective on Ian Mckellan's Richard III". Language and Literature 17(4): 309-334. McIntyre, Dan. 2018. "Irony and Semantic Prosody Revisited", in The Pragmatics of Irony and Banter, ed. Manuel Jobert & Sandrine Sorlin, pp. 81-99. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. McIntyre, Dan & Beatrix Busse. (eds.) 2010. Language and style : in honour of Mick Short. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. McIntyre, D., Bellard-Thomson, C., Heywood, J., McEnery, T., Semino, E. & Short, M. 2004. "Investigating the Presentation of Speech, Writing and Thought in Spoken British English: A Corpus-Based Approach". ICAME Journal 28: 513-522. McIntosh, Angus. 1983. "Present Indicative Plural Forms in the Later Middle English of the North Midlands", in Middle English Studies Presented to Norman Davis, ed. D. Gray & E. G. Stanley. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
**MCI... McIntosh, A. 1963. "King Lear Act 1, Scene 1. A Stylistic Note". Review of English Studies, New Series 14: 54-56. McIntosh, A. 1963. "As You Like It: A Grammatical Clue to Character". Review of English Literature 4: 68-81. McIntosh, A. 1983. "Present indicative plural forms in the Later Middle English of the North Midlands", in D. Gray & E. G. Stanley (Eds.), Middle English Studies Presented to Norman Davis in Honour of his Seventieth Birthday (pp. 235–244). Oxford: Clarendon Press. McIntosh, Angus. 1961. An Introduction to A Survey of Scottish Dialects. Edinburgh: Published for the University of Edinburgh, by T. Nelson. McIntosh, Angus, Michael L. Samuels & Michael Benskin 1986. A Linguistic Atlas of Late Mediaeval English, 4 vols. Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press. McIntosh, Carey. 1994. "Prestige Norms in Stage Plays, 1600-1800". In Towards a Standard English 1600-1800, ed. Dieter Stein and Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade, pp. 63-80, Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter. McIntyre, D. 2006. Point of View in Plays. Amsterdam: John Benjaminas. McIntyre. D. 2008. "Integrating Multimodal Analysis and the Stylistics of Drama: A Multimodal Perspective on Ian Mckellan's Richard III". Language and Literature 17(4): 309-334. McIntyre, Dan. 2018. "Irony and Semantic Prosody Revisited", in The Pragmatics of Irony and Banter, ed. Manuel Jobert & Sandrine Sorlin, pp. 81-99. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. McIntyre, Dan & Beatrix Busse. (eds.) 2010. Language and style : in honour of Mick Short. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. McIntyre, D., Bellard-Thomson, C., Heywood, J., McEnery, T., Semino, E. & Short, M. 2004. "Investigating the Presentation of Speech, Writing and Thought in Spoken British English: A Corpus-Based Approach". ICAME Journal 28: 513-522. McIntosh, Angus. 1983. "Present Indicative Plural Forms in the Later Middle English of the North Midlands", in Middle English Studies Presented to Norman Davis, ed. D. Gray & E. G. Stanley. Oxford: Clarendon Press.




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