

non」(2023/03/20 (月) 16:47:30) の最新版変更点



**NON ... Nonomiya, Ayumi. 2021. "Second Person Pronoun Ye in George Bernard Shaw's Plays". Studies in Modern English 37: 19-42. Nonomiya, Ayumi. 2021. Enregisterment of Thou in Eighteenth-Century Plays. Tokyo: Kaitakusha. Nonomiya, Ayumi. 2017. "Second Person Pronouns in Eighteenth-Century Dramas". Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Sheffield. Nonomiya, Ayumi. 2014. "THOU and YOU in Eighteenth-century English Plays". Token 3: 211-234. Nonomiya, Ayumi. 2013. "What Happens When a Word Is Falling out of Use? Case Study on THOU and YOU in Henry Fielding's Plays". TrackChanges 4: 39-56. Nonomiya, Ayumi. 2011. "Imperative Sentences in Ten Eighteenth-Century English Comedies". Studies in Modern English 27: 101-119. Nonomiya, Ayumi. 2009. "Gender and Imperatives in the Eighteenth-Century Novel". Language and Information Sciences 7: 65-78.
**NON ... Nonomiya, Ayumi. 2022. "The Use of Thou in George Bernard Shaw's Plays", in Variational Studies on Pronominal Forms in the History of English, ed. Yoko Iyeiri, Hiroshi Yadomi, David Selfe & Jeremy Smith, pp. 135-154. Tokyo: Kaitakusha. Nonomiya, Ayumi. 2021. "Second Person Pronoun Ye in George Bernard Shaw's Plays". Studies in Modern English 37: 19-42. Nonomiya, Ayumi. 2021. Enregisterment of Thou in Eighteenth-Century Plays. Tokyo: Kaitakusha. Nonomiya, Ayumi. 2017. "Second Person Pronouns in Eighteenth-Century Dramas". Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Sheffield. Nonomiya, Ayumi. 2014. "THOU and YOU in Eighteenth-century English Plays". Token 3: 211-234. Nonomiya, Ayumi. 2013. "What Happens When a Word Is Falling out of Use? Case Study on THOU and YOU in Henry Fielding's Plays". TrackChanges 4: 39-56. Nonomiya, Ayumi. 2011. "Imperative Sentences in Ten Eighteenth-Century English Comedies". Studies in Modern English 27: 101-119. Nonomiya, Ayumi. 2009. "Gender and Imperatives in the Eighteenth-Century Novel". Language and Information Sciences 7: 65-78.




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