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**IHA ... Ihalainen, Ossi 1991. "The Grammatical Subject in Educated and Dialectal English", in English Computer Corpora: Selected Papers and Research Guide, ed. Stig Johansson & Anna-Brita Stenstrom, pp. 201-214. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter. Ihalainen, Ossi. 1994. "The Dialects of England since 1776". The Cambridge History of the English Language, V: English in Britain and Overseas: Origins and Development, ed. Robert Burchfield, pp. 197-274. CUP. Ihara, Noriko. 伊原紀子. 2008. 「日・英小説の語りに表れる「声」:自由間接話法とその翻訳」 (Narrative Voices in English and Japanese Novels : Free Indirect Discourses and Their Translation) 『社会言語科学』 11(1): 151-163.
**IHA ... Ihalainen, Ossi 1991. "The Grammatical Subject in Educated and Dialectal English", in English Computer Corpora: Selected Papers and Research Guide, ed. Stig Johansson & Anna-Brita Stenstrom, pp. 201-214. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter. Ihalainen, Ossi. 1994. "The Dialects of England since 1776". The Cambridge History of the English Language, V: English in Britain and Overseas: Origins and Development, ed. Robert Burchfield, pp. 197-274. CUP. Ihara, Noriko. 伊原紀子. 2002. 「翻訳における異化・同化一話法の日英比較」『英語教育研究』 25: 53-68. Ihara, Noriko. 伊原紀子. 2008. 「日・英小説の語りに表れる「声」:自由間接話法とその翻訳」 (Narrative Voices in English and Japanese Novels : Free Indirect Discourses and Their Translation) 『社会言語科学』 11(1): 151-163.




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