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**SUZ ... Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2014.「類義語間の機能的差異―法副詞maybeとperhapsを例にして―」 JELS 31: 179-185. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2014. "The Historical Development of No Doubt as a Modal Adverb", in Studies in Middle and Modern English: Historical Change, eds. Yoko Iyeiri & Jennifer Smith, pp. 81-94. Osaka: Osaka Books. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2013. "A Corpus-based Study of the Modal Adverbs Certainly and Definitely from the Viewpoints of Epistemicity and Discourse", in Kyoto Working Papers in English and General Linguistics 2: Special Issue in Honour of Professor Kensei Sugayama on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday, eds. Michiko Yaguchi, Hiroyuki Takagi, Kairi Igarashi, Tsutomu Watanabe, Takafumi Maekawa & Taiki Yoshimura, pp. 191-201. Tokyo: Kaitakusha. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2013. "The Historical Development of No Sooner ... Than and its Semantic Changes", in Periphrasis, Replacement and Renewal: Studies in English Historical Linguistics, ed. Iren Hegedus & Dora Podoer, pp. 228-42. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2012. "A Corpus-based Study of Modal Adverbs in English from the Viewpoint of Grammaticalization", Token: A Journal of English Linguistics 1: 129-141. Suzuki, Daisuke & Takashi Fujiwara. 鈴木大介・藤原崇. 2012. 「no doubtの談話機能に関する実験的調査」『日本語用論学会第14回大会発表論文集』7: 81-88. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2012.「法副詞no doubt, doubtless, undoubtedlyの生起文脈について―過程構成の観点から―」 Proceedings of JASFL 6: 1-10. Suzuki, Daisuke & Takashi Fujiwara. 鈴木大介・藤原崇. 2012. "Discourse Effects on the Choice of Modal Adverbs in English", in Proceedings of the 5th ISEL Conference on Experimental Linguistics, ed. Antonis Botinis, pp. 117-120. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2011.「初期近代英語におけるno doubt及び関連表現について―シェイクスピア作品の分析から―」 Zephyr 24: 22-34. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2011. "On the Pragmatic Functions of Modal Adverbs: A Corpus-based Study of Linguistic Variations in Present-day English", Zephyr 24: 1-21. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2011. "A Corpus-based Study of the Synonymic Expressions No more than, Only and Mere: From the Viewpoint of Mental Attitude", in Kyoto Working Papers in English and General Linguistics 1, ed. Kensei Sugayama, pp. 223-239. Tokyo: Kaitakusha. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2011. "A Functional Approach to the Modal Adverbs Certainly, Surely and Definitely", in Proceedings of the Sixth Cambridge Postgraduate Conference in Language Research, ed. Chris Cummins, Chi-Hé Elder, Thomas Godard, Morgan Macleod, Elaine Schmidt & George Walkden, pp. 185-194. Cambridge: Cambridge Institute of Language Research. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2011.「法副詞no doubtの機能について―類義表現との比較から―」『英語コーパス研究』18: 17-31. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2010.「法副詞surelyの使用域と機能について」 Zephyr 23: 24-37. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2010.「「no+比較級+than」の語用論的機能について―no better than, no worse than を例に―」『日本語用論学会第12回大会発表論文集』5: 65-72. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2010.「no sooner ... than構文の形式と機能について」 KLS 30: 37-48. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2010.「no less than の機能と文法化―no fewer than と比較して―」『日本認知言語学会論文集』10: 580-586. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2009. "A Statistical Approach to the Functions of the Synonymic Expressions". Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 265-268. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2008. "A Functional Approach to Pragmatic Aspects of No More Than". Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 295-302. Suzuki, Hironori. 2018. "The Composition of 'Auxiliary + Main Verb' Construction in Old English Poetry", in Aspects of Medieval English Language and Literature Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of the Society of Historical English Language and Linguistics, ed. Michiko Ogura & Hans Sauer, pp. 23-40. Bern: Peter Lang. Suzuki, Mitsuyo & Kimiko Ochi. 2006. "Analysis of the Pragmatic Functions of Tags & their Usage : through Data Collected from Movies". 『映画英語教育研究 : 紀要』11: 15-25. Suzuki, Mitsuyo & Kimiko Ochi. 鈴木光代, 越智希美子. 2013. 「映画英語を通して学ぶ語用論標識の使用の違い : 教材開発に向けて」『映画英語教育研究 : 紀要』17: 43-51. Suzuki, Takao. 鈴木孝夫. 1982. 「自称詞と対称詞の比較」 『日英語比較講座第5巻 文化と社会』 pp. 17-59. 東京: 大修館書店. Suzuki, Takeru. 2017. "Root PathPP Small Clauses in English: Developmental Origins of Path-Related Constructions". JELS 34: 179-185. Suzuki, Tohru. 鈴木亨. 2019. 「活動動詞を含む属性評価分の拡張と両義的解釈」『慣用表現・変則的表現から見える英語の姿』 編:住吉誠・鈴木亨・西村義樹. 東京: 開拓社. Suzuki, Yasuko. 2013. "Towards a linguistic interpretation of Kuhn's Laws: With Special Reference to Old English Beowulf (Part III)." The Review of Inquiry and Research 97: 1-11.
**SUZ ... Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2014.「類義語間の機能的差異―法副詞maybeとperhapsを例にして―」 JELS 31: 179-185. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2014. "The Historical Development of No Doubt as a Modal Adverb", in Studies in Middle and Modern English: Historical Change, eds. Yoko Iyeiri & Jennifer Smith, pp. 81-94. Osaka: Osaka Books. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2013. "A Corpus-based Study of the Modal Adverbs Certainly and Definitely from the Viewpoints of Epistemicity and Discourse", in Kyoto Working Papers in English and General Linguistics 2: Special Issue in Honour of Professor Kensei Sugayama on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday, eds. Michiko Yaguchi, Hiroyuki Takagi, Kairi Igarashi, Tsutomu Watanabe, Takafumi Maekawa & Taiki Yoshimura, pp. 191-201. Tokyo: Kaitakusha. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2013. "The Historical Development of No Sooner ... Than and its Semantic Changes", in Periphrasis, Replacement and Renewal: Studies in English Historical Linguistics, ed. Iren Hegedus & Dora Podoer, pp. 228-42. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2012. "A Corpus-based Study of Modal Adverbs in English from the Viewpoint of Grammaticalization", Token: A Journal of English Linguistics 1: 129-141. Suzuki, Daisuke & Takashi Fujiwara. 鈴木大介・藤原崇. 2012. 「no doubtの談話機能に関する実験的調査」『日本語用論学会第14回大会発表論文集』7: 81-88. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2012.「法副詞no doubt, doubtless, undoubtedlyの生起文脈について―過程構成の観点から―」 Proceedings of JASFL 6: 1-10. Suzuki, Daisuke & Takashi Fujiwara. 鈴木大介・藤原崇. 2012. "Discourse Effects on the Choice of Modal Adverbs in English", in Proceedings of the 5th ISEL Conference on Experimental Linguistics, ed. Antonis Botinis, pp. 117-120. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2011.「初期近代英語におけるno doubt及び関連表現について―シェイクスピア作品の分析から―」 Zephyr 24: 22-34. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2011. "On the Pragmatic Functions of Modal Adverbs: A Corpus-based Study of Linguistic Variations in Present-day English", Zephyr 24: 1-21. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2011. "A Corpus-based Study of the Synonymic Expressions No more than, Only and Mere: From the Viewpoint of Mental Attitude", in Kyoto Working Papers in English and General Linguistics 1, ed. Kensei Sugayama, pp. 223-239. Tokyo: Kaitakusha. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2011. "A Functional Approach to the Modal Adverbs Certainly, Surely and Definitely", in Proceedings of the Sixth Cambridge Postgraduate Conference in Language Research, ed. Chris Cummins, Chi-Hé Elder, Thomas Godard, Morgan Macleod, Elaine Schmidt & George Walkden, pp. 185-194. Cambridge: Cambridge Institute of Language Research. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2011.「法副詞no doubtの機能について―類義表現との比較から―」『英語コーパス研究』18: 17-31. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2010.「法副詞surelyの使用域と機能について」 Zephyr 23: 24-37. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2010.「「no+比較級+than」の語用論的機能について―no better than, no worse than を例に―」『日本語用論学会第12回大会発表論文集』5: 65-72. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2010.「no sooner ... than構文の形式と機能について」 KLS 30: 37-48. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2010.「no less than の機能と文法化―no fewer than と比較して―」『日本認知言語学会論文集』10: 580-586. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2009. "A Statistical Approach to the Functions of the Synonymic Expressions". Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 265-268. Suzuki, Daisuke. 鈴木大介. 2008. "A Functional Approach to Pragmatic Aspects of No More Than". Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 295-302. Suzuki, Hironori. 2018. "The Composition of 'Auxiliary + Main Verb' Construction in Old English Poetry", in Aspects of Medieval English Language and Literature Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of the Society of Historical English Language and Linguistics, ed. Michiko Ogura & Hans Sauer, pp. 23-40. Bern: Peter Lang. Suzuki, Mitsuyo & Kimiko Ochi. 2006. "Analysis of the Pragmatic Functions of Tags & their Usage : through Data Collected from Movies". 『映画英語教育研究 : 紀要』11: 15-25. Suzuki, Mitsuyo & Kimiko Ochi. 鈴木光代, 越智希美子. 2013. 「映画英語を通して学ぶ語用論標識の使用の違い : 教材開発に向けて」『映画英語教育研究 : 紀要』17: 43-51. Suzuki, Takao. 鈴木孝夫. 1982. 「自称詞と対称詞の比較」 『日英語比較講座第5巻 文化と社会』 pp. 17-59. 東京: 大修館書店. Suzuki, Takao. 鈴木孝夫. 1970. 「親族名称による英語の自己表現と呼称」『慶応義塾大学言語文化研究紀要』1: 147-175. Suzuki, Takeru. 2017. "Root PathPP Small Clauses in English: Developmental Origins of Path-Related Constructions". JELS 34: 179-185. Suzuki, Tohru. 鈴木亨. 2019. 「活動動詞を含む属性評価分の拡張と両義的解釈」『慣用表現・変則的表現から見える英語の姿』 編:住吉誠・鈴木亨・西村義樹. 東京: 開拓社. Suzuki, Yasuko. 2013. "Towards a linguistic interpretation of Kuhn's Laws: With Special Reference to Old English Beowulf (Part III)." The Review of Inquiry and Research 97: 1-11.




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