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**LIN... Lind, A. 1983. "The Variant Forms Help to / Help %". English Studies 64: 263-73. Lind, Age. 1983. "The Variant Forms of try and/try to". English Studies 64: 550-63. Lindblad, I. & M. Ljung (eds). 1987. Proceedings from the Third Nordic Conference for English Studies (Hasselby, 25-27 September 1986). 2 vols. Stockholm Studies in English 73. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell. Lindemann, J. W. R. 1965. "Old English Preverbal ge: A Re-Examination of Some Current Doctrines". JEGP 64: 65-83. Lindemann, J. W. R. 1970. Old English Preverbal Ge-: Its Meaning. The University Press of Virginia. Lindholm, J. N. 1969. "Negative-Raising and SentencevPrnominalization". CLS 5: 148-58. Lindkvist, H. 1921. "On the Origin and history of the English Prnominalization". CLS 5: 148-58. Lindkvist, K. G. 1972. The Local Sense of the Prepositions OVER, ABOVE, and ACROSS Studied in Present-Day English. Stockholm Studies in English 25. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell. Lindkvist, K. G. 1978. AT versus ON, IN, BY: on the Early History of Spatial AT and Certain Primary Ideas Destinguishing AT from ON, IN, BY. Stockholm Studies in English 49. Lindkvist, Larl-Gunnar. 1976. A Comprehensive Study of Conception of Locality in which English Prepositions Occur. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell. Lindquist, Hans & Christian Mair (eds.) 2004. Corpus Approaches to Grammaticalization in English. John Benjamins. Lindsay, David W. 1993. The Beggar's Opera and Other Eighteenth-Century Plays. Everyman. Lindsay, Geoff. 2019. English After RP: Standard British Pronunciation Today. Palgrave Macmillan. Lindsay, M. 2012. "Rival suffixes: Synonymy, competition, and the emergence of productivity", in A. Ralli, G. Booij, S. Scalise & A. Karasimos (Eds.), Morphology and the Architecture of Grammar: On-Line Proceedings of the 8th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting (MMM8) (pp. 192–203). Rio: University of Patras. Lindstroem, Bengt. 2000. "Genesis and Exodus once again". Notes and Queries 47: 292-293. Lindstroem, Bengt. 2000. "Notes on the Middle English Genesis and Exodus". Notes and Queries 47: 159-168. Lindstroem, Bengt. 2002. "Additional Remarks on the Middle English Genesis and Exodus". Notes and Queries n.s. 247: 180-4. Lindstromberg, Seth. 1997, English Prepositions Explained. John Benjamins. Linfield, N. 1982. "You and thou in Shakespeare's Othello'. Iowa State Journal of Research 57(2): 163-78. Link, F. H. 1955. "And oder With + Partizipium". Anglia 73: 322-27. Linke, G. 1937. "Zur Textkritik von me. Genesis und Exodus". Archiv 171: 210-11. Linmans, A. J. 1998 'Correspondence Anlysis of the Synoptic Gospels,' Literary and Linguistic Computing, 13: 1-13. Linn, Andrew R. 2004. Johan Storm: dhi gretest praktikal liNgwist in dhi werld. Publications of the Philological Society. Linn, Andrew R. & Nicola McLelland (eds.) 2003. Standardization: Studies from the Germanic Languages. John Benjamins.
**LIN... Lind, A. 1983. "The Variant Forms Help to / Help %". English Studies 64: 263-73. Lind, Age. 1983. "The Variant Forms of try and/try to". English Studies 64: 550-63. Lindblad, I. & M. Ljung (eds). 1987. Proceedings from the Third Nordic Conference for English Studies (Hasselby, 25-27 September 1986). 2 vols. Stockholm Studies in English 73. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell. Lindemann, J. W. R. 1965. "Old English Preverbal ge: A Re-Examination of Some Current Doctrines". JEGP 64: 65-83. Lindemann, J. W. R. 1970. Old English Preverbal Ge-: Its Meaning. The University Press of Virginia. Lindholm, J. N. 1969. "Negative-Raising and SentencevPrnominalization". CLS 5: 148-58. Lindkvist, H. 1921. "On the Origin and history of the English Prnominalization". CLS 5: 148-58. Lindkvist, K. G. 1972. The Local Sense of the Prepositions OVER, ABOVE, and ACROSS Studied in Present-Day English. Stockholm Studies in English 25. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell. Lindkvist, K. G. 1978. AT versus ON, IN, BY: on the Early History of Spatial AT and Certain Primary Ideas Destinguishing AT from ON, IN, BY. Stockholm Studies in English 49. Lindkvist, Larl-Gunnar. 1976. A Comprehensive Study of Conception of Locality in which English Prepositions Occur. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell. Lindquist, Hans & Christian Mair (eds.) 2004. Corpus Approaches to Grammaticalization in English. John Benjamins. Lindsay, David W. 1993. The Beggar's Opera and Other Eighteenth-Century Plays. Everyman. Lindsay, Geoff. 2019. English After RP: Standard British Pronunciation Today. Palgrave Macmillan. Lindsay, M. 2012. "Rival suffixes: Synonymy, competition, and the emergence of productivity", in A. Ralli, G. Booij, S. Scalise & A. Karasimos (Eds.), Morphology and the Architecture of Grammar: On-Line Proceedings of the 8th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting (MMM8) (pp. 192–203). Rio: University of Patras. Lindsay, M. & M. Aronoff. 2013. "Natural selection in self-organizing morphological systems", in N. Hathout, F. Montermini & J. Tseng (Eds.), Morphology in Toulouse: Selected Proceedings of Décembrettes 7 (pp. 133–153). Munich: Lincom. Lindstroem, Bengt. 2000. "Genesis and Exodus once again". Notes and Queries 47: 292-293. Lindstroem, Bengt. 2000. "Notes on the Middle English Genesis and Exodus". Notes and Queries 47: 159-168. Lindstroem, Bengt. 2002. "Additional Remarks on the Middle English Genesis and Exodus". Notes and Queries n.s. 247: 180-4. Lindstromberg, Seth. 1997, English Prepositions Explained. John Benjamins. Linfield, N. 1982. "You and thou in Shakespeare's Othello'. Iowa State Journal of Research 57(2): 163-78. Link, F. H. 1955. "And oder With + Partizipium". Anglia 73: 322-27. Linke, G. 1937. "Zur Textkritik von me. Genesis und Exodus". Archiv 171: 210-11. Linmans, A. J. 1998 'Correspondence Anlysis of the Synoptic Gospels,' Literary and Linguistic Computing, 13: 1-13. Linn, Andrew R. 2004. Johan Storm: dhi gretest praktikal liNgwist in dhi werld. Publications of the Philological Society. Linn, Andrew R. & Nicola McLelland (eds.) 2003. Standardization: Studies from the Germanic Languages. John Benjamins.




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