

tam」(2020/05/20 (水) 17:49:46) の最新版変更点



**TAM ... Tamakawa, Asumi. 2016. "The Reeve's Tale and the Northernism". Studies in Medieval Language and Literature 31: 33-52. Tamaki, Yuzo. 1988. 「Sir Thomas Maloryの英語における進行構造――「進行形」の胎動――」 Poesis(関西大学大学院) 15: 46-54. Tamaredo, Iván. 2020. Complexity, Efficiency, and Language Contact: Pronoun Omission in World Englishes. Bern: Peter Lang. Tamoto, Kenichi. 2018. "Palaeographical Researches into the Macregol Gospels: The Scribe of Folio 126r, Marginal Notes and Drawings", in The Pleasure of English Language and Literature, ed. Hideshi Ohno, Kazuho Mizuno & Osamu Imahayashi. Hiroshima: Keisuisha.
**TAM ... Tamakawa, Asumi. 2016. "The Reeve's Tale and the Northernism". Studies in Medieval Language and Literature 31: 33-52. Tamaki, Yuzo. 1988. 「Sir Thomas Maloryの英語における進行構造――「進行形」の胎動――」 Poesis(関西大学大学院) 15: 46-54. Tamaredo, Iván. 2020. Complexity, Efficiency, and Language Contact: Pronoun Omission in World Englishes. Bern: Peter Lang. Tamoto, Kenichi. 2010. "Palaeographical Facts and Conjuctures about the Rushworth Gospels (Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Auct. D. 2. 19), in Multiple Perspectives on English Philology and History of Linguistics: A Festschrift for Shoichi Watanabe on his 80th Birthday, ed. Tetsuji Oda & Hiroyuki Eto, pp. 27-54. Bern: Peter Lang. Tamoto, Kenichi. 2018. "Palaeographical Researches into the Macregol Gospels: The Scribe of Folio 126r, Marginal Notes and Drawings", in The Pleasure of English Language and Literature, ed. Hideshi Ohno, Kazuho Mizuno & Osamu Imahayashi. Hiroshima: Keisuisha.




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