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**ARC ... Archer, C. 1936. "Thou and You in the Sonnets". Times Literary Supplement 27.6.1936: 544. Archer, Dawn. 2002. '"Can Innocent People be Guilty?": A Sociopragmatic Analysis of Examination Transcripts from the Salem Witchcraft Trials'. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 3 (1): 1-30. Archer, Dawn. 2003. The Role of the Question in Early Modern English Trial Proceedings: A Corpus Based Approach. Unpublished Ph.D Thesis, Lancaster University. Archer, Dawn. 2005. Questions and Answers in the English Courtroom (1640-1760). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Archer, Dawn. 2007. "Developing a More Detailed Picture of the English Courtroom (1640-1760): Data and Methodological Issues Facing Historical Pragmatics." In Methods in Historical Pragmatics, Susan M. Fitzmaurice & Irma Taavitsainen (Eds.), 185–217. Mouton de Gruyter. Archer, Dawn. 2012. "Data retrieval in diachronic context. The case of the historical English courtroom", in T. Nevalainen & E. Traugott (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the History of English (pp. 145–154). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Archer, Dawn. 2014. "Exploring Verbal Aggression in English Historical Texts Using USAS: The Possibilities, the Problems and Potential Solutions." in Diachronic Corpus Pragmatics, ed. Irma Taavitsainen, Andreas H. Jucker & Jukka Tuominen, pp. 277-302. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Archer, Dawn. 2014. "Historical Pragmatics: Evidence From The Old Bailey." Transactions of Philological Society 112.2: 259–277. Archer, Dawn. 2017. "Pragmatics and discourse", in Studies in the History of the English Language IV: Early Modern English, ed. Alexander Bergs & Laurel Brinton, pp. 108-127. Berlin: De Gruyter. Archer, Dawn & Bousfield, Derek. 2010. “See better, Lear”? See Lear Better! A Corpus-Based Pragma-Stylistic Investigation of Shakespeare’s King Lear". Language and Style. 183-203. Archer, Dawn and Culpeper, Jonathan. 2009. "Identifying Key Sociophilological Usage in Plays and Trial Proceedings (1640-1760): An Empirical Approach via Corpus Annotation." Journal of Historical Pragmatics 10(2): 286-309. Archer, Dawn, Culpeper, Jonathan and Rayson, Paul. 2009. "Love - 'A Familiar or a Devil'? An Exploration of Key Domains in Shakespeare's Comedies and Tragedies." in What's in a Word-list? Investigating Word Frequency and Keyword Extraction. pp. 137-157. Archer, Dawn, & Culpeper, Jonathan. 2009. "Identifying key sociophilological usage in plays and trial proceedings (1640-1760): an empirical approach via corpus annotation." Journal of Historical Pragmatics 10(2): 286-309. Archibald, E. & Edwards, A.S. G. (eds.) 1995. A Companion to Malory. Arthurian Studies. Boydell & Brewer.
**ARC ... Archer, C. 1936. "Thou and You in the Sonnets". Times Literary Supplement 27.6.1936: 544. Archer, Dawn. 2002. '"Can Innocent People be Guilty?": A Sociopragmatic Analysis of Examination Transcripts from the Salem Witchcraft Trials'. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 3 (1): 1-30. Archer, Dawn. 2003. The Role of the Question in Early Modern English Trial Proceedings: A Corpus Based Approach. Unpublished Ph.D Thesis, Lancaster University. Archer, Dawn. 2005. Questions and Answers in the English Courtroom (1640-1760). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Archer, Dawn. 2007. "Developing a More Detailed Picture of the English Courtroom (1640-1760): Data and Methodological Issues Facing Historical Pragmatics." In Methods in Historical Pragmatics, Susan M. Fitzmaurice & Irma Taavitsainen (Eds.), 185–217. Mouton de Gruyter. Archer, Dawn. 2012. "Data retrieval in diachronic context. The case of the historical English courtroom", in T. Nevalainen & E. Traugott (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the History of English (pp. 145–154). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Archer, Dawn. 2014. "Exploring Verbal Aggression in English Historical Texts Using USAS: The Possibilities, the Problems and Potential Solutions." in Diachronic Corpus Pragmatics, ed. Irma Taavitsainen, Andreas H. Jucker & Jukka Tuominen, pp. 277-302. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Archer, Dawn. 2014. "Historical Pragmatics: Evidence From The Old Bailey." Transactions of Philological Society 112.2: 259–277. Archer, Dawn. 2017. "Pragmatics and discourse", in Studies in the History of the English Language IV: Early Modern English, ed. Alexander Bergs & Laurel Brinton, pp. 108-127. Berlin: De Gruyter. Archer, Dawn & Bousfield, Derek. 2010. “See better, Lear”? See Lear Better! A Corpus-Based Pragma-Stylistic Investigation of Shakespeare’s King Lear". Language and Style. 183-203. Archer, Dawn and Culpeper, Jonathan. 2009. "Identifying Key Sociophilological Usage in Plays and Trial Proceedings (1640-1760): An Empirical Approach via Corpus Annotation." Journal of Historical Pragmatics 10(2): 286-309. Archer, Dawn, Culpeper, Jonathan and Rayson, Paul. 2009. "Love - 'A Familiar or a Devil'? An Exploration of Key Domains in Shakespeare's Comedies and Tragedies." in What's in a Word-list? Investigating Word Frequency and Keyword Extraction. pp. 137-157. Archer, Dawn, & Culpeper, Jonathan. 2009. "Identifying key sociophilological usage in plays and trial proceedings (1640-1760): an empirical approach via corpus annotation." Journal of Historical Pragmatics 10(2): 286-309. Archer, Dawn & Findlay, Alison. 2020. "Keywords That Characterises Shakespeare's (Anti)Heroes and Villains", in Voices Past and Present - Studies of Involved, Speech-related and Spoken Texts In honor of Merja Kytö, ed. Ewa Jonsson & Tove Larsson, pp. 32-46. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Archibald, E. & Edwards, A.S. G. (eds.) 1995. A Companion to Malory. Arthurian Studies. Boydell & Brewer.




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