

cap」(2021/08/11 (水) 23:20:39) の最新版変更点



**CAP ... Caplan, David. 2000. "Position Emission Tomographic Studies of Syntactic Processing", in Language and the Brain, Representation and Processing, ed. Y. Grodzinsky, L. Shapir, & D. Swinney, pp. 315-25. San Diego: Academic Press. Capone, A. 1993. "Obviously as a discourse marker of concessivity". Lingua e Stile 28: 3-30. Cappelle, B. 2002. "On the status of intervening think-clauses in English long-distance dependency constructions". Leuvense Bijdragen 91: 369-381. Cappelle, Bert. 1999. "Keep and keep on compared". Leuvense Bijdragen 88: 289-304.
**CAP ... Caparrós, Marina Asián. 2018. "'This Wol Be Doon at Leyser Parfitly': The Presence of Old Norse Substratum in The Canterbury Tales", in Persistence and Resistance in English Studies: New Research, ed. Sara Martin, David Owen & Elizabet Pladevall-Ballester, pp. 109-118. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Caplan, David. 2000. "Position Emission Tomographic Studies of Syntactic Processing", in Language and the Brain, Representation and Processing, ed. Y. Grodzinsky, L. Shapir, & D. Swinney, pp. 315-25. San Diego: Academic Press. Capone, A. 1993. "Obviously as a discourse marker of concessivity". Lingua e Stile 28: 3-30. Cappelle, B. 2002. "On the status of intervening think-clauses in English long-distance dependency constructions". Leuvense Bijdragen 91: 369-381. Cappelle, Bert. 1999. "Keep and keep on compared". Leuvense Bijdragen 88: 289-304.




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