

ima」(2020/09/02 (水) 02:50:40) の最新版変更点



**IMA... Imahayashi, Osamu. 2006. Charles Dickens and Literary Dialect. Hiroshima: Keisuisha. Imahayashi, Osamu. 2016. "A Corpus‐based Sociolinguistic Study on the Use of Look-forms in the 19th Century", in Language and Style in English Literature, ed. Ken Nakagawa, Akiyuki Jimura, Osamu Imahayashi. Hiroshima: Keisuisha. Imahayashi, Osamu. 今林修. 2017. 「スタイル(文体)から英語学習を見直したい」 in 『英語のスタイル 教えるための文体論入門』 ed. M. Toyota, M. Hori & O. Imahayashi, 13-24. 東京: 研究社. Imahayashi, Osamu & Koji Fukumoto. 2004. English Philology and Stylistics: A Festschrift for Professor Toshiro Tanaka. Hiroshima: Keisuisha Imai, Kunihiko. 今井邦彦. 2011. 『あいまいなのは日本語か、英語か?:日英語発想の違い』東京: ひつじ書房. Imai, Mitsunori & Hideki Watanabe (eds.) 2000. Reading the Ancrene Riwle: Proceedings of the International Symposium Held on 25 January, 1997 at Osaka University. Osaka University: Faculty of Language and Culture. Imai, Mitsunori. 1997. "Merism in Havelok the Dane". _Computer-Assisted Study of Early Modern English._ (Report of the International Scientific Research Program, University-to-University Cooperative Research, Project No. 08045004), ed. M. Imai. pp.19-27. Imai, Mitsunori. 2004. "Repetition in Middle English Metrical Romances," in Hiltunen, & Shinichiro Watanabe (eds.) 2004. Approaches to Style and Discourse in English. Osaka: Osaka University Press. Imai, Mitsunori. 2005. "Catalogue and Repetition in The Squyr of Lowe Degre", in Recent Trends in Medieval English Language and Literature in Honour of Young-Bae Park, vol. 1, ed. J. Fisiak & H. Kang, pp. 133-46. Thaehaksa. Imai, Mitsunori. 2007. "Enumeration in Middle English Metrical Romance." In Tanaka, Tenji, Michiyasu Shishido, and Shigeo Uematsu (eds.) &italic(){22 Essays in English Studies: Language, Literature, and Education}. Tokyo: Shohakusha, pp.3-21. Imai, Sumiko. 2014. "Progressive Constructions in English and Germanic Languages: A Diachronic Analysis (1) Old English Expanded Form beon/wesan –ende". 『言語と文化』(法政大学) 11, 179-214. Imai, Sumiko. 2016. "Progressive Constructions in English and Germanic Languages: A Diachronic Analysis (3): Bodily Posture Verb Constructions as a Progressive Marker".『言語と文化』13: 105-145. Imai, Yasutaka. 2017. "Voltaire's English: Forms of Adjective Comparison", in Language Contact and Variation in the History of English, ed. Mitsumi Uchida, Yoko Iyeiri & Lawrence Schourup, pp. 141-162. Tokyo: Kaitakusha.
**IMA... Imahayashi, Osamu. 2006. Charles Dickens and Literary Dialect. Hiroshima: Keisuisha. Imahayashi, Osamu. 2007. "A Corpus-based Sociolinguistic Study on the Use of Lookforms in the 19th Century." PALA 2007 Proceedings Online. Imahayashi, Osamu. 2016. "A Corpus‐based Sociolinguistic Study on the Use of Look-forms in the 19th Century", in Language and Style in English Literature, ed. Ken Nakagawa, Akiyuki Jimura, Osamu Imahayashi. Hiroshima: Keisuisha. Imahayashi, Osamu. 今林修. 2017. 「スタイル(文体)から英語学習を見直したい」 in 『英語のスタイル 教えるための文体論入門』 ed. M. Toyota, M. Hori & O. Imahayashi, 13-24. 東京: 研究社. Imahayashi, Osamu & Koji Fukumoto. 2004. English Philology and Stylistics: A Festschrift for Professor Toshiro Tanaka. Hiroshima: Keisuisha Imai, Kunihiko. 今井邦彦. 2011. 『あいまいなのは日本語か、英語か?:日英語発想の違い』東京: ひつじ書房. Imai, Mitsunori & Hideki Watanabe (eds.) 2000. Reading the Ancrene Riwle: Proceedings of the International Symposium Held on 25 January, 1997 at Osaka University. Osaka University: Faculty of Language and Culture. Imai, Mitsunori. 1997. "Merism in Havelok the Dane". _Computer-Assisted Study of Early Modern English._ (Report of the International Scientific Research Program, University-to-University Cooperative Research, Project No. 08045004), ed. M. Imai. pp.19-27. Imai, Mitsunori. 2004. "Repetition in Middle English Metrical Romances," in Hiltunen, & Shinichiro Watanabe (eds.) 2004. Approaches to Style and Discourse in English. Osaka: Osaka University Press. Imai, Mitsunori. 2005. "Catalogue and Repetition in The Squyr of Lowe Degre", in Recent Trends in Medieval English Language and Literature in Honour of Young-Bae Park, vol. 1, ed. J. Fisiak & H. Kang, pp. 133-46. Thaehaksa. Imai, Mitsunori. 2007. "Enumeration in Middle English Metrical Romance." In Tanaka, Tenji, Michiyasu Shishido, and Shigeo Uematsu (eds.) &italic(){22 Essays in English Studies: Language, Literature, and Education}. Tokyo: Shohakusha, pp.3-21. Imai, Sumiko. 2014. "Progressive Constructions in English and Germanic Languages: A Diachronic Analysis (1) Old English Expanded Form beon/wesan –ende". 『言語と文化』(法政大学) 11, 179-214. Imai, Sumiko. 2016. "Progressive Constructions in English and Germanic Languages: A Diachronic Analysis (3): Bodily Posture Verb Constructions as a Progressive Marker".『言語と文化』13: 105-145. Imai, Yasutaka. 2017. "Voltaire's English: Forms of Adjective Comparison", in Language Contact and Variation in the History of English, ed. Mitsumi Uchida, Yoko Iyeiri & Lawrence Schourup, pp. 141-162. Tokyo: Kaitakusha.




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