

pri」(2019/06/26 (水) 23:32:17) の最新版変更点



**PRI ... Prince, Ellen F. 1972. "A Note on Aspect in English: The take a walk Construction"", in Transformationelle Analyse, ed. Senta Ploetz, pp. 409-420. Frankfurt am Main: Atheneaeum. Prince, E. F. 1978. "A comparison of Wh-clefts and It-clefts in discourse". Language 54: 883-906. Prince, Ellen. 1980. "Towards a taxonomy of given-new information", in Radical Pragmatics, ed. Peter Cole, pp. 223-56. New York: Academic Press. Prince, Ellen. 1984. "Topicalization and Left-Dislocations: A Functional Analysis", in Sheila J. White and Viriginia Teller (eds.), Discourses in Reading and Linguistics, pp. 213-25. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 433. Prins, A. A. 1952. French Influence in English Phrasing. Leiden:Universitaire Pers. Prins, A. A. 1959. "Notes on Some Middle English Texts", in J. Vendryes (1959), pp. 413-22. Prins, Anton Adriaan. 1972. A History of English Phonemes. Leiden: Leiden University Press. Prinsloo, D. J. 2009. "The role of corpora in future dictionaries", in Lexicography in the 21st Century, ed. S. Nielsen & S. Tarp, pp. 181-206. John Benjamins.
**PRI ... Prieto‐Pablos, Juan A. 1993. “ ‘What Art Thou Faustus?’ Self‐reference and Strategies of Identification in Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus .” English Studies 74(1): 66–83. Prince, Ellen F. 1972. "A Note on Aspect in English: The take a walk Construction"", in Transformationelle Analyse, ed. Senta Ploetz, pp. 409-420. Frankfurt am Main: Atheneaeum. Prince, E. F. 1978. "A comparison of Wh-clefts and It-clefts in discourse". Language 54: 883-906. Prince, Ellen. 1980. "Towards a taxonomy of given-new information", in Radical Pragmatics, ed. Peter Cole, pp. 223-56. New York: Academic Press. Prince, Ellen. 1984. "Topicalization and Left-Dislocations: A Functional Analysis", in Sheila J. White and Viriginia Teller (eds.), Discourses in Reading and Linguistics, pp. 213-25. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 433. Prins, A. A. 1952. French Influence in English Phrasing. Leiden:Universitaire Pers. Prins, A. A. 1959. "Notes on Some Middle English Texts", in J. Vendryes (1959), pp. 413-22. Prins, Anton Adriaan. 1972. A History of English Phonemes. Leiden: Leiden University Press. Prinsloo, D. J. 2009. "The role of corpora in future dictionaries", in Lexicography in the 21st Century, ed. S. Nielsen & S. Tarp, pp. 181-206. John Benjamins.




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