

yos」(2020/07/13 (月) 22:31:44) の最新版変更点



**YOS... Yoshida, Mariko. 2014. "Why Do Second−Language Learners Misunderstand Conversational Implicatures?" 『社会言語科学』 16(2): 50-65. Yoshikawa, Fumiko. 1999. "Impersonal Remembren in Chaucer". Journal of Language and Culture (Osaka University) 8: 57-75. Yoshimura, Hideyuki. 吉村秀幸. 1989. 「英語の呼称と2人称単数代名詞親称・敬祢との対応」. 『JACET全国大会要綱』28: 51-52. Yoshimura, Kimihiro. 2020. 『英語中間構文の研究』 東京: ひつじ書房. Yoshino, Yoshihiro. 1975. "Negation in Chaucerian Prose". Metropolitan 19: 1-23. Yoshino, Yoshihiro. 1977. "Some Neglected Aspects of Negation in Old English: A Comparison between Verse and Prose". Tamagawa University Journal 18: 75-106. Yoshino, Yoshihiro. 1990. "Multiple Negation in Complex Sentences in OE Prose", in Studies in English Philology in Honour of Shigeru Ono, ed. Koichi Jin, et al. Nan'un-do. Yoshino, Yoshihiro. 1984. Poetic Syntax in the Old English Meters of Boethius: A Comparative Study of Verse and Prose. Diss. Univ. of Pennsylvania. Ann Arbor: UMI.
**YOS... Yoshida, Mariko. 2014. "Why Do Second−Language Learners Misunderstand Conversational Implicatures?" 『社会言語科学』 16(2): 50-65. Yoshikawa, Fumiko. 1999. "Impersonal Remembren in Chaucer". Journal of Language and Culture (Osaka University) 8: 57-75. Yoshimi, D. R. 2001. "Explicit Instruction and JFL Learners’ Use of Interactional Discourse Markers", in Pragmatics in Language Teaching, ed. K. R. Rose & G. Kasper, pp. 223-244. New York: Cambridge University Press. Yoshimura, Hideyuki. 吉村秀幸. 1989. 「英語の呼称と2人称単数代名詞親称・敬祢との対応」. 『JACET全国大会要綱』28: 51-52. Yoshimura, Kimihiro. 2020. 『英語中間構文の研究』 東京: ひつじ書房. Yoshino, Yoshihiro. 1975. "Negation in Chaucerian Prose". Metropolitan 19: 1-23. Yoshino, Yoshihiro. 1977. "Some Neglected Aspects of Negation in Old English: A Comparison between Verse and Prose". Tamagawa University Journal 18: 75-106. Yoshino, Yoshihiro. 1990. "Multiple Negation in Complex Sentences in OE Prose", in Studies in English Philology in Honour of Shigeru Ono, ed. Koichi Jin, et al. Nan'un-do. Yoshino, Yoshihiro. 1984. Poetic Syntax in the Old English Meters of Boethius: A Comparative Study of Verse and Prose. Diss. Univ. of Pennsylvania. Ann Arbor: UMI.




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