

sat」(2019/07/04 (木) 00:51:20) の最新版変更点



**SAT... Sato, Kiriko. 2019. "The Relative Which with Personal Antecedents in Shakespeare’s History Plays". Neophilologus 103(2). Sato, K. 2016. "The Personal Use of Relative which in Shakespearean English: The Relevance of Social and Emotional Factors." Anglia 134(2): 207-238. Sato, Shuji (ed.) 1997. Back to the Manuscripts Papers from the symposium 'The Intedgrated Approach to Manuscript Studies: A New Horizon' Held athe Eight General Meeting of the Japan society for medieval English Studies, Tokyo, December 1992. Tokyo: The Centre for Medieval English Studies. Sato, Tetsuzo. 佐藤哲三. 2004. 「Havelok the DaneのThouとYouに関して」 Dai-ichi Welfare University bulletin 1: 21-43.
**SAT... Sato, Kiriko. 2019. "The Relative Which with Personal Antecedents in Shakespeare’s History Plays". Neophilologus 103(2). Sato, Kiriko. 2017. "Relative Pronouns as Predicatives: Evidence from Shakespearean English". English Studies 98: 368–375. Sato, Kiriko. 2016. "The Personal Use of Relative which in Shakespearean English: The Relevance of Social and Emotional Factors." Anglia 134(2): 207-238. Sato, Kiriko. 2015. "Non-Restrictive Relative That in Shakespearean English: A Comparison between Romeo and Juliet and The Merry Wives of Windsor". Studia Neophilologica 87: 1–14. Sato, Shuji (ed.) 1997. Back to the Manuscripts Papers from the symposium 'The Intedgrated Approach to Manuscript Studies: A New Horizon' Held athe Eight General Meeting of the Japan society for medieval English Studies, Tokyo, December 1992. Tokyo: The Centre for Medieval English Studies. Sato, Tetsuzo. 佐藤哲三. 2004. 「Havelok the DaneのThouとYouに関して」 Dai-ichi Welfare University bulletin 1: 21-43.




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