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**GRA... Graddol, David. 2006. English Next: Why Global English May Mean the End of English as a Foreign Language. London: British Council. Graham, H. 1978. "Narrative and Dialogue in Jane Austen", Selected Essays, pp. 46-82. Cambridge University Press. Granath, S. 1997. Verb Complementation in English: Omission of Preposition before THAT-clauses and TO-infinitives. Gothenburg Studies in English 69. Göteborg: Sweden. Granath, S. 2001. “Is That a Fact? A Corpus Study of the Syntax and Semantics of the fact that,” in Rayson, P. et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2001 Conference. Lancaster: Lancaster Univ. Granath, S and A. Seppänen. 2004. “Prepositions and that-clauses in English.” Paper Presented at Ninth Nordic Conference for English Studies 2004. (Aarthus, Denmark. May 27-29). Graham, S. L. 2005. "Cyberparish: Gendered Identity Construction in an Online Religious Community", in Gender and the Language of Religion, ed. A. Jule, 133-150. Basingstoke: Palgrave. Graham, S. L. 2007. "'Do Unto Others': Gender and Construction of a 'Good Christian' Identity in an e-Community", in Language and Religious Identity: Women in Discourse, ed. A. Jule, 73-103. Basingstoke: Palgrave. Graham, S. L. 2007. "Disagreeing to Agree: Conflict, (Im)politeness and Identity in a Computer-Mediated Community". Journal of Pragmatics 39(4): 742-759. Graham, S. L. 2008. "A Manual for (Im)politeness?: The Impact of the FAQ in and Electronic Community of Practice", in Impoliteness in Language: Studies on Its Interplay with Power in Theory and Practice, ed. D. Bousfield & M. Locher, 281-304. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Graham, S. L. 2015. "Relationality, Friendship and Identity", in The Routledge handbook of Language and Digital Communication, ed. A. Geogakopoulou & T. Spiloti. New York: Routledge. Gräwe, Gudrun. 2013. 「英語の優勢について」『立命館法学 別冊 ことばとそのひろがり』5: 87-118. Gray, Bethany, 2013. "Interview with Douglas Biber." Journal of English Lingusitics 41(4): 359-379. Gray, Bethany, Douglas Biber & Turo Hiltunen. 2011. "The Expression of Stance in Early (1665-1712) Publications of the Philosophical Transactions and Other Contemporary Medical Prose: Innovations in a Pioneering Discourse," in Medical Writing in Early Modern English, ed. Irma Taavitsainen & Päivi Pahta, pp. 221-247. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
**GRA... Graddol, David. 2006. English Next: Why Global English May Mean the End of English as a Foreign Language. London: British Council. Graham, H. 1978. "Narrative and Dialogue in Jane Austen", Selected Essays, pp. 46-82. Cambridge University Press. Gramley, S. & Pátzold, M. 2003. A Survey of Modern English. London: Routledge. Granath, S. 1997. Verb Complementation in English: Omission of Preposition before THAT-clauses and TO-infinitives. Gothenburg Studies in English 69. Göteborg: Sweden. Granath, S. 2001. “Is That a Fact? A Corpus Study of the Syntax and Semantics of the fact that,” in Rayson, P. et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2001 Conference. Lancaster: Lancaster Univ. Granath, S and A. Seppänen. 2004. “Prepositions and that-clauses in English.” Paper Presented at Ninth Nordic Conference for English Studies 2004. (Aarthus, Denmark. May 27-29). Graham, S. L. 2005. "Cyberparish: Gendered Identity Construction in an Online Religious Community", in Gender and the Language of Religion, ed. A. Jule, 133-150. Basingstoke: Palgrave. Graham, S. L. 2007. "'Do Unto Others': Gender and Construction of a 'Good Christian' Identity in an e-Community", in Language and Religious Identity: Women in Discourse, ed. A. Jule, 73-103. Basingstoke: Palgrave. Graham, S. L. 2007. "Disagreeing to Agree: Conflict, (Im)politeness and Identity in a Computer-Mediated Community". Journal of Pragmatics 39(4): 742-759. Graham, S. L. 2008. "A Manual for (Im)politeness?: The Impact of the FAQ in and Electronic Community of Practice", in Impoliteness in Language: Studies on Its Interplay with Power in Theory and Practice, ed. D. Bousfield & M. Locher, 281-304. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Graham, S. L. 2015. "Relationality, Friendship and Identity", in The Routledge handbook of Language and Digital Communication, ed. A. Geogakopoulou & T. Spiloti. New York: Routledge. Gräwe, Gudrun. 2013. 「英語の優勢について」『立命館法学 別冊 ことばとそのひろがり』5: 87-118. Gray, Bethany, 2013. "Interview with Douglas Biber." Journal of English Lingusitics 41(4): 359-379. Gray, Bethany, Douglas Biber & Turo Hiltunen. 2011. "The Expression of Stance in Early (1665-1712) Publications of the Philosophical Transactions and Other Contemporary Medical Prose: Innovations in a Pioneering Discourse," in Medical Writing in Early Modern English, ed. Irma Taavitsainen & Päivi Pahta, pp. 221-247. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.




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