

開発」(2009/07/10 (金) 00:12:43) の最新版変更点



*開発環境(Visual C++) *ファイル別処理内訳 |[[/common/Utils.cpp]]|Utils.h定義クラス処理| |[[/include/Utils.h]]|クラス定義ヘッダ| |[[/include/DecklinkInterface.h]]|ドライバ制御(?)| |[[DecklinkCapture.h]]|クラス定義ヘッダ| |[[DecklinkCaptureDlg.h]]|フォーム処理定義ヘッダ| |[[resource.h]]|winアプリフォームID管理| |[[stdafx.h]]|他ヘッダーの読み込みとwinアプリ定義| |[[DecklinkCapture.cpp]]|DecklinkCapture.h定義クラス処理| |[[DecklinkCaptureDlg.cpp]]|DecklinkCaptureDlg.h定義クラス処理| |[[stdafx.cpp]]|| *クラス(/include/Utils.h) -CDSUtils :AddFilter(IGraphBuilder* pGraph, const GUID &clsid, LPCWSTR pName, IBaseFilter** ppFilter)| フィルター追加 説明:Attempts to locate a filter of a given class ID and name and add it to the graph :AddFilter2(IGraphBuilder* pGraph, const GUID &clsid, LPCWSTR pName, IBaseFilter** ppFilter)| フィルター追加 説明:Attempts to locate a filter of a given class category and name :RemoveGraphFromRot(DWORD pdwRegister)| レジストからフィルター読み込み 説明:Removes a filter graph from the Running Object Table :GetUnconnectedPin(IBaseFilter* pFilter, PIN_DIRECTION PinDir, IPin** ppPin)| 説明:Attemptes to locate an unconnected pin on filter :GetPin(IBaseFilter* pFilter, const wchar_t* pName, IPin** ppPin)| 説明:Find the pin of the specified name on the given filter This method leaves an outstanding reference on the pin if successful :GetPin(IBaseFilter* pFilter, const GUID* pFormat, PIN_DIRECTION PinDir, IPin** ppPin)| 説明:Find the pin of the specified format type on the given filter This method leaves an outstanding reference on the pin if successful :ConnectFilters(IGraphBuilder* pGraph, IBaseFilter* pUpstream, wchar_t* pUpstreamPinName, IBaseFilter* pDownstream, wchar_t* pDownstreamPinName)| 説明:Connects two filters using the pin names, if no name is supplied the first unconnected pin is used :ConnectFilters(IGraphBuilder* pGraph, IBaseFilter* pUpstream, IBaseFilter* pDownstream, const GUID* pFormat)| 説明:Connects two filters by finding a pin on the upstream filter with the specified major format type, e.g. For connecting an audio pin to a downstream filter :RenderFilter(IGraphBuilder* pGraph, IBaseFilter* pUpstream, wchar_t* pUpstreamPinName)| 説明:Renders the named output pin of the filter, or the first unconnected output if no name is provided :DisconnectAllPins(IGraphBuilder* pGraph)| 説明:Disconnect all the pins of the filters in a graph :FindFilterInterface(IBaseFilter* pFilter, const IID& riid, void** ppvInterface)| 説明:Attempt to locate the specified interface :FindPinInterface(IBaseFilter* pFilter, wchar_t* pName, const IID& riid, void** ppvInterface)| 説明:Attempt to locate the interface on the named pin or on the first pin if no name is provided. :FindPinInterface(IBaseFilter* pFilter, const GUID* pFormat, PIN_DIRECTION PinDir, const IID& riid, void** ppvInterface)| 説明:Attempt to locate the interface on the pin with the specified format or on the first pin if no format is provided. :AddGraphToRot(IUnknown* pUnkGraph, DWORD* pdwRegister)| 説明:Adds a DirectShow filter graph to the Running Object Table, allowing GraphEdit to "spy" on a remote filter graph. -CRegUtils :CRegUtils()| レジストリ取得 説明:Constructor :~CRegUtils()| レジストリ閉じる 説明:Destructor :Open(LPCTSTR lpSubKey)| サブキーオープン 説明:Opens the specified subkey :Create(LPCTSTR lpSubKey)| サブキー生成 説明:Creates the specified subkey :Close()| サブキー終了 説明:Closes the subkey :SetString(LPCTSTR valueName, const BYTE* lpData, DWORD cbData)| string形式設定 説明:Set the key for the named value of type string :GetString(LPCTSTR valueName, LPBYTE lpData, DWORD cbData)| string取得 説明:Query the key for the named value of type string :SetBinary(LPCTSTR valueName, const BYTE* lpData, DWORD cbData)| バイナリ形式設定 説明:Set the key for the named value of type binary :GetBinary(LPCTSTR valueName, LPBYTE lpData, DWORD cbData)| バイナリ取得 説明:Query the key for the named value of type binary :SetDword(LPCTSTR valueName, const BYTE* lpData, DWORD cbData)| Dword形式設定 説明:Set the key for the named value of type DWORD :GetDword(LPCTSTR valueName, LPBYTE lpData, DWORD cbData)| Dword取得 説明:Query the key for the named value of type DWORD -CUtils :GetBMIHeader(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pamt)| 静止画保存 説明:Returns the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure from media type format extension :GetBMIHeader(const CMediaType& mt)| 静止画保存 説明:Returns the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure from media type format extension :GetAvgTimePerFrame(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pamt)| 平均FPS取得 説明:Returns the average time per frame from media type format extension :GetImageSize(BITMAPINFOHEADER* pbmih)| サイズ取得 説明:Calculates the image size -FPS定義(?) UNITS = 10 ^ 7 UNITS / 30 = 30 fps; UNITS / 20 = 20 fps, etc const REFERENCE_TIME FPS_30 = UNITS / 30; const REFERENCE_TIME FPS_2997 = UNITS * 1001 / 30000; const REFERENCE_TIME FPS_25 = UNITS / 25; const REFERENCE_TIME FPS_24 = UNITS / 24; const REFERENCE_TIME FPS_23976 = UNITS * 1001 / 24000; const REFERENCE_TIME FPS_20 = UNITS / 20; const REFERENCE_TIME FPS_10 = UNITS / 10; const REFERENCE_TIME FPS_5 = UNITS / 5; const REFERENCE_TIME FPS_4 = UNITS / 4; const REFERENCE_TIME FPS_3 = UNITS / 3; const REFERENCE_TIME FPS_2 = UNITS / 2; const REFERENCE_TIME FPS_1 = UNITS / 1; *クラス(DecklinkCapture.h) -CDecklinkCaptureApp :CDecklinkCaptureApp()| 説明:CDecklinkCaptureApp construction :InitInstance()| 説明:CDecklinkCaptureApp initialization *サンプル http://www34.atwiki.jp/intensity/?cmd=upload&act=open&page=%E9%96%8B%E7%99%BA&file=SDK.zip
*開発環境(Visual C++) *ファイル別処理内訳 |[[/common/Utils.cpp]]|Utils.h定義クラス処理| |[[/include/Utils.h]]|クラス定義ヘッダ| |[[/include/DecklinkInterface.h]]|ドライバ制御(?)| |[[DecklinkCapture.h]]|クラス定義ヘッダ| |[[DecklinkCaptureDlg.h]]|フォーム処理定義ヘッダ| |[[resource.h]]|winアプリフォームID管理| |[[stdafx.h]]|他ヘッダーの読み込みとwinアプリ定義| |[[DecklinkCapture.cpp]]|DecklinkCapture.h定義クラス処理| |[[DecklinkCaptureDlg.cpp]]|DecklinkCaptureDlg.h定義クラス処理| |[[stdafx.cpp]]|| *クラス(/include/Utils.h) -CDSUtils :AddFilter(IGraphBuilder* pGraph, const GUID &clsid, LPCWSTR pName, IBaseFilter** ppFilter)| フィルター追加 説明:Attempts to locate a filter of a given class ID and name and add it to the graph :AddFilter2(IGraphBuilder* pGraph, const GUID &clsid, LPCWSTR pName, IBaseFilter** ppFilter)| フィルター追加 説明:Attempts to locate a filter of a given class category and name :RemoveGraphFromRot(DWORD pdwRegister)| レジストからフィルター読み込み 説明:Removes a filter graph from the Running Object Table :GetUnconnectedPin(IBaseFilter* pFilter, PIN_DIRECTION PinDir, IPin** ppPin)| 説明:Attemptes to locate an unconnected pin on filter :GetPin(IBaseFilter* pFilter, const wchar_t* pName, IPin** ppPin)| 説明:Find the pin of the specified name on the given filter This method leaves an outstanding reference on the pin if successful :GetPin(IBaseFilter* pFilter, const GUID* pFormat, PIN_DIRECTION PinDir, IPin** ppPin)| 説明:Find the pin of the specified format type on the given filter This method leaves an outstanding reference on the pin if successful :ConnectFilters(IGraphBuilder* pGraph, IBaseFilter* pUpstream, wchar_t* pUpstreamPinName, IBaseFilter* pDownstream, wchar_t* pDownstreamPinName)| 説明:Connects two filters using the pin names, if no name is supplied the first unconnected pin is used :ConnectFilters(IGraphBuilder* pGraph, IBaseFilter* pUpstream, IBaseFilter* pDownstream, const GUID* pFormat)| 説明:Connects two filters by finding a pin on the upstream filter with the specified major format type, e.g. For connecting an audio pin to a downstream filter :RenderFilter(IGraphBuilder* pGraph, IBaseFilter* pUpstream, wchar_t* pUpstreamPinName)| 説明:Renders the named output pin of the filter, or the first unconnected output if no name is provided :DisconnectAllPins(IGraphBuilder* pGraph)| 説明:Disconnect all the pins of the filters in a graph :FindFilterInterface(IBaseFilter* pFilter, const IID& riid, void** ppvInterface)| 説明:Attempt to locate the specified interface :FindPinInterface(IBaseFilter* pFilter, wchar_t* pName, const IID& riid, void** ppvInterface)| 説明:Attempt to locate the interface on the named pin or on the first pin if no name is provided. :FindPinInterface(IBaseFilter* pFilter, const GUID* pFormat, PIN_DIRECTION PinDir, const IID& riid, void** ppvInterface)| 説明:Attempt to locate the interface on the pin with the specified format or on the first pin if no format is provided. :AddGraphToRot(IUnknown* pUnkGraph, DWORD* pdwRegister)| 説明:Adds a DirectShow filter graph to the Running Object Table, allowing GraphEdit to "spy" on a remote filter graph. -CRegUtils :CRegUtils()| レジストリ取得 説明:Constructor :~CRegUtils()| レジストリ閉じる 説明:Destructor :Open(LPCTSTR lpSubKey)| サブキーオープン 説明:Opens the specified subkey :Create(LPCTSTR lpSubKey)| サブキー生成 説明:Creates the specified subkey :Close()| サブキー終了 説明:Closes the subkey :SetString(LPCTSTR valueName, const BYTE* lpData, DWORD cbData)| string形式設定 説明:Set the key for the named value of type string :GetString(LPCTSTR valueName, LPBYTE lpData, DWORD cbData)| string取得 説明:Query the key for the named value of type string :SetBinary(LPCTSTR valueName, const BYTE* lpData, DWORD cbData)| バイナリ形式設定 説明:Set the key for the named value of type binary :GetBinary(LPCTSTR valueName, LPBYTE lpData, DWORD cbData)| バイナリ取得 説明:Query the key for the named value of type binary :SetDword(LPCTSTR valueName, const BYTE* lpData, DWORD cbData)| Dword形式設定 説明:Set the key for the named value of type DWORD :GetDword(LPCTSTR valueName, LPBYTE lpData, DWORD cbData)| Dword取得 説明:Query the key for the named value of type DWORD -CUtils :GetBMIHeader(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pamt)| 静止画保存 説明:Returns the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure from media type format extension :GetBMIHeader(const CMediaType& mt)| 静止画保存 説明:Returns the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure from media type format extension :GetAvgTimePerFrame(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pamt)| 平均FPS取得 説明:Returns the average time per frame from media type format extension :GetImageSize(BITMAPINFOHEADER* pbmih)| サイズ取得 説明:Calculates the image size -FPS定義(?) UNITS = 10 ^ 7 UNITS / 30 = 30 fps; UNITS / 20 = 20 fps, etc const REFERENCE_TIME FPS_30 = UNITS / 30; const REFERENCE_TIME FPS_2997 = UNITS * 1001 / 30000; const REFERENCE_TIME FPS_25 = UNITS / 25; const REFERENCE_TIME FPS_24 = UNITS / 24; const REFERENCE_TIME FPS_23976 = UNITS * 1001 / 24000; const REFERENCE_TIME FPS_20 = UNITS / 20; const REFERENCE_TIME FPS_10 = UNITS / 10; const REFERENCE_TIME FPS_5 = UNITS / 5; const REFERENCE_TIME FPS_4 = UNITS / 4; const REFERENCE_TIME FPS_3 = UNITS / 3; const REFERENCE_TIME FPS_2 = UNITS / 2; const REFERENCE_TIME FPS_1 = UNITS / 1; *クラス(DecklinkCapture.h) -CDecklinkCaptureApp :CDecklinkCaptureApp()| 説明:CDecklinkCaptureApp construction :InitInstance()| 説明:CDecklinkCaptureApp initialization *サンプル http://www13.atwiki.jp/bmd_intensity?cmd=upload&act=open&pageid=17&file=SDK.zip




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