




Dimitri:Sit down.


Niko:What's the problem?


Dimitri:What do you think?




Niko:Mr Faustin.


Dimitri:Uh huh.



Dimitri:You're given a choice.


Dimitri:Kill your best friend or die... what dou do?


Niko:And there is no way out?


Dimitri:Not now.


Dimitri:Not after you killed Petrovic's son


Niko:You don't have any family. You could run.


Dimitri:Wherever you go. people will find you. if they want to badly enough.


Dimitri:And for they want blood.


Niko:But you and Mikhail. you have so much history.




Niko:Well I killed the boy. so they want me too.




Dimitri:I told them you were a hired gun.


Dimitri:And they said as long as you were the one to kill him. 


Dimitri:you'd be spared.


Niko:So that's the way it is?


Dimitri:Yes,that's the way it is.


Dimitri:He'll be leaving his house in a little while and heading for the club.


Dimitri:Do what you have to do.





Dimitri:You know, if there is one thing I have leaned,


Dimitri:it's that we must obey the rules of the game.


Dimitri:We can pick the game, Niko Bellic,

・Niko Bellic、俺たちはゲームは選べるが…

Dimitri:but de cannot change the rules.


Dimitri:See you later.



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