Capcom Europe BBS2

Capcom Europe BBS

Capcom Europe BBSの江城元秀氏/山﨑剛氏質疑応答

■Capcom Europe - View Single Post - Q&A / Competition - Ace Attorney: Miles Edgworth

If you could have made the game with someone other than Edgeworth as the lead, who would you choose?

Motohide: I do think Edgeworth is the most befitting as the lead. But in the early stages of the development game director Takeshi suggested Ema Skye as the protagonist and we were contemplating on that for a while.

Have you ever considered making an Ace Attorney game where the player's decisions can lead to multiple different endings?

Motohide: When we first started planning for this title we thought of all sorts of ideas some over the top - some not. It was through this process that gave us the idea of ‘Logic’ mode, ‘Rebuttals’ system and so on. I guess multi ending isn’t really for this title if it wasn’t implemented after that much discussion over how the game should be.

Have you ever considered bringing a PvP (player versus player) feature to the game?. For instance where you and a friend can help one another solve a case, or battle one another on a case for points, etc.
PvP(プレイヤー対プレイヤー)の機能を取り入れることは考えませんでしたか? 例えば、友人同士でどのエピソードをプレイしているのかわかったり、詰まったところを教え合ったり。

Motohide: Well… considering this is a game where you become Miles Edgeworth himself in order to pursue the veiled truth in a mystery crime scene, I don’t think the concept of PvP would work very well.

The "ladder/stepladder" joke was in all of the Ace Attorney games so far. Is there a reason for this? Maybe there's a inside joke among the staff about this joke?
全てのシリーズに、ハシゴ・キャタツネタが登場しますが、この理由は? このネタについて、開発スタッフの中での内輪ネタがあるんでしょうか?

Takeshi: It’s not an inside joke or anything but I have to say it has been a tradition since the very first Ace Attorney title. These days the joke has evolved so much that we can’t just let the ladder/stepladder appear in game and so we had to be very witty in order to include them in the conversations between Miles and Kay. A lot of work for my brain indeed.

The Ace Attorney series is an obvious evolution of the popular Point & Click adventures of the 90's. Were there any particularPoint & Clicktitles that inspired you to create this series? Or any other styles of game that had an effect on the production of the series?
逆転シリーズは、90年代のポイント&クリックアドベンチャーゲームを明らかに進歩させたものです。このシリーズを制作するにあたって、影響を受けたポイント&クリックゲームは何ですか? または、それ以外のジャンルからでも、影響があったゲームは?

Takeshi: Not so much as to have been inspired for the series, but I am a big fan of the Myst series from that period - I loved the mysterious atmosphere and the puzzles.

Have any of your team members personally been an attorney, or have you interviewed other attorneys to get a more accurate understanding of the process of the law?
チームに弁護士だった人はいましたか? または、法律について理解を得るために、弁護士に話を聞いたことはありますか?

Motohide: I’m not sure if any family member of our development team is or was in the legal industry - but we did visit a real prosecutor and we asked him all sorts of questions spanning from how a prosecutor would actually investigate a case to the relationship with the police. It was very useful for our project.



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